Game Of Thrones - HBO


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I watched about 30 min of the first episode. It seemed too ridiculous, but I didn't give it a full chance. They sorta lost me with the idea of a wild west carnival gunslinger going into battle with demonic spirits of the London opium underworld.

made it through 2 episodes(and that was plenty)...the only characters that seemed interesting were Hartnett`s squeeze and the theater owner.....with her tuberculosis situation,i`d be shocked if she doesn`t end up as the creature`s(yeah,really frightening creature that is) woman.....

eva green is unwatchable, is the guy playing dorian gray....

I am sorry I missed fargo....


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
You fuckers stop posting non Game of Thrones shit in here.

Get that "anyone watching Penny Dreadful?" bullshit out of this thread.

I have spoken.



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002

Only one more episode of the best show on TV (one of the best all time). We have to wait until 2015 for Season 5:cry:



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
You fuckers stop posting non Game of Thrones shit in here.

Get that "anyone watching Penny Dreadful?" bullshit out of this thread.

I have spoken.


On other side, but good luck with your policy. :0008


That'll play
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2002
Damn only one more episode, definitely the best show currently on tv and I agree with kick, keep this to thrones talk


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Why is this book series called "The Song of Fire and Ice"? It should just be "Everything Good Happens for Tywin Lannister". Seriously, what has happened in the series that hasn't been good for him?

Season 1
King Robert dies and now his family has control of the Iron Throne

Season 2
He come riding in at the last minute and saves Kings Landing and takes over as the Hand

Season 3
Robb Stark dies by his orders and ends the war and gives him control of the north. Jamie's hand gets chopped off, but that will probably work out for the best by forcing him to become Lord of Casterly Rock like Tywin wants.

Season 4
Geoffrey dies but that's a good thing because he now has more control over the throne, and now he gets to kill Tyrion like he's always wanted


Tywin Lannister finally finally finally gets it, no more "Everything Good Happens for Tywin Lannister".

Dude got killed by his own son while taking a shit...........boom:0057


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002

Episode 10 The Children

Well holy hell.....what an amazing episode:00hour

- Ok we thought Prince Oberyn killed Ser Gregor "the Mountain" Clegane, umm maybe not? Grand Maester Pycelle is certain that "the mountain" is done, Qyburn believes that he can save Ser Gregor, and Cersei orders him to do everything he can. What's up with that? Why is Cersei concerned if he lives or dies:shrug: And what the fuck is Qyburn going to do? Going to turn "the Mountain into some sort of cybernetic organism?

- Cersei tells her father, Tywin that she will not marry Ser Loras, she also confesses to him that the rumors of incest between herself and Jaime are true, and that her children have no royal lineage. Tywin not having any of that shit. She leaves to be with Jaime, where she confesses her love to him. We got some incest coming up in Season 5 people:00hour

- In the dungeon Tyrion awaits his execution. Jaime fresh off some quality incest sex arrives to rescue him. Jamie leads him out of the dungeon. Tyrion, using a small hidden passage, sneaks into the Tower of the Hand and finds Shae in his father's bed. She grabs a knife and tries to stab him, well ummm Tyrion ain't going for that shit. He strangles her, yep she's done. Poor Tyrion:cry:

- Taking Joffrey's crossbow off the wall, he goes on a mission to find his father. He finds his father on the shitter and has a little chat with him about Shae. When Tywin calls her a whore, Tyrion warns him to not use that word again, but when he does, Tyrion lights him up with an arrow. And then another arrow and finally Tywin is dead.

- Jon Snow gets all bad ass and meets with Mance Rayder, then out of freaking nowhere Stannis Baratheon (and his annoying fire bitch) show up and save the day.

- Jon burns Ygritte's remains north of the Wall, poor Jon, he will never find a girl like Ygritte:cry:

- Far north of the Wall, Bran and his buddies near the end of their journey. As they reach the large Heart Tree these skeleton fuckers start climbing out of the snow:scared Jojen is killed in the attack, but Bran, Hodor, and Meera are saved by some child that looked like she was cast in Mad Max.

