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Private Petey

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Mar 4, 2002
family my arse

family my arse

yeah whatever Missy. you guys can hit on me all you want with all of your sexual innuendos, but when I ask a simple question about lubrication preference you get all puritanical on me.

P Squared


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Jun 13, 2002
Petey~I wont be in Vegas, so u will still be a no one to me. Just as an FYI....if I were to go to Vegas you would be the last guy I would hook up with. I dont care how good u say u look, ur personality sucks and that is a major turnoff for me. Once again, you never had and never will ahve a chance with me.

Missy~Gertie must be giving him some shit. I do in fact know how she can be.


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Jun 11, 2003
Penguinfan~I see that you have been working on your material. Pretty good, but I definitely seen better. I already told you once that I didn't want you to be part of my "following" but since you insist on having to know everything about me, I'll tell you that I am here only to read some of the posts as I find some of the people here amusing. Sorry to tell ya, but you are not one of them.

It is very understandable that you wanted this to die down. After that lame come back over the weekend I figured I would cut you a break. I would have even let it be today but it looks like you're the one taking a dump. So, it is on, and hopefully you can come at me with better posts then your previous ones. Good luck!!!!

BTW Pee Pee~I can't wait to cross paths in Vegas. I have something REAL special for ya!!!!!!!!
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Dec 5, 2001
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OK Helen it appears you have one joke saved up for this situation so go ahead, it's obvious you just can't wait to show everybody your balls are bigger than mine. You have been warned several times not to fight this fight, but if you must, very well. Nothing is off-limits and remember you asked for it.



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Apr 7, 2003
Penguin ~ helen hasn't posted here in a few days and you brought here name back up and into this post. Seriously get over it. :nono:

Some people I will never understand

Miss Missy
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Jun 11, 2003
I guess you are still researching....like I said before I have some time to wait, so bring it on tough guy!!! I don't have any jokes saved up I don't need 4 hours to reply to your lame ass threats either.

Watch out everyone the police are patroling in their Camaros today, and it seems like guns are blazing, but don't worry too much because they are filled with blanks.


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Jun 11, 2003
BTW~ If what you said is true and I couldn't wait to have a pissing contest, wouldn't "I" have brought this post up sooner. If anyone needs to scroll up it is you. You started in on my sister last week and you also started in on me today.

I have no problem exchanging words with you, like I said before I am not threatened or intimidated by you. But don't sit there and say that I asked for this, as it is very obvious that you are starting this with me. Which I will state again that I have no problem with. So, you got something to say, I'm not going anywhere. JUST SAY IT, TOUGH GUY!!!!!


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Dec 5, 2001
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Seriously, you have nothing better to do than follow me around and hit the refresh button to see what I posted? Petey is right, you may as well bring your own lotion because you are 1/5 favorite to bump uglies with him the first night. I will lay even money he would rather go back to the blowup doll when that nasty deed is done. Your sorry ass comes into a gambling forum and starts trouble? What is so wrong with you that this is all you have to do, if I check in here Friday nights I bet I find you lurking around, are you old enough to get into a bar? Making fun of the cars I own? I probably own more houses than you own cars little miss. What kind of dragster hauls your ass back and forth to work, or do you have a job, lemme guess since your from Philly welfare is your job. If you don't have a job maybe you can post messages for my wife to answer during the day, she doesn't work either, she doesn't have to, of course after I get the report from Petey maybe I can give you a job, I have a few horses that need taken care of, one look at your mug and I may lose the stud fee from them though.
Honestly Helen tell me this is the best you can do with your time and I will understand your situation and feel sorry for you, actually I already do. Eddie was right, my last promotion at work came through so I will probably be retired by the time you finally get your GED, living well is the best revenge, so go back to your cat or whatever you hang out with at night, get up on time to catch the bus to work and hurry home to see what I have posted for you, the obvious priority in your day.
As much as I have better things to do I will check in tomorrow for your reply oh big balled one, or the reply of one of your friends who has to have your back in a GAMBLING forum.

Enjoy your miserable life
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Jun 11, 2003
As I previously posted, genius. You started this with me. The big tough guy wants to "police these forums" because he is sick of the girls around here. It is quite understandable why you wanna pick a fight with the girls. Fags driving Camaros tend to fit in better with the females and usually are territorial. I'm not here to pick up any guys so don't feel threatened.

