Happy Bday to...

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Apr 7, 2003
Just to clarify ... can you please let this drop penguin?

Just to clarify ... can you please let this drop penguin?

penguinfan said:
Out of morbid curiosity, how did you come up with that one?


With the extremely high chance of you taking a shot at me for going back and quoting every time you said something that didn't have anything to do with Helen's character but had to do with her and the other girls on the softball team's appearence and even quoting your shot at me "dirty schanez" I have answered your question above. I hope this helps.

Can we please let this drop now? I know that you have said that you tried to drop this but I believe that your passive agressive nature, IMO ONLY, is shining through.

I know that I come to this forum because I like the general discussions, I enjoy the jokes, I even enjoy the slight conflicts on here but this is getting out of hand. Helen didn't post for a few days and then Esso did and then you brought Helen's name back into it. Just go back and read and you will see.

Then why are you in EVERY one of this threads? Seems like you are kinda stalking him if you ask me. I am married to a woman I find very attractive and thus do not have to kiss their wide asses in hopes of getting some at the SuperBowl party. Here's a news flash guys, THERE ARE PLENTY OF WOMEN IN VEGAS ALREADY, enough is enough with this crew.
Penguinfan (da da dunt) Forum Police

Sorry Miss Dirty Sanchez

Amazing, not only do you double wides know everything,

You have been warned several times not to fight this fight, but if you must, very well. Nothing is off-limits and remember you asked for it.


Petey is right, you may as well bring your own lotion because you are 1/5 favorite to bump uglies with him the first night. I will lay even money he would rather go back to the blowup doll when that nasty deed is done. Your sorry ass comes into a gambling forum and starts trouble? What is so wrong with you that this is all you have to do, if I check in here Friday nights I bet I find you lurking around, are you old enough to get into a bar? Making fun of the cars I own? I probably own more houses than you own cars little miss. What kind of dragster hauls your ass back and forth to work, or do you have a job, lemme guess since your from Philly welfare is your job. If you don't have a job maybe you can post messages for my wife to answer during the day, she doesn't work either, she doesn't have to, of course after I get the report from Petey maybe I can give you a job, I have a few horses that need taken care of, one look at your mug and I may lose the stud fee from them though.
Honestly Helen tell me this is the best you can do with your time and I will understand your situation and feel sorry for you, actually I already do. Eddie was right, my last promotion at work came through so I will probably be retired by the time you finally get your GED, living well is the best revenge, so go back to your cat or whatever you hang out with at night, get up on time to catch the bus to work and hurry home to see what I have posted for you, the obvious priority in your day.
As much as I have better things to do I will check in tomorrow for your reply oh big balled one, or the reply of one of your friends who has to have your back in a GAMBLING forum.

Enjoy your miserable life

See here cum dumpster

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Forum Member
Jun 24, 2002
penguinfan said:


I've been staying out of this since everyone is big enough to speak for themselves. The commrodery that we "the girls" have is no different the guys so I'm not sure why the girls keep getting critcized for it.

The statement above, I believe crosses some lines, although we may at times lash out .... statements such as this lacks respect for others in the forum and yourself.

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Dec 5, 2001
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Re: Just to clarify ... can you please let this drop penguin?

Re: Just to clarify ... can you please let this drop penguin?

Justinsmom829 said:

Can we please let this drop now?

Very well then, normally I am not around on Thrusday and Friday so have yourself a nice weekend. See you under more suitable circumstances.

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Apr 7, 2003
I agree Esso. I just think that it sucks that people talk to other people like that. I mean things are said but some things are way out of line. I am surprised that some other guys in this forum don't disagree with the way some people talk. I just hope this all blows over and we no woman ever has to get referred to in those manners again in this forum or anywhere for that matter.

meanwhile ...

what's up for the game tonight? Justin's bday is tomorrow I can't believe he is going to be four (I figured I better stay on a bday theme since this is a bday thread ;) ) Are you doing anything for the game tonight? I am going to Ocean City, MD for the weekend on Sat. I am so excited to get away. J loves it down there.

Miss Missy


Forum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Victory Lane
NickiD said:
penguinfan said:



Have to agree with you on this one.


damn, if you dont have any respect for the ladies in here then have some respect for yourself.

I am the last one to be a peacemaker, but knock that shit off. Its uncalled for.

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Jun 11, 2003
I see that you girls tried to get a resolution to this matter in my absence. I still feel the need to defend myself against his attack. Being warned that someone is intelligent and witty, one would expect at the very least, an intelligent response. Being called a "stupid cunt" and a "cum dumpster" doesn't even come close.

Penguinfan~You may speak to your wife and mother like that but you don't know me and have crossed the line. You may feel safe in your efficiency apartment but I'm telling you that if you refer to me in that manner again I will fly a few Steamfitters out to Pittsburgh and tell them to go to the local steel mill and find the guy cleaning the toilets, for the real men, and they'll take care of you. Better yet, beings it's obvious that you can't afford to go to Vegas in January, I'll pay your way and let my husband take care of you then.

Like I said in the beginning, if you wanna exchange words
I have no problem doing that in a civilized fashion. But if you wanna cross the line then I'll be forced to handle it Philly style. So, from here on out, you keep your wife's pet names within the boundaries of your relationship.


