Game Of Thrones - HBO


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Season 4 Episode 06 May 11th The Laws of Gods and Men

- Stannis and Davos arrive in Braavos, where they meet with some CEO's from the Iron Bank. Not sure why Davos is always trying to impress Stannis, I'd be happy if Stannis and that annoying Fire Bitch were murdered by Davos but I digress. Davos steps up huge and gets the Iron Bank on his side. Then he meets up with his pirate buddy Salladhor Saan but he doesn't get any poontang from all those naked chicks, come on Davos get some, sheesh:facepalm:

- Daenerys having trouble controlling her dragons, I thought one of em was going to eat that kid, thankfully the dragon had a taste for goat. Props to Daenerys for stepping up though and throwing some coin at that Meereen farmer. After that Hizadahr zo Loraq asks to bury his father, again Daenerys steps up, you go girl:0074

- Yara Greyjoy never liked her brother, but regardless she tried to save him, that didn't go so well. Safe to say she's done with him. Ramsay is one sick fuck, what is he going to do with "Reek" now? Now he wants him to pretend to be Theon. I mean WTF? Theon should have never turned on the Stark's I mean man oh man has that decision fucked him up.

- At "The Meeting of the Small Council"....Tywin puts a bounty on Sandor "The Hound" Clegan, something tells me that will change nothing. Varys also informs the council of Daenerys's conquest of Meereen and a bunch of other Daenerys news about her kicking ass. Tywin decides to take measures to prevent her from launching an invasion. Ummmm? Whatever that means?

- At the trial Jaime asks Tywin to spare Tyrion, they work out a deal, then all hell breaks lose:scared Shae comes out of fucking nowhere and testifies that Tyrion and Sansa planned Joffrey's murder together, claiming that Sansa wanted vengeance for the murder of her father, mother, and brother. It seems that Shae was a tad pissed off with the whole "You are just a whore" comment made by Tyrion, yep that didn't go over well. Shae was one pissed off chick:scared Tyrion then goes fucking apeshit and says that he wishes they all died, he just goes off and basically says "Fuck King's Landing I have had enough of this shit".......gotta love ?I should have let Stannis kill you all!? Then he says it:

"Trial by Combat":firing::firing::firing::firing::firing:

Seriously how good is the acting/writing on this show I mean how good:scared

Wow, just wow:0057



Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
well,as a straight man I have to admit that that lil` mf`er dinklage gives me wood...there,i said it...

that was some serious shit...I`m going to watch it again...whoa !!.:grins:

It's OK weasie. I think it doesn't count if it's a midget.

Shay's betrayal was clearly the last straw for Dinklage. He's too smart to fall for Tywin's bogus offer. The cornered dwarf played his only card and it was a good one. Great monologue. And now Jamie (I assume?) will be forced to kill him in battle. Well played, wee one.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

- Stannis and Davos arrive in Braavos, where they meet with some CEO's from the Iron Bank. Not sure why Davos is always trying to impress Stannis, I'd be happy if Stannis and that annoying Fire Bitch were murdered by Davos but I digress. Davos steps up huge and gets the Iron Bank on his side. Then he meets up with his pirate buddy Salladhor Saan but he doesn't get any poontang from all those naked chicks, come on Davos get some, sheesh:facepalm:

Now that we finally get a glimpse of Braavos, my first question was "why isn't the show about that place?" Obviously that's the center (centre for you northerners) of power. These hicks in Westeros are bassackwards hayseeds fighting for scraps compared to the sophisticated power of Braavos.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
These hicks in Westeros are bassackwards hayseeds fighting for scraps compared to the sophisticated power of Braavos.

And don't forget about that Braavos statue (Titan of Braavos).........


Imposing to say the least:scared


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I guess they are the Roman equivalents compared to the Midievel Druids of Westeros.:shrug:


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
This show needs to pick up the pace.

I did like the dragon scene, and I did like Tyrion's monologue and request to fight for his life. Prince Oberyn is just like Kickserv; he has no clue what castrating a man does to their sex drive.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
the director was very smart to continuously pan on Diana rigg`s daughter during the trial(after rigg confided to her that dinklage had nothing to do with lord biebers death).....I`m wondering whether she`ll play a part in dinklage`s fate going forward...

and the oberyn dude had some great questions/comments and facial expressions during the trial....glad he`s getting more face time...

the eunuch is one cunning linguist......I think dinklage thought they were buddyroos....guy is very hard to read....


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Now that we finally get a glimpse of Braavos, my first question was "why isn't the show about that place?"

