enquiring minds want to know


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI

you and DTBlackgumby are two peas in a pod of mis-understanding.

The guy was obviously a mental case to do what he did. I dont condone it and work rage happens way too often.

But lets just take for one moment a differant kind of mindset and thinking.

Walk in his shoes just for a moment.

What would you do. How would you feel ?

Do you feel boxed in like a caged animal.

Thats the way DTBlackgumby thinks.

Dont fall into that trap.

Look outside the box for once in you're life.

It will make you a better man and person.
You're a good man Charlie Brown... :toast:

If the circumstances of the story "had" been reversed, well... you don't have to be Edward R. Murrow to know who DTB would have been sympathetic to in that case.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky

one of your main problems in empathy

you have none

I've got empathy Scott -it's just hard for liberals like you to recognize as it's generally for the victims not the perps--

--another conservative vs liberals values thing -
that was my reason for sarcasim on article--but evidently it went right over your head--but appreciate your personal verification on matter.
Thank You :0008

Just found AP follow up
WOW Can't believe person described killer as -tall black guy--hope they call in NAACP-Black Caucus -ACLU and every one else on such blatant racism. :)

911 call on Conn. shooting shows racial disparity

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<CITE class=vcard>By JOHN CHRISTOFFERSEN, Associated Press Writer John Christoffersen, Associated Press Writer </CITE>? <ABBR class=recenttimedate title=2010-08-05T03:56:47-0700>51 mins ago</ABBR>
<!-- end .byline -->ENFIELD, Conn. ? A woman hiding under her desk tells an emergency dispatcher that a co-worker is in the midst of a [COLOR=#366388 !important][FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif][COLOR=#366388 !important][FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]shooting [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif][COLOR=#366388 !important][FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]spree[/FONT][/color][/FONT][/color][/color]. The dispatcher presses for any information about the man.
"I don't know anything," the woman says, according to a 911 tape released Wednesday. "He's a tall black guy. He's like the only black guy that works here."
Family and friends say [COLOR=#366388 !important][FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif][COLOR=#366388 !important][FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]Omar [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif][COLOR=#366388 !important][FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]Thornton[/FONT][/color][/FONT][/color][/color] was only too painfully aware of that distinction, as he claimed he was subjected to racial discrimination while working as a union driver at Hartford Distributors in Manchester.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.

you and DTBlackgumby are two peas in a pod of mis-understanding.

The guy was obviously a mental case to do what he did. I dont condone it and work rage happens way too often.

But lets just take for one moment a differant kind of mindset and thinking.

Lets say Rusty just happens to be black. You struggle for a long time and finally gets a job in a warehouse for budweieser. Its a good job with benifits. You are able to afford to put a roof over you're head and be a productive member of society.

For awhile everything is good for Rusty. You get paid every week. But you notice that you are the only black person in the company.

Rusty notices that the white people around him arn't too friendly and they dont talk to him much if at all.

Its not easy but Rusty carrys on feeding his family every week and paying his bills , with the check he makes. Then one day Rusty is up for promotion as a driver. Its a job that not everyone can get. It takes senority and keeping you're nose clean with no infractions or bad reports.

And low and behold Rusty is rewarded with the promotion and he starts his job as a driver. Rusty soon begins to notice something is not right. The fellow employees that he thought were friendly , are not anymore. Rusty is puzzled.

After a time, Rusty walks into a restroom and sees a black doll hanging from a noose swinging from the ceiling. On the wall painted in red it says
DIE NIGGER ! He goes home and cannot get it out of his mind. He dreams about it. He worrys about how he will feed his family.

Rusty is no longer amused. He has worked as hard as anyone in the company. He has showed up on time everyday. He has worked overtime whenever asked. He gets along with all the customers on his route and never had a complaint. He also starts to hear people snicker as he walks by and hears muffled under the breath nigger thrown his way.

Rusty is in a dilemma . If he reports the abuse he knows it will just get worse.

