Game Of Thrones - HBO


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Second to last episode, Aria and the Hound are approaching Sansa and Littlefinger (at the place with the Moonroof). The episode ends. We next see Aria doing her water dancing with Needle in The Children episode. Do I remember that correctly, or did I miss something. That really confused me.

Best season of the entire show by far. Hope it continues getting better.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Do I remember that correctly, or did I miss something. That really confused me.

At the Bloody Gate, they are informed of Lady Arryn's death. Arya, breaks out laughing, since Arryn is dead they leave. Sadly Arya had no idea Sansa was on the other side of the gate.


Say Parlay
Forum Member
helluva actress!

helluva actress!

Diana Rigg (Game of Thrones - Olenna Tyrell), 1967:




Say Parlay
Forum Member
Yep............Varys decided to board the ship with Tyrion. I think that was a smart move.

you can tell what Varys was thinking, as right before we see him sitting down in the boat, we saw that shot of him looking at his city with all the lights and alarms coming on - presumably because Tywin has been found dead.

that immediately recalls episode 6, the scene where Ser Davos Seaworth enlightens the Iron Bank on an alternate calculation - that the de factor ruler of Westeros is 67 year old Tywin Lannister. when he dies, who could take his place and be anywhere close to as competent? ?There?s only one reliable leader left in Westeros: Stannis.? Davos shows them his severed fingertips, proving Stannis evens all his accounts, even the hard ones.

Episode 6 of this season, incidentally, is the only one of the entire series so far that did not feature a Stark. Tho it was Eddard Stark who discovered that King Robert's son and heir Joffrey is actually a bastard born of incest - which makes Robert's brother, Stannis Baratheon, the next in line to the throne.

The Iron Bank in Braavos (one of the Free Cities on Essos, which is hard east of Westeros) wield a lot of power by spreading loans around, sometimes to pretenders and enemies of rulers greatly in debt to them, rulers who start taking risks by ignoring their debt to the bank. The bank then helps bankroll the new ruler to capture power, and makes him pay that debt, and the debt of the ruler he overthrew.

as Master of Whisperers (head intelligence officer) Varys surely knows from his birds of the loan The Iron Bank made to Stannis.

it is called the Iron Bank because when it was jointly founded in the old days, when Braavos was a secret city, the various founding money-lenders dumped all thier funds down an iron mine and sealed off it's only entrance with iron bars. Then joinly hired guards and it's been called the Iron Bank since then.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
The Iron Bank in Braavos (one of the Free Cities on Essos, which is hard east of Westeros) wield a lot of power by spreading loans around, sometimes to pretenders and enemies of rulers greatly in debt to them, rulers who start taking risks by ignoring their debt to the bank. The bank then helps bankroll the new ruler to capture power, and makes him pay that debt, and the debt of the ruler he overthrew.

Money talks......:0071


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Why is this book series called "The Song of Fire and Ice"? It should just be "Everything Good Happens for Tywin Lannister". Seriously, what has happened in the series that hasn't been good for him?

I wanted to respond to this as soon as you posted it, but couldn't for obvious reasons before the finale.

This is a running theme in this series. Everytime things start to go really well for a character - LOOK OUT!

Ned Stark is finally about to expose Cersei and Jaime's incest to Robert - BOOM! Robert killed by a boar and Ned Stark is betrayed and beheaded a couple days later.

Rob Stark has never lost a battle, captured Jaime Lannister, got married and got his wife pregnant, and is mending things with the Freys to get his army back At the same time, Arya is finally going to be reunited with her mother and brother. BOOM! Red Wedding

With Rob Stark gone and Stannis' army decimated, Joffrey has no opposition left. BOOM! Poisoned at his own wedding.

Meanwhile Sansa and Arya have pretty much gone from one extremely horrible situation to another for the better part of 3 seasons. Tyrion has now survived one death sentence via trial by combat, another by escaping before his execution, and also almost had his head lopped off when his sister tried to have him killed during the Battle of Blackwater Bay. Ser Davos is constantly in trouble with Stannis. Jon Snow almost gets killed daily. Brandon Stark was paralyzed in the first episode, then had his city sacked and razed, and then had to get carried through a hundred miles of tundra. It's the characters constantly in peril who end up surviving.

I guess what I'm saying is - if Daenerys does ever make it over to Westeros and conquers it with her dragons, she'll probably get offed the next day.


Say Parlay
Forum Member
ripped from a variety of sources this past week:

There are two things any fan of ?Game of Thrones? expects every season: death ? lots of it ? and new characters.

The show is pretty well-known for killing off major characters and throwing bodies in the overfilled graveyards of Westeros. But every death allows for more characters to get introduced into the show. And guess what comes with new characters? That?s right: new kingdoms.

We?re heading to Dorne, you guys!

If, like us, you've been wondering about the Red Viper's vaguely Spanish pedigree, you may finally be getting an answer.

A medieval castle in southern Spain will serve as the newest backdrop in the next season of "Game of Thrones."

The staff of the Alcazar of Seville confirmed that the castle has been chosen as a filming site for the series, with shooting slated to begin in October.


Although Alcazar staff didn't confirm the specific fictional landscape the castle will portray, various Internet reports speculate the castle will stand in for the Water Gardens of Dorne, the summer residence of House Martell.

Spain is filled with Moorish castles like Seville?s spectacular Alcazar and buildings like Osuna University with its castle-like spires, which the HR speculates would make it the perfect setting for the Kingdom of Dorne ? home of Prince Oberyn, the ill-fated Dornish royal who met a grisly end in Season 4.

But his elder brother, Prince Doran, should be holding court, and hopefully plotting devastating revenge for his brother's explosive (in a manner of speaking) death in season four of the hugely popular fantasy series that pivots on blood feuds between rival kingdoms.

The biggest champion of the series' latest destination has been U.S. Ambassador to Spain James Costos, a former vice president at HBO, who announced the news Tuesday.

No doubt Spain is excited to receive the flood of "Game of Thrones" tourism that shooting locations in Croatia and Northern Ireland have experienced, although the Seville castle is already a popular destination in its own right.

Built in 712 and designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, the Alcazar of Seville was originally built as a fortress and became a royal residence in 1248.

It still serves as a royal palace today, and is renowned for its Arabic influences and Mudejar art.


"We've been working with them to organize everything and are really glad with their final decision," an Alcazar representative tells CNN. "We have broad experience in (filming) -- 'Lawrence of Arabia,' 'The Kingdom of Heaven' -- so we're sure it'll be a success for both parties."


In addition to the castle, more "Game of Thrones" filming destinations in Spain -- most likely to do with story lines involving House Martell -- are expected to be announced.

According to reports, the search for locations in Spain began in March, the show has already booked a hundred hotel rooms in Seville for filming this year.

For casting preparations, Fresco Film Productions has put out a call on Facebook for extras for GoT.

According to El Mundo, who spoke with Rosario And?jar, the mayor of Osuna, production members have visited several sites that may serve as filming locations. These unconfirmed sites include:

The Plaza de Toros. Over a hundred years old, the bull ring walls are made of sandstone.


The University. Built in 1548 with four towers and influences from the Italian Renaissance, much of the University has been converted to modern classrooms, but parts of it retain the original design, including the the chapel, the Sala de la Girona, and the courtyard.

La Colegiata. Located by the university, this church was founded in 1535.


The Canteras de Osuna. The old quarries that supplied the stones for the town?s structures were visited as well.



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
This is funny.....


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Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.


and this just in....

'Game of Thrones' confirms new cast members
Bill Keveney, USA TODAY 6:39 a.m. EDT July 26, 2014

SAN DIEGO ? Game of Thrones fans haven't seen the last of the Martells.

Relatives of the late Oberyn Martell (Pedro Pascal), who was killed late last season, are among nine new arrivals to Westeros and its surroundings for next year's Season 5 of HBO's top-rated series. The cast additions, replenishing the ranks after last season's bloodbaths, were revealed during a Thrones session Friday at Comic-Con International: San Diego.

New cast members and their characters, as described by HBO, include:

-- Alexander Siddig as Doran Martell, the ruling lord of Dorne, which is located in the southern part of Westeros, and the older brother of Prince Oberyn. Unlike his brother, Doran is even-tempered and deliberate, and Dorne residents will want to see how he reacts to his brother's death.

-- Toby Sebastian as Trystane Martell, Prince Doran's son and heir to Dorne. He was betrothed to Myrcella Baratheon as part of the alliance offered by Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance), who was killed by his son, Tyrion (Peter Dinklage), in the season finale.

-- Nell Tiger Free as Myrcella Baratheon. She is officially the eldest child of Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) and the late King Robert Baratheon, but her real father is Cersei's brother, Jaime Lannister (NIkolaj Coster-Waldau). For years, she has been a guest and ward of Prince Doran in Dorne, but her position has become tenuous with the death of Oberyn Martell, the Prince's brother.

-- DeObia Oparei as Areo Hotah, the long-serving captain of Doran Martell's palace guard. He is renowned for his loyalty and his long axe.

-- Enzo Cilenti as Yezzan, who was an extremely wealthy slave trader before Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) outlawed the slave trade.

-- Jessica Henwick as Nymeria ("Nym") Sand, who is the second eldest of Oberyn's bastard daughters. Her mother was an Eastern noblewoman who brought Nym up to be cultured, graceful and deadly with a whip.

-- Rosabell Laurenti Sellers as Tyene Sand, who is the daughter of the late Oberyn Martell by Ellaria Sand, his final paramour. Tyene is fiercer than she looks, especially with her twin daggers.

-- Keisha Castle-Hughes as Obara Sand, who is a fearsome warrior and the eldest bastard daughter of Oberyn Martell. Her mother was a Dornish peasant girl who caught the eye of the late Prince.

-- And Jonathan Pryce as the High Sparrow, a devout and pious man who came to King's Landing to serve those forgotten by much of the world ? the poor, the downtrodden and the infirm ? and quickly amassed a large following.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Some hilarious reactions to the Oberyn vs Ser Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane fight....

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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
And reaction from a bar......

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

By the way that scene is one of teh best in the entire show:Yep:
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