Season 5 Episode 3 "High Sparrow" April 26th
- It seems Tommen is quite the porn star in the sac, Margaery was very impressed with his performance on their wedding night. Yes, Margaery is playing him and all the Lannisters but I think she has a little soft spot for Tommen:142hump:
- Margaery tries to convince Tommen (in a backwards kind of way) to send Cersei to Casterly Rock, but mommy doesn't go for it.
- Speaking of that cunt Cersei.....Cersei has Qyburn send a message to Lord Baelish, what the fuck is up with that? And what is the message? That cunt is always up to something. Oh and when that fucked up dude Qyburn writes that message to Baelish, the body of Gregor Clegane shakes on Qyburn's operating table, umm what the fuck:shrug: That dude Qyburn ain't right in the head, he ain't right.
- It seems the Boltons do not have enough men to hold the North, so what do they do? Sansa is going to marry Ramsay:scared ummmm I sure hope Sansa is going to fuck some shit up. After all the Boltons turned on the Starks and killed them so she better. Kick some ass Sansa:firing:
- Jon Snow is now the man At the Wall:scared He names Ser Alliser as the new First Ranger. Jon then orders Janos Slynt to depart Castle Black to become the commander of Greyguard, Slynt tells Jon that he will not go. Then Mr. Snow goes all apeshit bad ass CEO and cuts his head off:scared If Ygritte were still alive she would have blown him on the spot. Jon Snow is the man now, do not, I repeat, DO NOT say no when Jon Snow asks you to do something:firing:
- Jaqen H'ghar is a huge Arya fan but he was not giving Arya any short cuts. Arya wants to learn how "to be a Faceless Man" but she has to be patient. Arya then takes her possessions to the dock, where she throws them into the water. She will not get rid of the Needle, well played Arya, well played, hold on to that Needle that is all you have:clap: When Arya returns to the House of Black and White Jaqen then takes her to that room where she wanted to go all along.
- Tyrion can't stay in the carriage any longer, bad error. He is kidnapped by Jorah Mormont and we don't know for sure where he is going to take Tyrion. Oh shit.