Game Of Thrones - HBO


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I had that pie-theory, too! Margaery looked at him as if she wanted to make sure he had a bite... The problem with the whole thing is just that there are waay too many suspects! You can't really trust anyone in King's Landing :popcorn2 , but that's what makes it soo good, right?

that and a hot redhead who has a vapor-fiend crawl out of her chuff to kill some schmuck....


Forum Member
Apr 16, 2014

that and a hot redhead who has a vapor-fiend crawl out of her chuff to kill some schmuck....

you do seem to be quite smitten with the Red Lady ;) - But I can't say I mind some of those handsome fellows on the show. Although killing off Robb Stark really set the count back, so I'm counting on them to add some more attractive 'characters' in.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Anybody miss him?



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002

Season 4 Episode 03 April 20th Breaker of Chains

- Dontos and Sansa flee the feast, head out on a boat and I think maybe Sansa was the one who killed Joffrey, I was wrong, oh so wrong. Lord Petyr Baelish is on the boat and then he orders Dontos killed. I sure didn't see that coming:scared

- Olenna and Margaery discuss Joffrey's murder and it kind of sounds like they had nothing to do with it, but maybe Olenna was in on it with Baelish, I hope so anyway.

- Tywin speaking to Tommen about "what makes a great king" right in front of Joffrey's body was a great scene. But it got way better soon after when Jaime arrives and consoles Cersei then has sex with her right next (and on) to Joffrey's corpse........WTF:scared Now that is a scene you won't see often. Brother having sex with sister on body of incest baby. And 2 minutes prior sister is telling brother to kill other brother:142smilie

- Bisexual orgy with Prince Oberyn and Ellaria Sand = tv at its finest.

- Sam is teased and nobody believes he killed a white walker, poor guy. Then he sends his chick Gilly away, that was a poor decision. Ya gotta love Sam though, Sam is the shit.

- Wildlings raid a village but this time they bring Styr and his cannibal buddies with him. Things are looking bad, very very bad for the wall. They are coming:scared

- Joffrey is dead and Stannis claims it is the result of leeching Gendry's blood and burning the leeches. Here we go again, Stannis is so pussy-whipped by Fire Bitch he thinks she killed Joffrey. I'll be glad when fire bitch and Stannis die, Stannis is beyond pussy-whipped. I hope Davos and Shireen get out of there together, and of course Shireen can keep teaching Davos how to read, that little girl has a bright future in the teaching industry. I am hoping Shireen gets out of that place.

- Arya mighty pissed at the Hound, and she should be. Poor move by the Hound stealing that silver, that was not cool.

- Daenerys keeps building her army, can't wait until she fucks up King's Landing:firing:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I liked sunday`s episode better than any this season......I do wish somebody would off the fat dude escorting the woman and baby...I`m not getting this whole plot point(filler?)

the cannibals are great....loved the hard sex with lena headey... any scene with dinklage speechifying is excellent(in spite of nobody appearing safe, thinking that the death of headey or dinklage would seriously cripple the show) ....

they keep ending shows with dragon girl bitch slapping another town...but I`ll be damned if it doesn`t work every time(at least for me)....she`s like abe Lincoln with margaux hemmigway`s hair and eyebrows...

I liked this episode quite a bit...


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004

Season 4 Episode 03 April 20th Breaker of Chains

Lord Petyr Baelish is on the boat and then he orders Dontos killed. I sure didn't see that coming:scared

I'll accept a small bit of well-deserved credit for calling that one. :0008


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
I expected dragons, but once again only got creepy sex scenes. It was an episode worthy of Butters' scorn.

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Forum Member
Sep 26, 2013
I just finished A storm of swords, the third book, and about to start A feast for crows. Love the books and it sounds like the tv series is following the story line pretty much exactly. Has anyone read the books and watch the series? Wondering if I will like the tv show after reading the books.
Hope this question hasn't been ask too many times, new to the thread. thanks


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
I just finished A storm of swords, the third book, and about to start A feast for crows. Love the books and it sounds like the tv series is following the story line pretty much exactly. Has anyone read the books and watch the series? Wondering if I will like the tv show after reading the books.
Hope this question hasn't been ask too many times, new to the thread. thanks

We that watch the show don't like when people that read the books spoil shit. No spoilers allowed:nono:

With that said the books and the HBO show keep things pretty much the same, or so I have heard.

Oh and you will LOVE the TV version, trust me on that:0074


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002

Season 4 Episode 04 April 27th Oathkeeper

-Jaime and Tyrion discuss Joffrey's murder, good to see Jamie believes Tyrion had nothing to do with Joffrey's murder, but we all saw that coming.

-Lady Olenna admits she was in on the Joffrey murder, that chick is a bad ass. Lady Olenna also tells Margaery to seduce Tommen, that took all of 2 seconds:142smilie

-Cersei not happy with Jamie at all, not at all. When she asks Jamie about the Stark children, well that pretty much puts a stop to the incest thing, no more sister love for Jamie.

-Jaime gives his Valyrian-steel sword to Brienne and says "protect Sansa", that was bad ass right there, bad ass. I think she'll find Arya before Sansa. Everybody seems to think Arya is dead, something tells me Brienne will find Arya. Poor Brienne, she is leaving Jamie and there will be no King Slayer cock for her:cry:

-Brienne names the sword "Oathkeeper", fuck yeah:box2:

-Lord Petyr Baelish and Lady Olenna team up to kill Joffrey, that is a sneaky combo right there, very sneaky. Nice to see Sansa giving Baelish some lip, you go girl.:firing:

-Jon Snow can't catch a break, he has no idea Locke is secretly an agent of Roose Bolton, he thinks he found a new friend. And then of course you have Ser Alliser Thorne who wants Snow to be killed by the mutineers. Poor Jon Snow, stuck in that cold weather and he can't even trust those around him. Sheesh:facepalm:

-Missandei teaching Grey Worm a new languange, but looks like Missandei has a little crush on Grey Worm.

-Daenerys frees more slaves and then orders the remaining masters executed, yikes! Daenerys is taking no shit at all.:scared

-Bran gets captured at Craster's Keep, nice move Bran saying you are a Stark, bad error dude. And I sure hope both direwolves are ok, Jon Snow's direwolf in a cage and the other one in a trap. I can't take another one of those little guys dying, hope they hang in there.

-White Walker is seen riding a dead horse, and carrying Craster's last son, he then drops it off to some White Walker CEO. That White Walker picks up the child and touches its face, causing its eyes to turn blue. WTF:scared
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