That was Loras Tyrell after he won the tournament. The Hound came to his rescue.
That was Loras Tyrell after he won the tournament. The Hound came to his rescue.
That was Loras Tyrell after he won the tournament. The Hound came to his rescue.
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**comes back with better picture than Kick. Wins the day and rides of with Khalessi, Missandei, Doreah, Ygritte, Margaery and the fire lady while Kick plays with Brienne**
I really need to go back and watch first couple seasons again. For some reason I had that scene remembered with Ned doing the rescuing/sparring instead of Hound. :facepalm: Just saw that scene again on youtube. Thanks...
You should be thanking me, just sayin'
ukgaz's response, while seconds after yours, was a slightly more accurate answer to my question. :0008
it appears both of the "Champions" killed each other,
could the "Imp" not claim it was therefore a draw?
Why is this book series called "The Song of Fire and Ice"? It should just be "Everything Good Happens for Tywin Lannister". Seriously, what has happened in the series that hasn't been good for him?
it appears both of the "Champions" killed each other,
could the "Imp" not claim it was therefore a draw?
Episode 08 The Mountain and the Viper
- Gilly and her baby survive Mole's Town. Rather big feat considering those two bad asses Styr and Tormund Giantsbane (and their buddies) were slicing up everybody. Nice to see Ygritte let Gilly and her baby live. That Ygritte acts all tough but she is nice a cuddly when ya get right down to it:mj07:
- Yet again the Night's Watch knows 8 billion bad ass motherfuckers are going to storm the wall, but they stay, what heart I tell ya, what heart:Yep:
- Ramsay Snow gets his robot Reek to basically hand him the Moat, ya gotta hand it to Ramsay, he is a sadistic fuck, but he gets the job done. I am still guessing Reek turns back into Theon Greyjoy and kills Reek, but as time goes by it looks unlikely.
- Missandei catches Grey Worm watching her bathe, and she likes it, yep she likes itLooks like Grey Worm is going to get some action, and man he deserves it. I hope Missandei lets Grey Worm use his little wormy on her (if he has one?).
- Ser Jorah past finally catches up to him, ya knew eventually Daenerys would find out that way back Ser Jorah was a mole. And let me tell ya Daenerys was pissed. Poor Ser Jorah he loves Daenerys but he ain't going to hit that ever. Even worse he is now out of the "friend zone", bad bad bad day for Ser Jorah
- Sansa backs up Petyr Baelish story of Lysa committing suicide, looks like Sansa has finally grown up and is now going to fuck some shit up:firing:
- Sandor "The Hound" Clegane and Arya walk the narrow path toward Eyrie. Coming to the Bloody Gate, they are informed of Lady Arryn's death......Arya breaks out laughing, great stuff:mj07: Will Arya finally see her sister, she's so close, just peak over the wall Arya, your sister is right there on the other side of the wall:wall:
- Oberyn super confident he is going to kill Ser Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane, that confidence costs him badly. He wants Ser Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane to confess that Tywin gave the order to kill his sister, Elia, and her two children, well ummmm, he got his confession, right before his head pops off:facepalm:
- Tywin rises and sentences Tyrion to death, not good, not good at all![]()
it appears both of the "Champions" killed each other,
could the "Imp" not claim it was therefore a draw?
Being a draw, the death sentence decision would have to be delayed for a re-match or....?
I would hate to see Tyrion take a dirt nap, he is a likable character.
he goes
roughly 1/3 of any interesting dialogue in the show goes to hell....and ,i lose quite a bit of interest...
his father/sister/brother/the eunuch and numerous other characters all become much less interesting...his conversations with them were the most interesting part of the show....the beetle rap with his brother was fantastic....he gives the writers a chance to really exercise their chops....
the fat guy worrying about the wench and her baby...the crippled kid with the wolves....the red haired wilding broad and her boyfriend at the black watch...all meh....
I know they`re trying to keep it real,but,if you zap little-big man,you`d better find somebody else that can carry the load....
he`s the fricking star...period
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