Do you really want to watch a show about medieval bankers? Powerful? Yes. Interesting to watch? Not so much.

Setting aside the fantasy elements, I think this is one of the core points of the series. Very little changes for the people at the top and the bottom. Beggars beg, farmers farm, soldiers fight - and all of them have a short life expectancy. At the top, the people that control the purse strings stay out of the politics (or control it from behind the scenes) and stay rich. The people fighting for political control are really the ones in the middle - the ambitious ones that maneuver and scheme their way to the top - and generally get supplanted quickly by other planners and schemers. Meanwhile the poor are still poor and the rich are still rich - so what impact did they really have?

And all of that is probably as true today as it was in the Middle Ages.


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast
With that actor. . . and those lines. . . . I expected much more. Take away the music and the cutaways and the darkened makeup and he really choked. Stupid Dinkalage. Don't fade away.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
So if it's a trial by combat and Jaime represents crown and he does same as Vardis Egen saying
he doesn't want to fight a dwarf but Bronn instead ? Then kills him and Tyrion walks ?

Maybe that's why Tyrion made Bronn practice with Jaime in first place... :0corn

and i guess dragon bitch is getting bored with her life and needs some dragon action because she isn't getting any :142hump:



Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
So if it's a trial by combat and Jaime represents crown and he does same as Vardis Egen saying
he doesn't want to fight a dwarf but Bronn instead ? Then kills him and Tyrion walks ?

One of the things that makes this show great is that the decisions made by the characters almost always make complete sense in terms of who their characters are and the situations they are in rather than taking them in the predictable directions we've come to expect from most shows.

With that in mind, do you really think that the crown is going to choose a one-armed man who is related to and sympathizes with the accused to represent them? It would be far more likely that the crown chooses someone else and then Jaime volunteers to be Tyrion's champion and fight for him because no one else will.


Forum Member
Jul 30, 2003
One of the things that makes this show great is that the decisions made by the characters almost always make complete sense in terms of who their characters are and the situations they are in rather than taking them in the predictable directions we've come to expect from most shows.

With that in mind, do you really think that the crown is going to choose a one-armed man who is related to and sympathizes with the accused to represent them? It would be far more likely that the crown chooses someone else and then Jaime volunteers to be Tyrion's champion and fight for him because no one else will.

Great episode! That would be awesome!


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
sorry i wasn't clear whit what.

what i meant was that if Jaime fights against Bronn and then Tyrion walks free :SIB


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Last three episodes of Season 4...........

Episode 08 The Mountain and the Viper
Episode 09 The Watchers on the Wall
Episode 10 The Children


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
"Mockingbird" Episode 7

- Tyrion asks Jaime to be his champion, but Jaime declines due to the whole "one hand thing". Tyrion then asks Bronn, that also does not go well, seems Bronn wants nothing to do with Ser Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane. Then when all looks lost out of nowhere Oberyn Martell steps the fuck up and wants to kill Ser Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane to exact his revenge on Ser Gregor for killing his sister, Elia, and her children. That exchange between Oberyn Martell and Tyrion in the cell was good tv right there I tell, yet another reason why G.O.T is the best show on TV by far.

- Jon and his remaining men arrive back at Castle Black, and yet again they don't listen to Jon when he warns them that Mance Rayder's army is going to fuck shit up and the Wall won't do shit. But yep, yet again Ser Alliser Thorne quotes that "for thousands of years the Wall has stood, blah blah blah". Mr. Snow needs to kill that Ser Alliser Thorne dude, just sayin'.

- Lady Selyse walks in on Melisandre (Fire bitch) in the bathtub. Instead of drowning the fire bitch she buys into the "Lord of the light" bullshit and once again fire bitch gets what she wants. Selyse tells Melisandre that she does not want her daughter to go on the trip, but sure enough fire bitch convinces mommy to take along Shireen. Which of course means "the lord of the light" wants to sacrifice the little girl.

There is nobody I want dead more then fire bitch, I can't stand that bitch. It would be great if she froze to death. The only one in all of Dragonstone that hates the fire bitch is Shireen, that little girl doesn't buy into the "Lord of the Light" bullshit, maybe she can fuck fire bitch up.

- Brienne and Podrick eat at an inn, and are served by Hot Pie, and Hot Pie steps up and tells them that Arya is alive. Way to go Hot Pie:00hour

- Arya has 11 on her kill list, she then adds to her list when learns Rorge's name. As soon as she hears his name she stabs him in the heart, killing him. Arya is now officially kicking some ass. We learn that Gregor caused the burns on Sandor "The Hound" Clegane face. Sandor "The Hound" Clegane doesn't know it but his brother is about to fight Oberyn Martell.

