Game Of Thrones - HBO


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
ARYA MOTHERFUCKERS:firing::firing::firing::firing::firing::firing:

And she now has one super cool dagger, fuck yeah:Yep:


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 64......... August 6th ............ "The Spoils of War"

Great episode.........hell yeah! Dany brings some Dragon action, hell yeah!

-Littlefinger presents Bran with the Valyrian steel dagger that was used in the attempt on Bran's life. Baelish tries to get Bran to tell him of his experiences after fleeing Winterfell, Bran doesn't go for it. That prick Littlefinger always trying shit, he tried to tap into Bran's brain like some Jedi trick, but Bran wasn't having none of the Baelish shit.

- Meera visits Bran to say goodbye and is looking for some fucking before she leaves. She is only leaving because she wants to be with her family when the White Walkers attack. Bran is like "ok see ya", a pissed off Meera remarks that Bran figuratively died in the Three-Eyed Raven's cave. Yep she's got that right, Bran even turning down sex and on top of that doesn't even say thanks for dragging his ass like 200km across the snow, nope not even a thank you. Meera says "fuck this shit" and leaves.

- Arya FINALLY arrives at Winterfell where she meets up with big sis Sansa, wooooo hoooo! Sansa takes Arya to see Bran in the godswood. Arya is taken aback to find that Bran knows of her kill list. After Bran pops a wheelie on his new chair he gives Arya the Valyrian steel dagger. Yep that's right Arya has a bad ass dagger now, look the fuck out Westeros, Arya is coming for ya! As the three return to the castle, Podrick reassures Brienne that she has fulfilled her oath to Catelyn. Nice move on Podrick's part right there, he didn't have to do that, solid move right there Podrick, Brienne needed that.

- Brienne and Podrick are sparring when Arya asks to practice with Brienne. Arya goes all Matrix and shit and Brienne is like "you go girl!" Arya's skills learned from the Faceless Men and from Syrio's Braavosi water dance allow her to fight Brienne to a draw. After the encounter we have the line of the episode when Arya responds to Brienne question of "Where did you learn to fight like that?" with the "No One" line, yep that was a great line right there.

- Not sure Sansa is a big fan of the "bad ass" Arya, she seemed a bit jealous!

- Jon shows Daenerys the mine of Dragonglass, and wew baby is there lots of mining to do, Jon is going to have some trouble getting all those permits, and the insurance costs will add up, but regardless Jon is pumped up. Venturing further into the caves, he shows her carvings made on the cave wall by the Children of the Forest, depicting the Children and the First Men fighting together against the White Walkers. Dany finally realizes she needs to listen to this Jon dude, she agrees to help fight the White Walkers........or did she? Did Jon "bend the knee"?

- The Lannister/Tarly army departs Highgarden (with more gold then a Trump toilet). As they approach King's Landing, the Lannisters and Tarlys are attacked by Daenerys, and Dany ain't alone. She brought along Drogon and some of her Dothraki buddies, Dany is pissed off, yep, she is fucking pissed! Dany is fucking shit up, the Lannister's and Tarly's are getting fucked up and burned to a crisp, but Bronn is able to wound Drogon with Qyburn's scorpion. Daenerys is forced to dismount to try to remove the giant arrow, thankfully it did not hit Drogon in the head, so I think Dragon will make it, we shall see.

- I might of missed it but I think Randyll Tarly survived the battle, that fucker needs to die, yep Samwell Tarly's father needs to die, how dare he betray Sam, how dare he!

- Jaime tries to run Daenerys down, but Drogon shields her and Jaime is almost incinerated before Bronn tackles him off his horse at the last moment. Jaime falls in the Blackwater, and begins to sink to the bottom of the river, we fade to black.

Note: During the battle scene outside King's Landing, 20 Stuntman were set on fire all at the same time, two of them got severe burns but kept going in order to get the shot. Only after the scene was over did the rest of the crew realize that some of the screams during the scenes were real! Now that is why Game of Thrones is the shit, Stuntman literally burning themselves to get the scene done. Two of the Stuntman spent 2 days in the hospital with severe burns, burns they would not have got if they quit the scene, but no, they said fuck it let's just roll the film and take the pain. Yep, that is why this show is awesome, anything to get the scene right. Also one of the Stuntman that stood up on the horse (Dothraki) firing arrows broke his leg during filming, he refused to leave until all his scenes were completed. The scene where both stand on their horse and fire arrows at the Lannister army, he filmed that scene on a broken leg, fuck!