Then one day Rusty is in a bathroom stall. He hears a Supervisor come into the bathroom and tell one of his fellow employees that they are going to get that nigger. If its that last thing they do. Rusty records the conversation and it eats at him as he listens to it at home over and over.

Rusty is shocked hearing this, especially from a Supervisor. Supervisors are supposed to be impartial. Supervisors are not supposed to hate in their hearts for employees that work for them.

When Rusty has the opportunity, he starts stealing beer. Its not alot. A case here and there and he drinks it himself to escape the pain and the bad thoughts.

Its a way to get back at the company who he knows is going to fire him in a matter of time.

Then the day comes. Rusty is called into the union office and told that he has been caught on tape stealing beer. They have all the proof. There will be nothing that can be done for him.

Report to the office at 1100 AM monday morning for a meeting with the adminstration officials.

Do you feel it Rusty. Walk in his shoes just for a

What would you do. How would you feel ?

Do you feel boxed in like a caged animal.

Can you really believe that the stealing of the beer was the cause of this guy going postal ?

Thats the way DTBlackgumby thinks.

Dont fall into that trap.

Look outside the box for once in you're life.

It will make you a better man and person.

Why must it always be racism??The guy killed innocent people.He stole from the company????:facepalm: I work in a tight security environment where cameras are everywhere.

I work with retail merchandise.If I stole from them they would show me the door to.Geez Scott thing about it!!


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
Why must it always be racism??The guy killed innocent people.He stole from the company????:facepalm: I work in a tight security environment where cameras are everywhere.

I work with retail merchandise.If I stole from them they would show me the door to.Geez Scott thing about it!!

I never really understand what DTB posts and I dont relly try too hard.

The fact remains that if this guy had not been subjected to to outright abuse , I doubt we would be reading about this right now.

I understand that if you stole from you're company you would be fired. But you do not have Superviisors and fellow employees calling you dumb ass white honky bitch .

Listen Rusty you stupid honky get to work. I will have to figure out a way to fire that dumb ass rusty white honky.

Ok I get it. You would be perfectly fine with that kind of treatment over months and months.

If thats the case you may be superhuman.

no sane person could tolerate that kind of disrespect.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.

I never really understand what DTB posts and I dont relly try too hard.

The fact remains that if this guy had not been subjected to to outright abuse , I doubt we would be reading about this right now.

I understand that if you stole from you're company you would be fired. But you do not have Superviisors and fellow employees calling you dumb ass white honky bitch .

Listen Rusty you stupid honky get to work. I will have to figure out a way to fire that dumb ass rusty white honky.

Ok I get it. You would be perfectly fine with that kind of treatment over months and months.

If thats the case you may be superhuman.

no sane person could tolerate that kind of disrespect.

Well Scott I sure wouldn't of killed period.
Read this http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100805/ap_on_re_us/us_beer_distributor_shootings


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI

I never really understand what DTB posts and I dont relly try too hard.
I think I'm in touch with that Scotty but it's not that I can't understand DTB's posts. It's that I just don't care... :142smilie


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
I never ceased to be amazed when white men sit around and talk like they know what racism is, and what the results of it are or should or should not be. White men, by birthright in this country are privileged. If you are a white man and don't agree with that, or understand that, then that explains all you need to know about it. Much like sexism, ableism, homophobia, etc.

Racism is not an excuse for unlawful behavior, but it most certainly plays a role in a lot of it.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
I never ceased to be amazed when white men sit around and talk like they know what racism is, and what the results of it are or should or should not be. White men, by birthright in this country are privileged. If you are a white man and don't agree with that, or understand that, then that explains all you need to know about it. Much like sexism, ableism, homophobia, etc.

Racism is not an excuse for unlawful behavior, but it most certainly plays a role in a lot of it.

So I guess because I'm white I'm guilty.I work along side minorities every single day trying to survive just like them.I don't feel privileged at all.

