Season 5 Episode 2 "The House of Black and White" April 19th
- Jaime tells Cersei that he will travel to Dorne and bring his daughter Myrcella back, not sure that is going to go over well with the people of Dorne.
- Cersei seems to be really really really pissed off at Tyrion, you have hunters all over the place cutting off dwarfs heads all in the hopes of pleasing Cersei. Not good to be a dwarf In King's Landing, not good at all. Speaking of heads, Qyburn lays claim to one the dwarf heads for his research, that dude ain't right man.
- We all know the "Hand of the King" is vacant, Cersei tells the council that she will stand in temporarily until Tommen chooses a new Hand, well isn't that kind of her. Everybody is buying her shit until uncle Kevan lays into her with the "queen mother holds no power" talk. Thatta boy uncle Kevan, he ain't playing that shit. He walks back to Casterly Rock and simply ain't buying what Cersei is selling.
- At the Wall in the library, we see Shireen Baratheon teaching Gilly how to read. This Shireen child really should think about starting her own tutoring business she knows how to teach. You have to feel bad for Shireen Baratheon though, her mom is a giant cunt.
- Stannis asks Jon to kneel before him and pledge his life to him, and in exchange he will legitimize Jon, making him Jon Stark, and giving him Winterfell. But Jon says no, dammit, bad error Jon you should have taken that job, bad error. On the plus side Jon is now the CEO of The Wall, so not all bad.
- Brienne can not catch a fucking break, she finds Arya and Arya doesn't want her help. Now she finds Sansa and Sansa doesn't want her help. Let the poor lady serve her oath, I mean you'd think one of the Stark girls would cut her some slack. Poor Brienne
- Jaqen H'ghar is back people, he is back, sure he kind of fucked Arya over by not letting Arya into House of Black and White right away, but eventually he came around and brought his buddy Arya into the house. Pretty clear Jaqen H'ghar missed Arya. I think Jaqen H'ghar was a little pissed off Arya threw that coin into the water, I think that is why he messed with her for a bit. Arya and Jaqen H'ghar are back people, they are back:00hour
Note: You do not want to fuck with Jaqen H'ghar, he will fuck you up....badly:firing:
- Ellaria Sand is not handling the death of her man Oberyn very well. She wants to "cut up Myrcella into little pieces and send it to Cersei":scared Doran Martell (Oberyn's brother) not going to go for that. Ellaria Sand not happy with that response, not happy at all. Ellaria Sand wants to rack up the Lannister body count that's for sure.
- In Meereen things don't seem to be going that well for Daenerys. Her two Dragons are mis-behaving and she can't even take a spa day because it all seems to be going to shit in her city. Mossador goes against her wishes, and kills the captive Son of the Harpy. Daenerys has him publicly executed, which leads to a full out clusterfuck. On the plus side Drogon finally returned, but even that didn't go well for Daenerys, when she tries to touch his face, he flies away. I mean it just isn't going well for poor Daenerys

I think Dr. Phil needs to visit Meereen and pay Daenerys a visit, she needs it.