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002

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Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Episode 65......... August 13th .......... "Eastwatch"

- Jaime and Bronn survive but Bronn is a tad pissed because he lost his gold, but yep they escaped Daenerys and all that fire, Randyll Tarly and his son, Dickon.....umm not so much. The traitor Randyll refuses to bow to Dany, and sadly Sam's brother also says no, Dany executes them by use of dragon fire, yep bad way to die. But hey they turned their back on Olena and they paid the price. Poor Sam lost his brother and father, but his father was kind of a dick so he'll get over that shit quick, no worries Sam, no worries.

- Bran mind melds with some raven action. He travels beyond the Wall to locate the army of the dead and the White Walkers, The Night King glances at the ravens, and Bran returns to his own body. Bran sends out a group text to the Seven Kingdoms to warn of the impending army, nice job Bran, nice job!

- Sansa and Arya argue over the best way to keep the peace in the North, Arya is all for fucking shit up and chopping off heads, Sansa, not so much. Sansa has now officially realized that Arya is a complete fucking bad-ass. Arya later follows Littlefinger around Winterfell, she knows he's up to his bullshit, she's on it. Littlefinger receives a raven scroll from Maester Wolkan, and leaves the scroll locked inside his room before leaving. Arya gets the keycard from the Winterfell Front Desk and breaks into the locked room, and finds the scroll. She discovers that it is the letter written from Sansa following the death of King Robert, asking her family to swear to King Joffrey. But it is all a set-up, the giant cunt Littlefinger is up to his scheming again, it was all a set-up, Arya just doesn't know it yet. Sansa/Snow should just have killed him when they had the chance, now Littlefinger is back in his element and is up to his shit again.

- Archmaester Ebrose receives the text message sent from Bran, and discusses his warning with several other Archmaesters at the Citadel. Sam walks in and realizes the band of old fucks that shit all day ain't buying it. Sam is like dudes I have seen the dead fucks the text message his legit, the old fucks pay no attention to him. Sam goes back to his shitty condo and has to listen to Gilly read random boring facts out of some stupid book, but wait! As she reads, Gilly finds a passage that states Prince Rhaegar had his marriage to his wife annulled and that he was remarried in a secret ceremony, ummmm hello Gilly basically told Sam that his boy Jon has dragon blood in him, but Sam didn't notice, oh shit!

- Sam finally decides that the Citadel is a complete waste of his time, so he decides to leave and head back to the North. Yep Sam says fuck this shit (literally) and gets the hell out of there.

- Mr Friend-Zone meets up with Daenerys at Dragonstone, wooo hoo! You'd think she'd give him a hand job or something, but no not even a hand job for poor Jorah, he does get a hug though so he's happy!

- Daenerys holds a meeting with her advisors, as well as Jon and Davos. Tyrion presents the idea of bringing evidence of the army of the dead to Cersei, in the hopes of convincing her to join the fight against the White Walkers. Of course Jon decides to lead an expedition North of the Wall to capture a White Walker and bring it south to King's Landing. Yep sounds easy, yep super easy plan I see no problems, yep should take a couple hours, four hours tops.

- Tyrion and Davos arrive at a beach off of King's Landing, and the two sneak into the city. Tyrion meets with Jaime, and requests an audience with Queen Cersei once Jon returns from the North with evidence of the army of the dead. Jaime later conveys Tyrion's message to Cersei, and also informs her that Olenna Tyrell, not Tyrion, was the one who poisoned Joffrey. Cersei doesn't really say much, in fact it looks like she doesn't really give a shit. Then she turns to Jamie and she tells him that she is pregnant, yep another incest baby is on the way, woo hoo!

- Davos heads to the Street of Steel, where he finds Gendry, yep that's right a Gendry sighting, well how about that!

- Jon, Davos, Gendry and Jorah arrive at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and meet with Tormund, and nope it ain't sunny and warm there, lots of snow, yep lots! They meet up with the Brotherhood Without Banners and the Hound. The group (not including Davos) head beyond the Wall looking to kidnap a member of the White Walker army.

Quote of the episode......."Because we're all still breathing."
Last edited:


Forum Member
Mar 12, 2001
Emergency Awesome is so much better than Ozzie man. So much more material and much better insight. Ozzie man blows and is not funny.

