I just finished A storm of swords, the third book, and about to start A feast for crows. Love the books and it sounds like the tv series is following the story line pretty much exactly. Has anyone read the books and watch the series? Wondering if I will like the tv show after reading the books.
Hope this question hasn't been ask too many times, new to the thread. thanks
Well, I have but not quite in the conventional way. I started by watching the show but started the books about halfway through season 2 and then had all 5 finished before the start of the 3rd season. So for the last season plus I've been able to compare the books to the show but of course from the very start of the books my imagining of the main characters was already heavily influenced by the show.
In any case, to directly answer your question - yes you will most definitely enjoy the show. I literally don't know one person who has read the books and dislikes the show. Of course, as is almost always the case, the books are better and everyone agrees on that as well.
Obviously, I don't want to get into specifics and invoke the rage of Kick, but I can say this very generally . . .
I'd say that about 75% of the time what happens in the show is verbatim taken from the book and they do it very well. Out of the remaining 25% that's different, 20% of the time it is relatively minor changes that are completely understandable in terms of trying to pace a character's story over the course of the season or to avoid introducing tons of new characters that aren't really needed long-term. Unless you are a die-hard book purist, those won't really bother you. The remaining 5%, though, will tick you off from time to time. Usually it's not a major plot difference - just the way things unfold are changed in such a way that it portrays a character very differently than how they are portrayed in the book.
And of course the violence, magic, and especially the T&A are all ramped up in the show.