Game Of Thrones - HBO


Urban Achiever
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2009

This infographic helps to explain a lot of stuff before the show started.


Urban Achiever
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2009
As this infographic was created by HBO to help the fans understand the complex relationships of the characters in this show, what's important to take away from this for season 7 is that it confirms that Jon Snow is actually the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen (Dany's older brother and son of the Mad King), meaning he's a Stark-Targaryen and possible rightful heir to the throne. But how is anyone besides young Bran supposed to prove that? That's where Howland Reed (father of Meera, the girl dragging Bran through the north on the sled) is expected to come into the fold and corroborate this information because he was the only one left at the tower on the day Ned discovered his dying sister with a newborn baby bastard (Jon), which was a part of Bran's visions with the three-eyed raven in season 6.

Now, maybe most here don't need this explained, but I certainly didn't have a full grasp on it after season 6, so maybe it's helpful to some.

Now, the main question (for me, anyway) is will Jon hook up with his dragon-bearing Auntie and take the Iron Throne from the Lannisters together?


Urban Achiever
Forum Member
Oct 22, 2009
Arya fucking shit up, she goes all masks and shit and puts Clorox Bleach in the Frey's wine...

The Night King ... seem to be marching south and a brisk pace, like a hard jog, not a full sprint...
Bran will do some Back to the Future shit at the Wall...

Sansa is all bad ass and shit now... but ease back on the lip Sansa...
Lyanna gives no fucks, like none.

Cersei as usual is being a giant cunt... Euron seems unfazed... he's heading out to purchase a gift card...

Samwell Tarly literally cleaning up shit, nope not good.
Jorah Mormont still alive, so that is a positive.

Daenerys ....

Thanks, Kick. Here's what I took away from your recap. Great recap. :mj07:


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
Good start, i still feel that dialogue has changed to pretty forward not as nicely written as it was.
Like that Cersei and Jamie scene. First i thought Hound was joking about what he saw in fire :mj07:

Arya and Ed Sheeran (i actually had to google who that was) are they gonna be like:

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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002

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Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 16, 2002
watched 1st episode again today,

Dragonstone is pretty close to King's landing, how come Euron's armada didn't see Daenerys's armada & dragons, they have been less than 30-40 miles apart :0corn

i guess Nightking is still able to see Bran... shit storm warning at Castle Black :scared

that fire place scene was lamest scene in history of GoT so far...

reminded me of that Mercedes sales lady in Sopranos... so fake xstop

what next ? BMW saddles & RayBans ?

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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 62......... July 23 ............ "Stormborn"

Ok let's start off what I have said at least 50 times, and I'll say it again, can somebody please kill Melisandre, this "Lord of the Light" cunt needs to pay for killing Shireen. She's back at her "Lord of Light" bullshit again, fucking hell! Hopefully when Davos arrives for the big meeting he'll run into Melisandre and kill the bitch.

- Daenerys confronts Varys and gives him a stern talk, yep very stern. Varys doesn't shit himself and stands his ground, Daenerys gives him a high five and all is forgiven. Daenerys decides it is a good idea to meet this Jon Snow dude, she sends out a group e-mail in hope Jon shows up. Daenerys' war council discusses their strategy for conquering Westeros, she lays out the plan, everyone agrees, it was a quick meeting, no Power Point presentation needed just got right to it.

- Grey Worm has a tongue, yep Missandei a huge fan of the Grey Worm tongue, huge fan. Gotta hand it to Grey Worm he played hard to get and it worked, well played Grey Worm, well played.

- Cersei gathers as many lords as she can, including Samwell Tarly father Randyll. She orders them to join forces with the Lannisters against Daenerys, citing Daenerys' army. They don't seem to be buying it, Jamie sees this and moves in on Randyll Tarly encouraging him to aid the Lannisters by promising him the title of Warden of the South. Will Randyll go back on his oath to House Tyrell? I hope not, that means he'll be fighting against Sam, and with all the literal shit Sam is dealing with does he really need his father fighting against him? Poor Sam, poor dude.

- Cersei and Qyburn visit the lower levels of the Red Keep, where the skulls of the Targaryens' dragons are kept. Qyburn reveals that he has been working on a Weapon of Mass Destruction that wil kill dragons, it seems like it might work, oh shit! That Qyburn dude is a wack job but you have to hand it to him he gets shit done. Not looking good for the Dragons, nope not good.

- Arya meets with her long lost buddy Hot Pie (who really knows how to rock a pie). He lets Arya know that Jon has defeated the Boltons and has reclaimed Winterfell. Arya is fired up and gets on the next Shuttle Bus to Winterfell. While in the woods we get to see the long-lost direwolf Nymeria! There are only two direwolves left (Jon's and Arya's) and Nymeria is alive, fuck yeah! Sadly it looks like Nymeria is all grown up now and has no interest in hanging out with Arya again, but hey at least Nymeria stayed alive after all these years.

- Jon announces to the Lords that he and Davos will travel to Dragonstone to secure the Dragon glass. Yep Jon is going to see his Aunt but he has no idea he's related to her, that should make for an interesting meeting let me tell ya! Now that Jon has left, Sansa is Queen of the North, and Littlefinger could not be happier. Although his joy soon turns sour when Jon tells him "You touch my sister I'll kill you myself", yep that brought is boner down a little.

- Sam gets all bad ass and shit and is determined to save Jorah Mormont (Sam was big fan of Jorah father) from his bad skin rash. Sam logs into WebMd and finds an ointment, we shall see if it works. Sam is stepping up big time, every day he's making Westeros Great Again, Trump would be proud.

- Well fuck shit fuck, I guess we found out what Euron Greyjoy's gift to Cersei is, yep it is the Sand Snakes (well two of em). Yara's fleet is attacked by Euron Greyjoy's fleet, Obara and Nymeria Sand are killed in the resulting battle and Ellaria and Tyene are taken prisoner, fuck fuck fuck! And yes I know there were only three Sand Snakes but I am throwing the mother into the equation, so yes technically only one Sand Snake remains, but Cersei is going to torture both of em so pretty soon they'll both be dead. I loved me some Sand Snakes and now they are done for, I say again, fuck!

- Euron subdues Yara and taunts Theon to come rescue her, Theon freaks out and cries and jumps overboard leaving his sister to die, that was weak sauce right there, a giant cup of weak sauce for sure.

Great fight scene on the ships, that was some good stuff right there, fast paced battle, gotta love it. Euron is a bad motherfucker, what an entrance when he took Yara's ship, fuck!

Dead Money

Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 15, 2005
Upstairs watching sports on the big TV.
Great re-cap

Great re-cap

I wonder exactly whom was on security watch on every ship when the entire fleet was taken by surprise?

Just how DO those ravens know where to go?

Raven whisperer?

Way to go Sam....

I guess the unsullied is now slightly sullied, good for him, she will invent strap-ons.....

God speed Jon Snow.....:00hour


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Theon reminds me a lot of kickserve. Id expect him to react the same way in that situation.

Boo to the eunich sex scene as well.

One of the weaker episodes for sure.
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