GOT really delivering now. Great show (finally).


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
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Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
For some reason (Conspiracy theory is HBO did it themselves or had a part in the leakfor buzz) HBO Spain aired Episode 6 instead of 5 last night and it's already out there on line. If you have internet you can find it. No spoilers for sure until after it airs this Sunday, but I watched it this morning and god damn if this show doesn't deliver. One hell of an action packed episode and it's great from beginning to end.


Forum Member
Mar 21, 2014
For some reason (Conspiracy theory is HBO did it themselves or had a part in the leakfor buzz) HBO Spain aired Episode 6 instead of 5 last night and it's already out there on line. If you have internet you can find it. No spoilers for sure until after it airs this Sunday, but I watched it this morning and god damn if this show doesn't deliver. One hell of an action packed episode and it's great from beginning to end.

I watched it twice already, Bleed, and it's up there with Hardhome, Battle of Bastards and Spoils of War.

Kick, it's real easy to find online but if you can wait until Sunday more power to you (and in HD quality).



Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
Episode 65......... August 13th .......... "Eastwatch"

- Jaime and Bronn survive but Bronn is a tad pissed because he lost his gold, but yep they escaped Daenerys and all that fire, Randyll Tarly and his son, Dickon.....umm not so much. The traitor Randyll refuses to bow to Dany, and sadly Sam's brother also says no, Dany executes them by use of dragon fire, yep bad way to die. But hey they turned their back on Olena and they paid the price. Poor Sam lost his brother and father, but his father was kind of a dick so he'll get over that shit quick, no worries Sam, no worries.

- Bran mind melds with some raven action. He travels beyond the Wall to locate the army of the dead and the White Walkers, The Night King glances at the ravens, and Bran returns to his own body. Bran sends out a group text to the Seven Kingdoms to warn of the impending army, nice job Bran, nice job!

- Sansa and Arya argue over the best way to keep the peace in the North, Arya is all for fucking shit up and chopping off heads, Sansa, not so much. Sansa has now officially realized that Arya is a complete fucking bad-ass. Arya later follows Littlefinger around Winterfell, she knows he's up to his bullshit, she's on it. Littlefinger receives a raven scroll from Maester Wolkan, and leaves the scroll locked inside his room before leaving. Arya gets the keycard from the Winterfell Front Desk and breaks into the locked room, and finds the scroll. She discovers that it is the letter written from Sansa following the death of King Robert, asking her family to swear to King Joffrey. But it is all a set-up, the giant cunt Littlefinger is up to his scheming again, it was all a set-up, Arya just doesn't know it yet. Sansa/Snow should just have killed him when they had the chance, now Littlefinger is back in his element and is up to his shit again.

- Archmaester Ebrose receives the text message sent from Bran, and discusses his warning with several other Archmaesters at the Citadel. Sam walks in and realizes the band of old fucks that shit all day ain't buying it. Sam is like dudes I have seen the dead fucks the text message his legit, the old fucks pay no attention to him. Sam goes back to his shitty condo and has to listen to Gilly read random boring facts out of some stupid book, but wait! As she reads, Gilly finds a passage that states Prince Rhaegar had his marriage to his wife annulled and that he was remarried in a secret ceremony, ummmm hello Gilly basically told Sam that his boy Jon has dragon blood in him, but Sam didn't notice, oh shit!

- Sam finally decides that the Citadel is a complete waste of his time, so he decides to leave and head back to the North. Yep Sam says fuck this shit (literally) and gets the hell out of there.

- Mr Friend-Zone meets up with Daenerys at Dragonstone, wooo hoo! You'd think she'd give him a hand job or something, but no not even a hand job for poor Jorah, he does get a hug though so he's happy!

- Daenerys holds a meeting with her advisors, as well as Jon and Davos. Tyrion presents the idea of bringing evidence of the army of the dead to Cersei, in the hopes of convincing her to join the fight against the White Walkers. Of course Jon decides to lead an expedition North of the Wall to capture a White Walker and bring it south to King's Landing. Yep sounds easy, yep super easy plan I see no problems, yep should take a couple hours, four hours tops.

- Tyrion and Davos arrive at a beach off of King's Landing, and the two sneak into the city. Tyrion meets with Jaime, and requests an audience with Queen Cersei once Jon returns from the North with evidence of the army of the dead. Jaime later conveys Tyrion's message to Cersei, and also informs her that Olenna Tyrell, not Tyrion, was the one who poisoned Joffrey. Cersei doesn't really say much, in fact it looks like she doesn't really give a shit. Then she turns to Jamie and she tells him that she is pregnant, yep another incest baby is on the way, woo hoo!