Somehow I think out of the seven this man killed at least 1 probably more were people just like you and me trying to make a living.That's just a guess.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
I never ceased to be amazed when white men sit around and talk like they know what racism is, and what the results of it are or should or should not be. White men, by birthright in this country are privileged. If you are a white man and don't agree with that, or understand that, then that explains all you need to know about it. Much like sexism, ableism, homophobia, etc.

Racism is not an excuse for unlawful behavior, but it most certainly plays a role in a lot of it.

Its really a great point. I was out with a friend of mine and told him that we really hit the lottery. Being born as a white straight male in the US during this time is like hitting the lottery. You can't do any better. I've never had to deal with any of the BS. I feel for those that do though. Just look at this board. Its fucking scary.

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
So I guess because I'm white I'm guilty.I work along side minorities every single day trying to survive just like them.I don't feel privileged at all.

Somehow I think out of the seven this man killed at least 1 probably more were people just like you and me trying to make a living.That's just a guess.

You just will never get it.


Turn it up
Forum Member
Mar 8, 2008
Mad City, WI
I never ceased to be amazed when white men sit around and talk like they know what racism is, and what the results of it are or should or should not be. White men, by birthright in this country are privileged. If you are a white man and don't agree with that, or understand that, then that explains all you need to know about it. Much like sexism, ableism, homophobia, etc.

Racism is not an excuse for unlawful behavior, but it most certainly plays a role in a lot of it.
To Chad, Tramp, Duff, Scotty, Lumi, BP and the rest of the guys who get it...

...and, oh yeah, Bruce and Tupac... :toast:

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/-72yh0QXXMA&hl=en_US&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/-72yh0QXXMA&hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
So I guess because I'm white I'm guilty.I work along side minorities every single day trying to survive just like them.I don't feel privileged at all.

This statement just says it all. Just because your life is shit and you haven't achieved what you wanted, doesn't mean you aren't privileged.


Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
Rusty, think of it this way. Comparing yourself to the minorities that you work with every day, do you really think you have to deal with the same issues they do every day? Do you really think that other white people look at you and them in exactly the same way? Do you think you all are treated the same way in all situations? Like being waited on, trying to get a loan, getting the same offer on a vehicle, home or other high ticket item? Do you think police would look at all of you the same way? Do you think a woman walking down a dark street at night would look at all of you the same way?

Or perhaps, if you REALLY stop for a second and think about it, do you think all of you have exactly the same things to deal with in all situations in just "getting by?" The fact that you don't think of things as being different is a great example of white privilege. The point is, you don't have to. The rest of the non-whites you work with do... every day.

I said nothing about being guilty. All I said was that just because of the color of your skin, in many ways, you are privileged. Perhaps in drawing the analogy of being white and being guilty that should tell you something right there.


Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/l0tzZ__Z5Qw&hl=en_US&fs=1?border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/l0tzZ__Z5Qw&hl=en_US&fs=1?border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>

Trampled Underfoot

Forum Member
Feb 26, 2001
Rusty, think of it this way. Comparing yourself to the minorities that you work with every day, do you really think you have to deal with the same issues they do every day? Do you really think that other white people look at you and them in exactly the same way? Do you think you all are treated the same way in all situations? Like being waited on, trying to get a loan, getting the same offer on a vehicle, home or other high ticket item? Do you think police would look at all of you the same way? Do you think a woman walking down a dark street at night would look at all of you the same way?

Or perhaps, if you REALLY stop for a second and think about it, do you think all of you have exactly the same things to deal with in all situations in just "getting by?" The fact that you don't think of things as being different is a great example of white privilege. The point is, you don't have to. The rest of the non-whites you work with do... every day.

I said nothing about being guilty. All I said was that just because of the color of your skin, in many ways, you are privileged. Perhaps in drawing the analogy of being white and being guilty that should tell you something right there.

That is really well said and look what Rusty comes back with. It just makes you shake your head. :nooo:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Just finished 1st day of tourney--with the brothers--will have some pics for the race baiter tomorrow.