- We finally get to see the three-eyed raven, and what does he do? He tells Bran that he will never walk again, but he will fly. Well fuck that shit! They go through all that crap and this wise raven dude says that. Not worth the journey in my opinion, sheesh:facepalm:

- Daenerys finds out her third dragon (the one on the loose) killed a three year old girl. She has no choice and is forced lock the other two dragons in the catacombs beneath the Great Pyramid. Sad day for Daenerys:cry:

- Brienne finds Arya, wow:scared Ya think we are going to get a happy ending and Arya is going to finally see her sister again and all is going to be great. Then Arya decides she isn't going with Brienne:scared WTF? Of course it didn't help that Brienne was holding a Lannister sword, nope that didn't help things at all. The Hound and Brienne have one hell of a battle but Brienne wins, knocks the Hound off a cliff. Arya hides and evades Brienne. She finds the Hound mortally wounded at the bottom of a hill. Though he eventually begs her to kill him, she instead takes the money he had and leaves. I was hoping Arya would kill him and cross another name off her list. But I think her leaving the hound to die a slow death was the right move.

- Arya takes off and arrives at a nearby harbor, she buys passage on a ship bound for Braavos with the coin Jaqen H'ghar/Valar Morghulis gave to her. Yes that's right THE Jaqen H'ghar/Valar Morghulis:00hour

I sure hope we get to see Jaqen H'ghar/Valar Morghulis again, I love that dude, he might be my fave character in the series. I hope we get to see him again.

Jaqen H'ghar/Valar Morghulis



Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.


Cersei and Jaime got best of it...

I think Cersei not wanting forced marriage, boffs Jaime..suggesting to him it would be a good thing to release your brother....right now, this minute.. while Daddy-dearest is doing the nasty with Tyrion's ex.

Jaime leads Tyrion to Daddys chambers...and lo and be-hold...Tyrion gets revenge and in the process takes out Dad. (as Cersei hoped)

Result Jaime+Cersei+ Controllable, win, win.

Well played...:0074


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Cersei and Jaime got best of it...

I think Cersei not wanting forced marriage, boffs Jaime..suggesting to him it would be a good thing to release your brother....right now, this minute.. while Daddy-dearest is doing the nasty with Tyrion's ex.

Jaime leads Tyrion to Daddys chambers.
..and lo and be-hold...Tyrion gets revenge and in the process takes out Dad. (as Cersei hoped)

Result Jaime+Cersei+ Controllable, win, win.

Well played...:0074

that`s a little fuzzy...based on kick`s comments,dinklage took a hidden passage and got some payback on his own.....I`m honestly not sure who is right regarding whether dinklage took a detour before heading to freedom....kick,what say you?

is it written in stone that the hound bought the farm?....who knows,with his good looks and winning personality he may have been rescued by some farmer`s daughter.....:SIB..i enjoyed the hound and Charles dance and wouldn`t be disappointed if the hound was miraculously saved for a later resurrection...shae I was glad to see get zapped...

not sure that the writers could have packed more interesting content into an hour and 15 minutes(short of another carice van houten nudie scene)....I was a big deadwood and sopranos fan and Idon`t recall seeing an episode of either that was was better than this finale.....

I`m curious...if anyone`s read the books,is there much more content available for the writers to continue for years to come?....they sure did catch lighning in a bottle with this one....this show alone is keeping us from axing our hbo subscription.....


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
that`s a little fuzzy...based on kick`s comments,dinklage took a hidden passage and got some payback on his own.....I`m honestly not sure who is right regarding whether dinklage took a detour before heading to freedom....kick,what say you?

is it written in stone that the hound bought the farm?....who knows,with his good looks and winning personality he may have been rescued by some farmer`s daughter.....:SIB..i enjoyed the hound and Charles dance and wouldn`t be disappointed if the hound was miraculously saved for a later resurrection...shae I was glad to see get zapped...

I think Tyrion did it all on his own. Obviously he'd know about the trap door, so I think he headed right there and was going to kill his sister, but when he ran into Shae all hell broke lose. Tyrion went all apeshit and that was it.

The Hound may survive, but not looking good for him.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I think Tyrion did it all on his own. Obviously he'd know about the trap door, so I think he headed right there and was going to kill his sister, but when he ran into Shae all hell broke lose. Tyrion went all apeshit and that was it.

The Hound may survive, but not looking good for him.

I think you hit the nail right on the head...this was such a good episode I`m going to record it on dvd....

we actually watched the back to back showings...

btw...did the eunuch go on the road with dinklage?...that was them in the hull of the ship near the end,right?....


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
excellent finale :0074

if story line spreads like this we need at least two finales next season...

no white walkers but skeleton zombies ?

btw, how did that rather large horse army pass the wall ?
through that tunnel next to Castle black ?
pirate ships ?

Last edited:


That'll play
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2002
Awesome episode, I agree with kick, that was a dinklage rampage. When the bell tolls, time to split, cant believe I have to wait so long for this glorious tv crack
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