Game Of Thrones - HBO


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
I was beginning to agree with some of the naysayers(those that thought the series was slipping into "meh" territory)....

fat sam is a drag,imo....I was almost glad to see him take a beating(lol,at least he got some exercise)...even during sex he lays there like a lox.....

then comes the second half hour,all hell breaks loose and you get some of the most compelling dialogue between the most interesting characters and some jaw dropping plot twists.....the exchange between "bronn"(thanks kick) and the sand girl was pretty wild...the rack on that petite thing was utterly breathtaking and set up more interplay between the two going forward...

anytime Diana rigg gets to snark on someone it`s pure gold but she met her match in jonathan pryce....

the law of unintended consequences gobsmacked cersei but I`m guessing that pryce may have overstepped his zeal on this one.....looks like a potential full on civil war in the city may be in the offing....

ramsey is making king joffrey seem like Gandhi...

littlefinger continues to manipulate pretty much everybody......slick character that enables writers to tie intricate plot lines together....well written....guy`s a real plot linchpin....

kick...I`m missing something...what is the rub between Emilia Clarke and dinklage(seems like the inference is that she wants to throttle his little ass)? much going on I don`t recall the family history(on second thought,don`t kill yourself,i`ll check online when I get a chance)....

that second half hour was about as solid as any t.v. I`ve watched in a very long time...


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 12, 2008
.I`m missing something...what is the rub between Emilia Clarke and dinklage(seems like the inference is that she wants to throttle his little ass)? much going on I don`t recall the family history(on second thought,don`t kill yourself,i`ll check online when I get a chance)....


Tyrions' big brother killed her mad father but there is more to the story to be told I hope


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
kick...I`m missing something...what is the rub between Emilia Clarke and dinklage(seems like the inference is that she wants to throttle his little ass)?

Peter Dinklage and Emilia Clarke are actors and as far as I know they get along just fine on set.

Now if you are talking about Tyrion Lannister and Daenerys Targaryen, I think Daenerys was just shocked to see somebody from King's Landing, let alone a Lannister:scared

Oh and of course there is the whole "you killed my father" theme.

The Joker

Forum Member
Aug 3, 2008
Peter Dinklage and Emilia Clarke are actors and as far as I know they get along just fine on set.

What the fuck, Kick? As far as you know? There are many indications over the years that prove that you're nothing more than Travis Bickle minus the gun and the pushups.



el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
And yes that Sand girl was very hot. I googled her and she is exactly half my age. These must be the first steps to being an old perv :shrug:

good get so used to seeing 30 year olds play teenagers I just figured she was much older.....



Forum Member
Jul 30, 2003
Probably a repost....

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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Season 5 Episode 8 "Hardhome" May 31st

What a kick ass episode, wew baby that was a one hell of an episode:firing::firing::firing:

- My girl Arya gets her first job, she assumes the identity of Lanna, an oyster seller. Jaqen H'ghar orders her to pay a visit to a not so nice businessman. It seems Arya will be doing some killing pretty soon, do not fuck with Arya, ummm I mean Lanna.

- Jorah and Tyrion are brought before Daenerys, Tyrion explains that he is all ready to be an adviser for Daenerys. Daenerys is convinced she can trust Tyrion, seems Tyrion is now on team dragon. Things did not go well for Mr. Friendzone Jorah though, he got banished, he tries and he tries but Ms. Dragon will not forgive him. Jorah returns to Yezzan, and tells him that he will fight in the pits for him, yep one last ditch effort to see Daenerys again.

- You have to love when Daenerys says that the powerful houses of Westeros are spokes on a wheel, and that she intends on breaking the wheel. Rock solid quote from Ms. Dragon:

"I am not going to stop the wheel....I will break it".

Well fuck yeah, Ms. Dragon is ready to fuck some shit up.

- Cersei remains locked in her cell, and she ain't happy. Psychopath Qyburn pays her a visit and informs her that the High Sparrow has charged her with adultery, murder, incest, and the doozie....the murder of Robert Baratheon. Only charges missing were Insider Trading:mj07: Added bonus.......Septa Unella constantly getting into Cersei face saying "confess, confess, confess"......and then smacks her in that face with a spoon, hell yeah:00hour

- At Winterfell, Sansa learns from Reek that he did not kill Bran and Rickon, finally some good news for Sansa, Woo hoo:00hour

- Roose, Ramsay and their men discuss their plan for the coming battle with Stannis, fuckhead Ramsay wants to play hero and insists that they should confront Stannis directly as a show of force. Pretty stupid considered they are stuck in the snow. Ramsay wants twenty men to ride on Stannis' camp, that could prove to be a very bad decision for Ramsay.