Great bunch of guys from all over the country.
Always look forward to playing with them

Flip side would I drop kids off to go trick or treating on Ky Ave on halloween--no chance--and neither would the group I golfed with today.

Does that make us racists or prudent :0corn

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Forum Member
Apr 2, 2000
SW Missouri
First of all, what the hell does that music video have to do with anything, Rusty? Sorry, I could not listen to that and get anything from it. I know posting it is easier than addressing the issue, so forgive me for not picking up on your "point."

Second of all, Wayne, it makes you prudent in some ways, if that's what makes you feel better. Guessing there are other "whiter" areas in less socio-economic areas of Kentucky that you would not want your kids trick or treating in, and most assuredly your "brothers" would not want to take their kids trick or treating in. How do you think your "brothers" kids would be looked at compared to your kids on Kentucky Ave? How would the same group be looked at on the more affluent areas of Kentucky?

Perhaps, if the skin colors of all the kids were covered up completely by the costumes, all of the kids would feel the same out in public, and be looked at the same way.

Another thing I wonder about with you playing with the "brothers." You probably cannot know the answer to this, but I'd like to hear what the "brothers" say about white people from time to time when none of them/you are around. Do you think they think there is any white privilege in the United States, in other words?

Or, simple question, do YOU think there is such a thing as white privilege in the U.S., Wayne? Just having white skin, does that have any inherent advantages to it? Do you ever hear anyone commend a white person as being a "credit to their race," for instance?


Truth Teller
Forum Member
Mar 30, 2007
Jefferson City, Missouri
Steal beer, murder people and yell RACISM, what a piece of shit!!!

in U.S.Beer warehouse shooter long complained of racism
Buzz up!151 votes ShareretweetEmailPrint AP ? **ADDS LOCATION PHOTO WAS TAKEN** This June 2010 cell phone photo provided by Kristi Hannah, shows her ?
Slideshow:Shooting at Conn. beer distributor By JOHN CHRISTOFFERSEN, Associated Press Writer John Christoffersen, Associated Press Writer ? Sat Aug 7, 12:43 pm ET
NEW HAVEN, Conn. ? To those closest to him, Omar Thornton was caring, quiet and soft-spoken. He was excited to land a well-paying job at a beer delivery company a few years ago and his longtime girlfriend says they talked of marrying and having children.

But underneath, Thornton seethed with a sense of racial injustice for years that culminated in a shooting rampage Tuesday in which the Connecticut man killed eight and wounded two others at his job at Hartford Distributors in Manchester before killing himself.

"I know what pushed him over the edge was all the racial stuff that was happening at work," said his girlfriend, Kristi Hannah.

Thornton, a black man, said as much in a chilling, four-minute 911 call.

"You probably want to know the reason why I shot this place up," Thornton said in a recording released Thursday. "This place is a racist place. They're treating me bad over here. And treat all other black employees bad over here, too. So I took it to my own hands and handled the problem. I wish I could have got more of the people."

Thornton, 34, went on his killing spree moments after he was forced to resign when confronted with video evidence that he had been stealing and reselling beer.

Hartford Distributors president Ross Hollander said there was no record to support claims of "racial insensitivity" made through the company's anti-harassment policy, the union grievance process or state and federal agencies. Relatives of the victims also rejected the claims.

Thornton, who grew up in the Hartford area, complained about racial troubles on the job long before he worked at Hartford Distributors.

"He always felt like he was being discriminated (against) because he was black," said Jessica Anne Brocuglio, his former girlfriend. "Basically they wouldn't give him pay raises. He never felt like they accepted him as a hard working person."

One time Thornton had a confrontation with a white co-worker who used a racial slur against him, she said. Thornton changed jobs a few times because he was not getting raises, Brocuglio said.

"I'm sick of having to quit jobs and get another job because they can't accept me," she said he told her.

