Saturday is my last day of a three week detox.
The second week was completely vegan with the addition of no processed or wheat products. That week was very tough.
The first and third week, we could eat a very small amount of unprocessed chicken, turkey, or lamb.
So mainly fresh fruits and vegetables, small amount of meat, nuts (no peanuts) with shakes to supplement.
And no alcohol or caffeine for three weeks.
Since the Friday of the first week, the back pain I have had for over ten years has been absolutely gone. This is more than likely due to a food group that I consume in large quantities that causes inflammation in my body. I'm just hoping it's not gluten because I am more than likely not giving up beer.
Many people have stated they experienced a big increase in energy. I have not experienced that, but I also do not have any lulls in energy while on this program like I normally do. I have been going to bed earlier because I am really ready by about 9-9:30, and my wife says I have not snored for about two weeks now.
Weight loss was not the goal for me. I really wanted to feel better. I have lost about 9 pounds. This surprises me because besides the alcohol calories that I am not consuming, I probably have a higher caloric intake while on this due to the fruit (but good sugars).
Anyway, I am really looking forward to have a locally brewed micro-brew beer on Sunday!!