Game Of Thrones - HBO


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Season 5 Episode 1 is almost ready to air:0058

Arya going to fuck some shit up in Season 5:firing::firing::firing::firing:



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Cue the music.........IT IS TIME:00hour

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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Season 5 Episode 1: "The Wars to Come" April 12th

- Even when Cersei Lannister was a little girl she was a bitch. She even pulled the "do you know who my father is" bullshit when she was small. It was nice to see that the witch made her cut her finger though, well played witch, well played. I think we all know she could have told Cersei the future without the blood, nice play by the witch.

- Cersei in a matter of words tells Jaime to kill Tyrion, we know that won't happen. A little while later we see Lancel Lannister show the fuck up out of nowhere. He asks Cersei's forgiveness for their incestuous relationship (one of many for our girl Cersei), as well as drugging Robert Baratheon's wine on the day he died. Cersei plays dumb and denies it, what a cunt.

- Tyrion arrives in Pentos and isn't very happy that he made the trip via a crate, nope not happy at all. I love how Vary's lays it all out, the man has a plan. Varys offers Tyrion the choice of either drinking himself to death in Pentos, or travelling with him to Meereen to support Daenerys. Yep ladies and gentleman we are going to have Daenerys and Tyrion working together, what a combo:00hour

- One of Daenerys's unsullied soldiers is murdered in a brothel, and she is pissed, she ain't going to stand for that shit. But it all ain't roses and butterflies for our girl, she is having major trouble with her dragons. I think a trip to Dr. Phil is in order because her kids are acting out and are not respecting their mother.

- It looks like Lord Petyr Baelish and Sansa Stark are the new power couple, these two got tons of shit on the go and are going to fuck some shit up. Sansa has put on her man panties and is ready to roll. Watch out for them.

- At the Wall we see that Gilly still has Samwell Tarly by the balls "we ain't leaving Sam" :142smilie Shortly after we see fire bitch (Melisandre) I hate that chick, fuck I wish somebody would kill her. But it seems she still owns King Stannis Baratheon ball sack so she won't be going anywhere soon. Speaking of King Stannis Baratheon he makes an offer to Mance Rayder to "bend the knee" but Mance ain't going for it. Thankfully Jon Snow pulls a "Last of the Mohicans" move (for those that saw Last of the Mohicans you know what I am talking about) Jon shoots him with an arrow, giving him a quick death, well played Jon.

- Not sure how King Stannis Baratheon is going to "take back the North from Roose Bolton" now that he doesn't have the wildlings on his side. Bad error burning Mance, bad error.

Remember Roose Bolton is the one that said "The Lannisters send their regards" right before he murdered Robb Stark, that man must die.



Say Parlay
Forum Member
"Game of Thrones" Season 5 - first four episodes leaked

"Game of Thrones" Season 5 - first four episodes leaked

the subreddit thread sez the first 6 episodes were leaked, but so far I only see the first 4 available at torrent sites, as the article below states....these leaked episodes are in 480p - not HD, but very watchable old fashioned TV quality...

Spoilers are coming: Game of Thrones season 5 first four episodes leaked

April 12, 2015 10:41 AM
Emil Protalinski

Late last night, the first four episodes of Game of Thrones season 5 leaked online. The timing couldn?t be worse: The season premiere is airing tonight, and the next three episodes will be officially shown over the next three weeks.

The leak was first spotted by Reddit user sssteven in the Game of Thrones subreddit, as the episodes showed up on private torrent tracker IPT before they made their way to major sites like The Pirate Bay and KickassTorrents. He warned fans of spoilers ? which is arguably HBO?s biggest problem with this leak: It doesn?t just affect pirates.

Viewers who normally watch the show on HBO will have to decide if they want to spend a month trying to dodge spoilers in person and online. Many will simply cave and watch the episodes through non-HBO channels, even though the episodes apparently only leaked in 480p.

Game of Thrones has been the most pirated TV show for three years now. This weekend?s leak is quite unfortunate because HBO went out of its way to offer the fifth season in over 170 countries simultaneously. In other words, the television network made a big effort to remove a major reason for piracy: Viewers around the world were told they wouldn?t have to wait weeks or even months to see the same content their American counterparts get immediately.

