Weasel I am totally with you on Ortiz Ortiz will be to big and strong and if Nate wings his punches like he did against Funeka Ortiz will put him on his ass
Ortiz is a pretty gifted fighter who holds all the aces in this one.
Amir Khan is whupping Paulies behind Ortiz wins against old Nate and Mitchell will beat Kasidits (probably by knock out, he has very nice timing and Kasidis can be timed).
good luck
As the boys have already stated, the odds are out at 5 Dimes (I wouldn't know as the place is run by an arsehole) so these are my bets-
Khan/Pauly Under 11 1/2 rounds at +140 BIG.
Pauly beats guys due to speed.
He is fighting a guy who is much faster.
His pea-shooters will not be able to back Khan off.
I think a beat, swollen Paulie will be stopped before 12 rounds.
People seem to be forgetting how shit Paulie looked before Diaz.
Herman had him stumbling all over the place.
Lovemore lost every round the first time around and then takes him to a split the second time???
Hatton beat him from pillar to post.
The only MIRACLE CHANCE Paulie has is to clip Khan and stop him and my bet still wins.
This one will be brutal and people will be saying "we should have seen this coming".
Ortiz to beat Campbell at -150 HUGE.
I think sometimes people make rash decisions that they regret 20 seconds later.
Duran did it with Sugar Ray.
Vitali did it with Byrd and then came back to give Lennox Hell.
Ortiz did this with Maidana.
He should have kept his TRUE opinions to himself and just said he couldn't see, the way Nate did against Bradley. It's his HONEST comments that put him in real deep shit.
He was also a couple of punches away from beating him and Maidana is a beast.
This fight being at 142 is huge for Ortiz as he is a BIG 140 pounder and Nate is a small 135 pounder.
Nate is getting older and his stamina is no longer there.
He was really struggling to let punches go against Funeka.
Bradley was mopping the floor with him and Ortiz probably hits a lot harder than Bradley.
Nate has alway's had trouble with bigger fighters such as Isaac Hlatshwayo. Less talented but still beat him.
I'm in the minority that thinks 10 rounds favour's Nate as I believe he is going to look older as the rounds go by.
It won't matter as the younger, stronger, faster, bigger fighter beats him into retirement.
There are a couple of other fights I would like to bet on but no odds yet.
Good luck everyone!!!! :toast: :toast: