Game Of Thrones - HBO


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Brann is taking a break, went to Cancun for a much needed vacation, don't think we will see him or his clan in Season 5.

wtf is little finger`s game?.....this mf`er is obviously sleazier than jerry Sandusky....and sansa doesn`t get that he`s using her?....she`s about as perceptive as a sleepy 3 year old...

natalie dormer is growing on me...she`s 33 years old?........whoa...well preserved...


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Season 5 Episode 4 "The Sons of the Harpy" May 3rd

Great fucking episode:00hour

- That bitch Cersei tells the High Sparrow that she is going to revive the "Faith Militant", she calls it an armed force in service to the gods. But of course she is just using it as a tool to fuck over Margaery. The "Faith Militant" attacks one of Petyr Baelish's brothels, and arrests Ser Loras Tyrell because of his homosexuality. You have to hand it to Cersei she always thinks of new ways to be a giant cunt.

- Margaery super pissed her brother is arrested, she owns Tommen but Tommen is useless, Margaery ain't going to just roll over and let Cersei fuck her over, time to call in grandmother Olenna.

- Jon Snow needs to cut the "I gave an oath" crap, I mean he friggen signed a letter from Roose Bolton, asking that they send men and supplies to help defend the Wall. Bolton killed your family you fucker:facepalm: Come on Jon wake up. Then Melisandre (fire bitch) gets ready to bang Jon Snow and he declines, I mean seriously Jon, seriously:facepalm:

- Melisandre with the quote of the entire series "you know nothing, Jon Snow", oh no you didn't fire bitch, oh no you fucking didn't. Fire Bitch must die, that bitch must die. How dare she say that, how fucking dare she. :nono:

- Stannis tells his daughter, Shireen the story of how she became afflicted with greyscale, and how he did everything in his power to cure her. Nice job Stannis. Stannis is a prick and he thinks Fire Bitch is one amazing chick, but nice to see he's good father, well done Stannis:0056

- In the crypts, Sansa lights candles for her deceased family members, there are so many, man oh man the Stark's can not catch a break, so much death. But it looks like Sansa has put on her man panties and she's going to fuck some shit up. I sure hope Petyr Baelish isn't going to screw her over. Sansa as Wardeness of the North.....I like the sound of that.

- Jaime and Bronn arrive in Dorne, with the intention of rescuing Myrcella, but they have no idea what they are in for. Ellaria Sand meets with Oberyn's daughters Obara, Nymeria and Tyene, and they are ready to kill some Lannisters:scared They want war with the Lannisters and it looks like they are going to get it. Myrcella might get cut up into pieces soon.

- Well it is now official.........Meereen has gone to shit. In the streets, several members of the Sons of the Harpy attack some civilians. A group of Unsullied, lead by Grey Worm respond to the panic and are ambushed by the Sons of the Harpy. Grey Worm is injured and about to be killed then Ser Barristan arrives to save him. Then Ser Barristan is about to get his throat slit and Grey Worm saves him. Or maybe not, they could both be dead, who knows? Grey Worm is the shit though, a complete bad ass, he'll live, not sure about Ser Barristan though, hang in there Ser Barristan hang in there.

- Daenerys is going to be pissed when she finds out what happens, really really pissed.

Grey Worm better live, if not Missandei will friggen lose it, she loves herself some Grey Worm.



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
Season 5 Episode 4 "The Sons of the Harpy" May 3rd

Great fucking episode:00hour

- That bitch Cersei tells the High Sparrow that she is going to revive the "Faith Militant", she calls it an armed force in service to the gods. But of course she is just using it as a tool to fuck over Margaery. The "Faith Militant" attacks one of Petyr Baelish's brothels, and arrests Ser Loras Tyrell because of his homosexuality. You have to hand it to Cersei she always thinks of new ways to be a giant cunt.

- Margaery super pissed her brother is arrested, she owns Tommen but Tommen is useless, Margaery ain't going to just roll over and let Cersei fuck her over, time to call in grandmother Olenna.

- Jon Snow needs to cut the "I gave an oath" crap, I mean he friggen signed a letter from Roose Bolton, asking that they send men and supplies to help defend the Wall. Bolton killed your family you fucker:facepalm: Come on Jon wake up. Then Melisandre (fire bitch) gets ready to bang Jon Snow and he declines, I mean seriously Jon, seriously:facepalm:

- Melisandre with the quote of the entire series "you know nothing, Jon Snow", oh no you didn't fire bitch, oh no you fucking didn't. Fire Bitch must die, that bitch must die. How dare she say that, how fucking dare she. :nono:
- Stannis tells his daughter, Shireen the story of how she became afflicted with greyscale, and how he did everything in his power to cure her. Nice job Stannis. Stannis is a prick and he thinks Fire Bitch is one amazing chick, but nice to see he's good father, well done Stannis:0056

- In the crypts, Sansa lights candles for her deceased family members, there are so many, man oh man the Stark's can not catch a break, so much death. But it looks like Sansa has put on her man panties and she's going to fuck some shit up. I sure hope Petyr Baelish isn't going to screw her over. Sansa as Wardeness of the North.....I like the sound of that.

- Jaime and Bronn arrive in Dorne, with the intention of rescuing Myrcella, but they have no idea what they are in for. Ellaria Sand meets with Oberyn's daughters Obara, Nymeria and Tyene, and they are ready to kill some Lannisters:scared They want war with the Lannisters and it looks like they are going to get it. Myrcella might get cut up into pieces soon.

- Well it is now official.........Meereen has gone to shit. In the streets, several members of the Sons of the Harpy attack some civilians. A group of Unsullied, lead by Grey Worm respond to the panic and are ambushed by the Sons of the Harpy. Grey Worm is injured and about to be killed then Ser Barristan arrives to save him. Then Ser Barristan is about to get his throat slit and Grey Worm saves him. Or maybe not, they could both be dead, who knows? Grey Worm is the shit though, a complete bad ass, he'll live, not sure about Ser Barristan though, hang in there Ser Barristan hang in there.

- Daenerys is going to be pissed when she finds out what happens, really really pissed.

Grey Worm better live, if not Missandei will friggen lose it, she loves herself some Grey Worm.


I don`t understand why you want carice van houten offed...she is seriously hung together and she opens that frock at the drop of a hat......

<iframe width="710" height="429" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

again,little finger leaves sansa alone and in obvious is his game?....


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 12, 2008
GW seems to like Carice.. Pretty easy to see why from this:0074

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="QDF6RSA"><a href="//">View post on</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
GW seems to like Carice.. Pretty easy to see why from this:0074

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="QDF6RSA"><a href="//">View post on</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

"118562 views".....(color me not surprised......:lol:)...

thank you, partner.....:toast:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
GW seems to like Carice.. Pretty easy to see why from this:0074

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="QDF6RSA"><a href="//">View post on</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

oh my...she definitely possesses the "proper thickness".....:grins:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
GW seems to like Carice.. Pretty easy to see why from this:0074

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="QDF6RSA"><a href="//">View post on</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

carice can`t wrestle but you should see her box !!1.....


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Season 5 Episode 5 "Kill the Boy" May 10th

- Things pretty much suck for Sansa but nice to know she still has some peeps that are loyal to the Starks. And of course we have Brienne who will always have her back.

- Ramsay and Myranda have a chat regarding Sansa. It seems Myranda is not a huge Sansa fan, nope not at all. That bitch Myranda is going to keep fucking with Sansa, I hope Sanasa fucks Myranda up. Total bitch move by Myranda showing Sansa the kennels where Reek lives, total dick move for sure.

- Maester Aemon (who is Daenerys's only remaining relative) learns that Daenerys is having a shit time in Meereen. He is too old (and blind I might add) to help her, but Daenerys could use his help that's for sure.

- Daenerys orders the leaders of the great families of Meereen to be brought before her. She has two of her dragons burn and eat one of the leaders, and imprisons the others, yep she went all bad ass, don't fuck with Daenerys. Daenerys meets with Hizadr in his cell, and informs him that she will reopen the fighting pits. Hizadr is happy he's alive but then gets a huge erection when she says she will marry him. It went from him thinking he was going to get eaten by Dragons to getting to marry Daenerys, wow:scared

- Jon meets with Tormund Giantsbane and frees him, nobody saw that coming, Ygrette would be so proud. Jon wants the wildlings as allies, that just may work, we shall see.