Having said all that, it turns out HBO could have avoided this particular leak. ?Sadly, it seems the leaked four episodes of the upcoming season of Game of Thrones originated from within a group approved by HBO to receive them,? HBO said in a statement. ?We?re actively assessing how this breach occurred.?


Forum Member
Jul 30, 2003

Are you going to watch all 5 of the episodes that leaked? Or are you going to wait for them on HBO each Sunday?


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
fire bitch & botox :nooo:

wtf is whit that dark hair, both Sansa and FB... ?

other than that, solid opener. plenty of tension right there



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
fire bitch & botox :nooo:

wtf is whit that dark hair, both Sansa and FB... ?

kickserv really hates fire bitch, just sayin'

Sansa is a bad ass now, she needed to change up the hair to go with the territory. Sansa ain't going to be pushed around any longer. Sansa ain't fucking around now.
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el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
o.k. I dozed off for a second and woke up to see the dragon face to face with eyebrows and then flying off into the sunset....

who slipped the dragon boltcutters?


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Season 5 Episode 2 "The House of Black and White" April 19th

- Jaime tells Cersei that he will travel to Dorne and bring his daughter Myrcella back, not sure that is going to go over well with the people of Dorne.

- Cersei seems to be really really really pissed off at Tyrion, you have hunters all over the place cutting off dwarfs heads all in the hopes of pleasing Cersei. Not good to be a dwarf In King's Landing, not good at all. Speaking of heads, Qyburn lays claim to one the dwarf heads for his research, that dude ain't right man.

- We all know the "Hand of the King" is vacant, Cersei tells the council that she will stand in temporarily until Tommen chooses a new Hand, well isn't that kind of her. Everybody is buying her shit until uncle Kevan lays into her with the "queen mother holds no power" talk. Thatta boy uncle Kevan, he ain't playing that shit. He walks back to Casterly Rock and simply ain't buying what Cersei is selling.

- At the Wall in the library, we see Shireen Baratheon teaching Gilly how to read. This Shireen child really should think about starting her own tutoring business she knows how to teach. You have to feel bad for Shireen Baratheon though, her mom is a giant cunt.

- Stannis asks Jon to kneel before him and pledge his life to him, and in exchange he will legitimize Jon, making him Jon Stark, and giving him Winterfell. But Jon says no, dammit, bad error Jon you should have taken that job, bad error. On the plus side Jon is now the CEO of The Wall, so not all bad.

- Brienne can not catch a fucking break, she finds Arya and Arya doesn't want her help. Now she finds Sansa and Sansa doesn't want her help. Let the poor lady serve her oath, I mean you'd think one of the Stark girls would cut her some slack. Poor Brienne:cry:

- Jaqen H'ghar is back people, he is back, sure he kind of fucked Arya over by not letting Arya into House of Black and White right away, but eventually he came around and brought his buddy Arya into the house. Pretty clear Jaqen H'ghar missed Arya. I think Jaqen H'ghar was a little pissed off Arya threw that coin into the water, I think that is why he messed with her for a bit. Arya and Jaqen H'ghar are back people, they are back:00hour

Note: You do not want to fuck with Jaqen H'ghar, he will fuck you up....badly:firing:


- Ellaria Sand is not handling the death of her man Oberyn very well. She wants to "cut up Myrcella into little pieces and send it to Cersei":scared Doran Martell (Oberyn's brother) not going to go for that. Ellaria Sand not happy with that response, not happy at all. Ellaria Sand wants to rack up the Lannister body count that's for sure.

- In Meereen things don't seem to be going that well for Daenerys. Her two Dragons are mis-behaving and she can't even take a spa day because it all seems to be going to shit in her city. Mossador goes against her wishes, and kills the captive Son of the Harpy. Daenerys has him publicly executed, which leads to a full out clusterfuck. On the plus side Drogon finally returned, but even that didn't go well for Daenerys, when she tries to touch his face, he flies away. I mean it just isn't going well for poor Daenerys:cry: I think Dr. Phil needs to visit Meereen and pay Daenerys a visit, she needs it.
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