There isn't one thing wrong with me. My picture is posted in the softball thread, so if you have seen you'll understand why the "ugly" jokes don't really insult me.

I really don't think I would have much in common with your wife, if she likes you at all, that is proof we are definitely very different.

In my opinion, any "small minded" person having to come on to a GAMBLING forum to brag about assets is just a child. They are probably making it up also. One other point, it doesn't impress me one bit either.

The "stupid cunt" crack was really classy. That really proves you have so much to offer this world.


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Feb 6, 2001
ESSO said:
Penguin and Kotysdad~You two are ridiculous with all this bashing of my friends. You don't know them to be making some of the statements that u r. You should get all the facts before u start making false accusations.

I knew the posse would be riding in eventually (even if it did take 4-5 days to get into town).

I call'em like I see'em.

Bashing?? You mean like calling someone ridiculous?? LOL


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Feb 6, 2001
ESSO said:
Petey~Just as an FYI....if I were to go to Vegas you would be the last guy I would hook up with.


Please DO try to get some sleep tonight after having that piece of devastating news dropped on ya. :rolleyes:
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Jun 13, 2002
Kotysdad~ Calling someone ridiculous is not bashing. What you are doing to Helen and Missy is, and obviously you guys are the ones with way too much time on their hands, bc you always seem to put us down, but u r always responding and viewing this forum all the time. You are on this more than most of us and always seem to find us and argue back with them. As for PeePee, he is the one that hinted at us getting together in Vegas. I never showed one ounce of interest in him. I just wanted to make that perfectly clear.


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Feb 6, 2001
ESSO said:
Kotysdad~ ...you guys are the ones with way too much time on their hands, bc you always seem to put us down, but u r always responding and viewing this forum all the time.

U R absolutely rite. I M hear way 2 much. I will take UR advise and find better things 2 do w my time. Thanks 4 the help. I M already 4 the better bc of U.


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Dec 5, 2001
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See here cum dumpster

See here cum dumpster

Helen said:
." I'm not here to pick up any guys so don't feel threatened. "

I am sure that part is taking care of itself.

"There isn't one thing wrong with me. My picture is posted in the softball thread, so if you have seen you'll understand why the "ugly" jokes don't really insult me. "

What ugly jokes, they were attacks on your character and and intelligence, the real things that make people attractive, in which case you are ugly.

"I really don't think I would have much in common with your wife, if she likes you at all, that is proof we are definitely very different. "


"In my opinion, any "small minded" person having to come on to a GAMBLING forum to brag about assets is just a child. They are probably making it up also. One other point, it doesn't impress me one bit either."

Your right, I should have left that part out, it's nobodys business but mine anyway.

"The "stupid cunt" crack was really classy. That really proves you have so much to offer this world."

I call em like I see em. [/B]


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Apr 7, 2003
Penguin give it up man you are starting to appear pathetic. The words that you choose are extremely small minded. Cunt, cum. Come on please tell me you are better then that.

BTW: You did attack Helen's physical appearence. You said in so many ways that she is to ugly to go out of her house, which isn't true cause she is my sister and I am hot (lol). Also, you called her double wide, fat azz, things to that effect and again they are not even close to true.

Helen, IMO, is one of the smartest, most attractive (besides myself LOL) people that I know. She is a wonderful wife, doting mother, and caring friend. So your opinion of her, however you came up with it, is incorrect and way off base.

Let it go

miss missy
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Jun 13, 2002
PF~you really need to grow up and get over this little battle you got going on and worry bout more important things.

I quite arguing on here. If someone has something nice to say to me or if there is a reasonable convo going on, then I will talk, other than that I am going to do my best to stay out of these petty fights that you boys like to start.


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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
ESSO said:
PF~you really need to grow up and get over this little battle you got going on and worry bout more important things.

I quite arguing on here. If someone has something nice to say to me or if there is a reasonable convo going on, then I will talk, other than that I am going to do my best to stay out of these petty fights that you boys like to start.

A perfect example of keeping your nose out of it.

Missy--I have offered, and offer again to drop it, so whichever one of you that wants to speak for Helen this time have at it.
