Recent content by Ripper

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  1. Ripper

    What's the Latest on Kamala?
  2. Ripper

    What's the Latest on Kamala?

    The 10 cent whore is still providing more entertainment then Biden ever did, without the dementia, too.
  3. Ripper

    Debate Recap

    Just President Trump kicking her ass, lol more lies.......
  4. Ripper

    Jive talking

    OOOOOOOOOooooh Mr. Snowflake did i hit a nerve? lol So joyful
  5. Ripper

    Jive talking

    Shitty, you missed the point again. Black people and women have nothing to do with it, but you have to use the raciest, misogyny to make someone look bad. Comrade Harris is being a phoney, calculated pandering piece of shit. Its political theater at its worst.
  6. Ripper

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    Paid actors are out of the cheating libs playbook not ours. The families faces have only been all over the news the last 3 years. The fuckturds in here have no morals, disgraceful pieces of shit.
  7. Ripper

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    Ahh great you were there? This guy was there too. He said no assault. Go to 2.00 on the video. Also Trumps campaign communications director said he would offer to release footage to prove it.
  8. Ripper

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    Tell them that chicken shit.
  9. Ripper

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    I watched the videos, unlike you. The Gold Star families said it was not political and they have more integrity then you and fake news, you old fucktard. You should really ask the families to get your answer, go to the source, they have accounts on twitter.
  10. Ripper

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    The only failure i see here, is you trying to shame the Gold Star families ceremony for inviting President Trump. Keep losing loser.
  11. Ripper

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    He was invited. Keep trying
  12. Ripper

    I Will Recreate this Photo (Hopefully, Very Soon)

    You low class scums can keep trying to spin this however you want. But here is the truth. I know you hate the truth, so i will only post a few. many, many more thou. I don't really expect you to even watch one the videos, but i do expect your sorority cunt rag followers to post more lies and...