- Stannis tells Ser Davos that they will march toward Winterfell. Davos suggests waiting for Jon to come back with the wildlings, but Stannis decides against it, that will prove to be a very bad error. Of course Fire Bitch will tell Stannis it is a great plan and since Stannis is so pussy whipped he'll believe her.

- Grey Worm survives the battle with the Sons of the Harpy, Ser Barristan Selmy does not, well that friggen sucks I thought they'd both live. Grey Worm did get some lovin' from Missandei so not all bad I guess.

- Tyrion and Jorah take a shortcut through Valyria, bad idea. They see Drogon fly overhead, Dragon seems happy, good for him. After Drogon flies by a group of stone men attack, Tyrion is forced overboard but is saved from drowning by Jorah. We learn that Jorah has been infected with greyscale, I don't think there is an ointment for that.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 6, 2002
Cottonwood Heights, UT
Great summary as always kick!

I think you are too hard on "Fire Bitch". She certainly seemed set up to be the villain but what has she actually done that's villainous? Yes, she wanted to burn Gendry - definitely not cool - but she didn't actually get to do it. She gave birth to that shade monster that killed Renly but was that actually wrong? Clearly Renly had no actual claim to the throne; his argument was based on "people like me more" and by killing him it averted a huge battle that would have killed thousands on both sides. Certainly not fair or honorable - but not exactly villainous either. She survived an attempted poisoning - weird but nothing wrong she did.

Yeah she's this weird religious zealot; she has her own agenda - just like almost everyone else on the show. But she's pretty much straight forward about her agenda, which is unlike most of the other characters.

And, you know, she's all kinds of hot . . .


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Season 5 Episode 6 "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken" May 17th

- Arya finally finally finally finally gets to see what is behind the door, finally. I mean enough with the training, sheesh:facepalm: Arya must be able to convincingly lie. She finally passes the test and Jaqen takes Arya to a secret chamber underneath the temple, where the Faceless Men store the faces of all the people that have died in the temple. It looks like Arya is ready, well close to ready, you go girl:firing:

- Jamie and Bronn disguise themselves as Dornish guards and infiltrate the gardens. It looks like Jamie is going to "rescue" his daughter Mycrella but they are ambushed by the Sand Snakes. The Dornish guards arrive and arrest everybody. Ellaria Sand is also arrested for her role in the kidnapping plot, she is pissed.

- Jorah and Tyrion continue to make their way to Meereen on foot. Tyrion tells Jorah how he is on the run from Westeros after killing his father Tywin, and also tells Jorah how his father, Jeor Mormont, was killed in the North. Well it seems Jorah didn't know about his father (he was a good man) getting killed (stabbed in the back) outside the wall. Then to make it worse they get captured by slavers. The quick thinking Tyrion manages to lie his ass off and save them from death. They are off to Meereen but Jorah will be in the fighting pits and Tyrion will be holding on to his balls. And oh yeah that rash on Jorah's arm ain't clearing up.

- Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish meets with Cersei, Petyr assures her that he is loyal to the throne, and informs her that Roose plans to marry Sansa to Ramsay, giving them control over the North. Cersei goes apeshit, but just when you think Petyr is going to keep fucking with Cersei, that prick Littlefinger tells her about Sansa.

FUCK YOU LITTLEFINGER:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Poor Starks, again they get fucked over, I say again fuck you Littlefinger.

Did I mention Cersei is giving him the knights of the Vale to march on Winterfell, supposidly to destroy both the Boltons and Stannis, we shall see. You have to hand it to Petyr Baelish he always manages to get his way.

- Olenna Tyrell arrives in King's Landing in an effort to free Loras, well that does not go well at all. Loras is set to be brought to trial and Margaery is arrested for lying to the High Sparrow. As I said, Olenna Tyrell trip to King's Landing goes poorly. Although she is a smart lady she'll figure something out, my vote it to put a knife through Cersei's head.

- Back in Winterfell Myranda washes Sansa's hair and she tries to mind fuck Sansa, Sansa is a new women she ain't letting Myranda fuck with her. Thatta girl Sansa:00hour

- Awesome wedding for Sansa......Sansa is officially married to Ramsay, and he takes her back to the castle, where he proceeds to rape Sansa and forces Reek to watch, gee what a great wedding night. I was thinking maybe Reek (Greyjoy) would kill Ramsay, sadly I was wrong, he just sat back and watched.
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