- Davos heads to the Street of Steel, where he finds Gendry, yep that's right a Gendry sighting, well how about that!

- Jon, Davos, Gendry and Jorah arrive at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and meet with Tormund, and nope it ain't sunny and warm there, lots of snow, yep lots! They meet up with the Brotherhood Without Banners and the Hound. The group (not including Davos) head beyond the Wall looking to kidnap a member of the White Walker army.

Quote of the episode......."Because we're all still breathing."

Huge fan of the books and show but Ep 5 was just terrible. Why did the powers that be decide to make this such a short season??? They are really cramming everything in and its getting so annoying. How many reunions have we had in the last two weeks. All the jumping around and traveling at lightning speeds is taking me out of the show.
Like how the hell did Bron drag Jamie all the way across the lake? How did Terrion know he was still alive?

For a show thats known for taking their time and developing story they are going at warp speed and the story is starting to suffer.

For such a hugely popular show why did they cut the season so short? We havent seen Gendry in what 4yrs and in the blink of 20 minutes he goes from Kings Landing to Dragon Stone to being on the Super friends team North of the Wall

Annoyed but of course Im sucked in and will tune in Sunday


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Why did the powers that be decide to make this such a short season???

Easy answer..............:0071

The show is so popular ratings are massive worldwide, HBO just raking in the cash. Production costs go down when you make fewer episodes and let me tell you the production costs are huge on that show, it is the most expensive tv show ever made. So if you can produce 7 episodes instead of 10 and viewership keeps going up and production costs go down then it makes perfect sense to cut Season 7 short. It isn't like HBO is taking a hit, in fact it is the complete opposite.

Name one other show that has tripled in ratings (Worldwide) from Episode 1 to Episode 65, you won't find one. This is a GLOBAL hit not just a hit in North America.

As a fan I'd love to see more then 7 episodes this season but there have been 65 episodes so far and they all rock so can't really complain about anything now.

And remember after Season 1 then plan was for 50 episodes in total, we are well past that mark right now.

Also for what's it's worth I think there will be 75 episodes in total and then they'll finish it with a movie, so plenty of time to get your G.O.T. fix in. Once I heard they were cutting Season 7 short I thought to myself maybe they are saving some cash for a movie? We will find out soon enough if my guess is correct?


Forum Member
Feb 12, 2004
los angeles
Easy answer..............:0071

The show is so popular ratings are massive worldwide, HBO just raking in the cash. Production costs go down when you make fewer episodes and let me tell you the production costs are huge on that show, it is the most expensive tv show ever made. So if you can produce 7 episodes instead of 10 and viewership keeps going up and production costs go down then it makes perfect sense to cut Season 7 short. It isn't like HBO is taking a hit, in fact it is the complete opposite.

Name one other show that has tripled in ratings (Worldwide) from Episode 1 to Episode 65, you won't find one. This is a GLOBAL hit not just a hit in North America.

As a fan I'd love to see more then 7 episodes this season but there have been 65 episodes so far and they all rock so can't really complain about anything now.

And remember after Season 1 then plan was for 50 episodes in total, we are well past that mark right now.

Also for what's it's worth I think there will be 75 episodes in total and then they'll finish it with a movie, so plenty of time to get your G.O.T. fix in. Once I heard they were cutting Season 7 short I thought to myself maybe they are saving some cash for a movie? We will find out soon enough if my guess is correct?

Not even close to the most expensive show ever made (okay, it's probably close. Maybe top 10 or 20). ER was the most expensive show ever made. Not kidding. Google it. I know you will. I did when I saw a list and I'll be damn. Never would have guessed it.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
May 26, 2002
Not even close to the most expensive show ever made

It all depends on what one considers when dealing with the "most expensive show" comment. Do you break it down per season? Do you break it down per episode? Do you average it for the entire run of the show? Do you include the advertising budget? Do you include salary of all the staff? Do you just include production costs? You could have many lists of "the most expensive tv shows" depending on what information is used.

Depends on what statistics you use, the answer could be Game of Thrones, or Rome, or even Friends, yes if you factor in salary, Friends was the most expensive, you know when the cast got like 100 billion per episode.
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