Brocuglia, who said she dated Thornton until eight years ago, said Thornton helped her become a certified nursing aide. She said he never drank or smoked and remained calm, even when she would yell or grab him.

"He was such a caring person," said Brocuglia, who is white. "He showed me so much love. He was like a teddy bear."

Brocuglio's sister, Toni, said Thornton would come home and say co-workers called him racial slurs. He was also upset by comments made by passers-by about the interracial couple, she said.

"He just didn't understand why people had so much hatred in their lives," Toni Brocuglio said.

Brocuglio said Thornton put her family up in a hotel after a fire at her house and was "like a second dad" to her children.

"Omar was the best man I ever met in my life," Brocuglio said.

Thornton ran into his own troubles a decade ago when he filed for bankruptcy protection. His debts were discharged in 2001 and the case was closed.

Around that time, Thornton was hired as a driver with Chemstation New England, a chemical company in South Windsor. But he was let go after 10 months, unable to master the mechanical skills involved handling the equipment, said Bruce LeFebvre, the owner.

"He was a real nice kid when he was with us," LeFebvre said. "Certainly I would never have expected anything like this from him."

LeFebvre said Thornton handled it well when he was let go.

Thornton was hired for a warehouse job at Hartford Distributors about two years ago and was later promoted to driver. Drivers can make up to $60,000 and receive excellent benefits, said John Hollis, legislative liaison for the Teamsters who represent employees at the company.

"He had this huge smile on his face" when he was hired, Hannah said.

Thornton seemed happy outside of work, too, playing basketball and video games and occasionally shooting his gun at a local range with a friend.

Thornton and his mother were especially excited when Barack Obama was elected the first African American president, Hannah said. He listed Obama and the gun range among his interests on his Facebook page.

But Hannah said he showed her cell phone photos of racist graffiti in the bathroom at the beer company and overheard a company official using a racial epithet in reference to him, but a union representative did not return his phone calls. Police said they recovered the phone and forensics experts would examine it.

"Nothing else bothered him except these comments he would make about them doing the racial things to him," Hannah said.
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Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 24, 2006
Under a mask.
What am I missing here??????The guy is forced to resign amid theft charges and everyones a racist.

If hes white hes a cold blooded killer??:facepalm:
I won't take the blame for his killings.Don't you guys get it.That's the guilty of being white I'm talking about.

Rampage murderer Omar Thornton caught on video giving friend beer

BY Matthew Lysiak and Leo Standora

Connecticut killer Omar Thornton was caught on surveillance video giving stolen beer to a woman who's in a relationship with his best friend, family members and police said yesterday.

Christy Quail, 33, was caught twice last month receiving beer from Thornton on tape recorded by a private investigator hired by Hartford Distributors, police said.

She was arrested at her home yesterday and charged with two counts of sixth-degree larceny, cops said.

Confronted Tuesday with evidence of his theft, Thornton, 34, agreed to resign then went on a shooting spree, killing eight and wounding two. He later killed himself.

Quail is in a relationship with Sean Quail, who once worked at the distributorship with Thornton, said Kristi Hannah, Thornton's girlfriend.

Sean Quail quit his job because of a "vision problem," but remained tight with Thornton, Hannah said.

"They did everything together from going to the shooting range to working out at the gym," Hannah said.

East Windsor Police Chief Edward DeMarco Jr. said more arrests are expected.

Duff Miver

Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 29, 2009
Right behind you
So, rusty, you've been clogging up the board about a black man who "went postal". That's a fair description of his and your actions, isn't it?

What did you have to say about (white) Charles Roberts who slaughtered ten Amish school children? Nothing?

What did you have to say about (Muslim) Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who slaughtered 12? Nothing?

In fact, what have you ever had to say about a non-black killer? Nothing, right?

Forrest Gump said: "stupid is as stupid does".

He could have also said" "bigots is as bigots does".

We report, you decide.

big?ot (bgt)
One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

I rest my case.
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