Brann is taking a break, went to Cancun for a much needed vacation, don't think we will see him or his clan in Season 5.
wtf is little finger`s game?.....
Season 5 Episode 4 "The Sons of the Harpy" May 3rd
Great fucking episode:00hour
- That bitch Cersei tells the High Sparrow that she is going to revive the "Faith Militant", she calls it an armed force in service to the gods. But of course she is just using it as a tool to fuck over Margaery. The "Faith Militant" attacks one of Petyr Baelish's brothels, and arrests Ser Loras Tyrell because of his homosexuality. You have to hand it to Cersei she always thinks of new ways to be a giant cunt.
- Margaery super pissed her brother is arrested, she owns Tommen but Tommen is useless, Margaery ain't going to just roll over and let Cersei fuck her over, time to call in grandmother Olenna.
- Jon Snow needs to cut the "I gave an oath" crap, I mean he friggen signed a letter from Roose Bolton, asking that they send men and supplies to help defend the Wall. Bolton killed your family you fucker:facepalm: Come on Jon wake up. Then Melisandre (fire bitch) gets ready to bang Jon Snow and he declines, I mean seriously Jon, seriously:facepalm:
- Melisandre with the quote of the entire series "you know nothing, Jon Snow", oh no you didn't fire bitch, oh no you fucking didn't. Fire Bitch must die, that bitch must die. How dare she say that, how fucking dare she. :nono:
- Stannis tells his daughter, Shireen the story of how she became afflicted with greyscale, and how he did everything in his power to cure her. Nice job Stannis. Stannis is a prick and he thinks Fire Bitch is one amazing chick, but nice to see he's good father, well done Stannis:0056
- In the crypts, Sansa lights candles for her deceased family members, there are so many, man oh man the Stark's can not catch a break, so much death. But it looks like Sansa has put on her man panties and she's going to fuck some shit up. I sure hope Petyr Baelish isn't going to screw her over. Sansa as Wardeness of the North.....I like the sound of that.
- Jaime and Bronn arrive in Dorne, with the intention of rescuing Myrcella, but they have no idea what they are in for. Ellaria Sand meets with Oberyn's daughters Obara, Nymeria and Tyene, and they are ready to kill some Lannisters:scared They want war with the Lannisters and it looks like they are going to get it. Myrcella might get cut up into pieces soon.
- Well it is now official.........Meereen has gone to shit. In the streets, several members of the Sons of the Harpy attack some civilians. A group of Unsullied, lead by Grey Worm respond to the panic and are ambushed by the Sons of the Harpy. Grey Worm is injured and about to be killed then Ser Barristan arrives to save him. Then Ser Barristan is about to get his throat slit and Grey Worm saves him. Or maybe not, they could both be dead, who knows? Grey Worm is the shit though, a complete bad ass, he'll live, not sure about Ser Barristan though, hang in there Ser Barristan hang in there.
- Daenerys is going to be pissed when she finds out what happens, really really pissed.
Grey Worm better live, if not Missandei will friggen lose it, she loves herself some Grey Worm.
Then Ser Barristan is about to get his throat slit and Grey Worm saves him. Or maybe not, they could both be dead, who knows?
GW seems to like Carice.. Pretty easy to see why from this:0074
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GW seems to like Carice.. Pretty easy to see why from this:0074
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GW seems to like Carice.. Pretty easy to see why from this:0074
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And, you know, she's all kinds of hot . . .
sansa seems attracted to very strong,forceful men.....
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