- Jon, Edd Tollett, and Tormund arrive at Hardhome and holy shit balls does that visit go to shit, like major shit. The visit really could not have gone worse. I will not be vacationing in Hardhome any time soon, nope not a place I want to visit. First they meet with the Lord of Bones, that meeting doesn't go well. After a tense standoff, Tormund kills the Lord of Bones and orders his advisors to gather the elders, not a good start to the board meeting, nope not a good start at all. The second meeting goes a bit better, Jon and Tormund are able to convince roughly 5,000 wildings to come with them, though the Thenns, lead by Loboda do not join them.

- While loading the ships with wildlings, Hardhome is attacked by the army of the dead, and wew baby did they attack:scared The fight is going ok until our hero Jon (and Loboda) heads into the large hut (to get the dragonglass). Jon and Loboda are attacked by a White Walker, yep a fucking White Walker:scared Loboda is killed easily and then the White Walker moves on to kill Jon. Jon is attacked before he can recover the dragonglass, and manages to escape the hut. The White Walker pursues him and they fight, however the Walker is totally stunned when he is unable to break Jon's Valyrian steel sword, Valyrian steel saves the day:00hour Jon kills the White Walker, woo hoo:00hour Now I may be wrong but I think the White Walker Jon killed was Benjen Stark, again not sure? It kind of looked like him but maybe it wasn't. Shortly after Jon kills the White Walker Hardhome is over-ran with army of the dead and it falls. Super bad ass CEO White Walker (Night?s King) walks to end of dock and stares down Jon Snow, Jon does not flinch.

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Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 3, 2002
Cersei might be in deep trouble or she might just get to walk away, I hope we find out next week but I bet if she gets free she will unleash hell on the sparrows.


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
this one was actually better than the 2nd half of last week`s episode(not an easy task...might be the best episode yet,imo...right up there with the red wedding).......I`m surprised they didn`t try and slide the whitewalker battle to the season finale...the cinematography was easily every bit as good as any motion picture....

the shot of snow and his crew sailing up into that inlet with all the wildlings waiting on the shore was classic imagery.....and the battle scenes?....incredible...the whitewalkers` undead minions were the way zombie-minions should be portrayed(manic/crazy/insatiable/relentless)..........

-the scene with the undead dude poking his head through the wall with an arrow through

-the giant bursting out of the wooden dwelling(like a bomb going off) fighting off the undead critters by stomping,ripping them apart and using a huge burning log to play t-ball with their asses...

-snow`s fight with the whitewalker in which the whitewalker jumped from the top floor of the building to the lower floor with all the effort of taking a single stair step.....

-the undead dudes throwing themselves off the top of the mountain to what looked like obvious destruction only to get up,dust themselves off and continue their frenetic attack......insane to watch....

_the head whitewalker on duty slowly raising his arms and all the dead from the battle being resurrected as snow and the survivors sail off to fight another day.....again,really great imagery....they crammed so much good stuff into that hour.....

the dinklage/Emilia Clarke dialogues were almost as good as dinklage and lena headey`s classic exchanges.....

the one thing that disappointed me was when the "not before seen"wildling chieftainess got eaten by the undead children...I was liking her quite a bit....she had me when she dropped that line in reference to the wildling guy that wanted to kill snow("I hate that fucker")........:mj07:....I was sorry to see her go so quickly...she had potential(in more ways than one)..

the season started a bit slow but is finishing like a champ.....I don`t watch many t.v. shows (missed the last "justified" season...watched deadwood,the sopranos,true detective,the shield,already an episode behind wayward pines) and maybe one or two others that I can`t think of off hand over the last decade or so ....but that was serious stuff....they made us wait for the whitewalkers and they delievered in spades...
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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
might be the best episode yet,imo...right up their with the red wedding)......

There have been 48 episodes so far........."Hardhome" was Top 5 for sure.

Other greats......

Season 1 Episode 2 "The Kingsroad"

Daenerys meats Drogo, Ned leaves Winterfell with daughters Sansa and Arya.

Season 1 Episode 6 "A Golden Crown"

Drogo pouring the melted gold on Viserys? head:scared

Season 1 Episode 9 "Baelor"

Ned gets head chopped off.

Season 2 Episode 9 "Blackwater"

Stanis and his fleet attack King's Landing

Season 3 Episode 9 "The Rains of Castamere"

The "Red Wedding" takes place, enough said.

Season 4 Episode 8 "The Mountain and the Viper"

Battle between Ser Gregor Clegane and Oberyn Martell..."Say it! You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children!"....perhaps the best scene in Game of Thrones history.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
There have been 48 episodes so far........."Hardhome" was Top 5 for sure.
Other greats......

4th season finale was pretty good too, Brienne vs Hound was epic:

This episode was better than whole three part hobbit shit (except Smaug of course)...

btw Jonathan Pryce as a High Sparrow is spot on choice. last scene whit Cersei :0corn

two more to go :0045
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