- Daenerys and Daario Naharis have some sex. Greyworm is going to be pissed, really really pissed.

- Sansa builds a replica of Winterfell out of snow in a small courtyard. Robin can't shut the fuck up about the moon door, then finally Sansa and her 3 years of holding everything in snaps and smacks the little shit. Sansa finally unleashes some attitude. You go Sansa, you go girl:box2: Petyr Baelish then comes walking in, kisses Sansa and all hell breaks lose. Lady Arryn sees the kiss and is not pleased at all. It is off to the moon door, crazy chick Lady Arryn grabs Sansa and is close to throwing her through the moon door. Well that sets Petyr off and he throws crazy Arryn through the moon door. Something tells me Robin is NOT going to love the moon door as much as he used too. Once he finds out his mom went for a ride he won't be happy at all.


Eat my pickle
Forum Member
Aug 23, 2002
Bartlett, TN
"Mockingbird" Episode 7

- Tyrion asks Jaime to be his champion, but Jaime declines due to the whole "one hand thing". Tyrion then asks Bronn, that also does not go well, seems Bronn wants nothing to do with Ser Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane. Then when all looks lost out of nowhere Oberyn Martell steps the fuck up and wants to kill Ser Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane to exact his revenge on Ser Gregor for killing his sister, Elia, and her children. That exchange between Oberyn Martell and Tyrion in the cell was good tv right there I tell, yet another reason why G.O.T is the best show on TV by far.

- Jon and his remaining men arrive back at Castle Black, and yet again they don't listen to Jon when he warns them that Mance Rayder's army is going to fuck shit up and the Wall won't do shit. But yep, yet again Ser Alliser Thorne quotes that "for thousands of years the Wall has stood, blah blah blah". Mr. Snow needs to kill that Ser Alliser Thorne dude, just sayin'.

- Lady Selyse walks in on Melisandre (Fire bitch) in the bathtub. Instead of drowning the fire bitch she buys into the "Lord of the light" bullshit and once again fire bitch gets what she wants. Selyse tells Melisandre that she does not want her daughter to go on the trip, but sure enough fire bitch convinces mommy to take along Shireen. Which of course means "the lord of the light" wants to sacrifice the little girl.

There is nobody I want dead more then fire bitch, I can't stand that bitch. It would be great if she froze to death. The only one in all of Dragonstone that hates the fire bitch is Shireen, that little girl doesn't buy into the "Lord of the Light" bullshit, maybe she can fuck fire bitch up.

- Brienne and Podrick eat at an inn, and are served by Hot Pie, and Hot Pie steps up and tells them that Arya is alive. Way to go Hot Pie:00hour

- Arya has 11 on her kill list, she then adds to her list when learns Rorge's name. As soon as she hears his name she stabs him in the heart, killing him. Arya is now officially kicking some ass. We learn that Gregor caused the burns on Sandor "The Hound" Clegane face. Sandor "The Hound" Clegane doesn't know it but his brother is about to fight Oberyn Martell.

- Daenerys and Daario Naharis have some sex. Greyworm is going to be pissed, really really pissed.

- Sansa builds a replica of Winterfell out of snow in a small courtyard. Robin can't shut the fuck up about the moon door, then finally Sansa and her 3 years of holding everything in snaps and smacks the little shit. Sansa finally unleashes some attitude. You go Sansa, you go girl:box2: Petyr Baelish then comes walking in, kisses Sansa and all hell breaks lose. Lady Arryn sees the kiss and is not pleased at all. It is off to the moon door, crazy chick Lady Arryn grabs Sansa and is close to throwing her through the moon door. Well that sets Petyr off and he throws crazy Arryn through the moon door. Something tells me Robin is NOT going to love the moon door as much as he used too. Once he finds out his mom went for a ride he won't be happy at all.


keep the reviews coming. Even after watching the GOT Sunday nights, I look forward to your reviews. I still get confused on who's who. i.e. I didn't realize The Hound and Sir Gregor were brothers. BTW, that's one BIGGGG mfer.
You do a great job of recapping the show by hitting the high points.

Who do you think had the king killed. I think it was Tywin, but hell maybe Cersi saw her bastard son was incompetent.

Also, Petyr Balish seems he is getting ready to make a big move to power, ie thru Sansa or not, but he has something cookin.....
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