Senior Pats Fan
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
Helen said:
But if you wanna cross the line then I'll be forced to handle it Philly style. So, from here on out, you keep your wife's pet names within the boundaries of your relationship.

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Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
So it is OK for you to refer to my wife and mother that way, but not me-you, also it is OK to consider me a fag for driving a Camaro now and then. I told you nothing was off limits here. Then if all else fails and you don't like the way things are going you will just have to involve your husband, BRILLIANT. You expected an exchange of one-liners and got something else and didn't like it.
Crossed the line huh? Well if KOD thinks so then maybe I did, that's kinda like Charlie Manson telling you that your a bit screwed up.

In any event this all started over the girls having to bash the guys everyday in a forum that they contribute little else to, so instead of giving you grief over it I guess we should take your example (involving your husband) and call Jack immediatly, like one of you did about Dr Strangeloves girl avatar. Maybe I am wrong here, but I doubt the guys were jumping on the e-mail to complain about that one.

Perhaps I should not have taken this as far as I did, but enough was enough, though I should not take Jacks forum to that level and I would edit the comments that offend out if they weren't quoted a dozen times.

Don't think this means that I agree with the junk you post, still the opposite is true, however I have agreed to let this die, take your sisters advice and do the same. We do not have to like each other, I still have as little respect for you as you have for me, and thats just gonna have to be OK.


OH, you too huh Acehistr8, well I guess I just doubled the number of people backing Petey in the contest;)


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Jun 11, 2003
Maybe you really need to go back to grade school and learn how to understand the words you read, because I didn't refer to your wife or your mother in the words that you used on me. My exact words were "you may talk to your wife and mother like that...which means, genius, that YOU call them that, that doesn't mean I was calling them that.

I know nothing about Dr. Stange's avatar, it has been the same since I started posting here. You can read all of my posts, I only RESPOND to people's post. I do not and never have initiated any of these discussions.

Call Jack, e-mail him, write him a letter, go ahead. You were the throwing around profanities. I just said if you continued the way you were going it was gonna be a mistake on your part. See, where I come from it is in very bad taste to talk to any female the way that you did and the people I surround myself with, really do look down on that kind of behavior. Which I think any real man would too. So, I really doubt that your calling him is gonna get you anywhere. But you can always try.


Senior Pats Fan
Forum Member
Jun 20, 2002
Northern VA
Ha ha ha - no. I want no part of this action, I just laugh at the phrase "Phily style." Only Phily style I know is extra Cheese whiz at Pats.


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Apr 7, 2003
penguinfan said:
So it is OK for you to refer to my wife and mother that way, but not me-you,
you started down that path

also it is OK to consider me a fag for driving a Camaro now and then.
like I said some things are said and some cross the line

I told you nothing was off limits here. Then if all else fails and you don't like the way things are going you will just have to involve your husband, BRILLIANT.
how would you handle the situation if it were your wife in Helen's shoes would you not want to make sure no one spoke to her that way again

You expected an exchange of one-liners and got something else and didn't like it. Crossed the line huh? Well if KOD thinks so then maybe I did, that's kinda like Charlie Manson telling you that your a bit screwed up.
KOD was the only one who thought what you did was completly off basis and told you so I commend that.

In any event this all started over the girls having to bash the guys everyday in a forum that they contribute little else to,
It is a general forum 1/2 post about gambling and other 1/2 bullshit

so instead of giving you grief over it I guess we should take your example (involving your husband) and call Jack immediatly, like one of you did about Dr Strangeloves girl avatar. Maybe I am wrong here, but I doubt the guys were jumping on the e-mail to complain about that one.
no one that I know of, Helen, Esso, Tara, or myself ever complained to Jack about anyone. We don't like somethings but we express ourselves to that person w/out resorting to such measures as you did.

Perhaps I should not have taken this as far as I did, but enough was enough, though I should not take Jacks forum to that level and I would edit the comments that offend out if they weren't quoted a dozen times.

Don't think this means that I agree with the junk you post, still the opposite is true, however I have agreed to let this die, take your sisters advice and do the same. We do not have to like each other, I still have as little respect for you as you have for me, and thats just gonna have to be OK.
I hope that you stick to this


OH, you too huh Acehistr8, well I guess I just doubled the number of people backing Petey in the contest;)

Thanks ACE I appreciated you sticking up for the right thing here.

I know that I tell jokes about men in this forum but that is because I think they are funning and I know the good Dr. post naked woman in this thread because he likes it. I don't like to look at naked woman so I don't go into his threads. But I do, on a daily basis, recieve emails from the Dr just to exchange pleasntries. So we don't like everything that is the same but we still are friends. And that is all that I have to say about that.

I hope this dies soon!!!

Miss Missy

Private Petey

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Mar 4, 2002


What a surprise. Good old Ace is throwing in with these nutty dollies. They throw you a bone in that contest thread and you come running, huh ace. You're so predictable. Hey jasonsmom, why did you quote that petey mailman guy????? What does that asshole have to do with this thread? You think that's funny, huh honey?


Private Petey

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Mar 4, 2002


I want to wish some people a happy birthday and the herd has to take over my thread with insults. Like penguin said, you have no business here at madjacks. Please leave.

P Squared
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Jun 11, 2003
That's her signature.........did you figure out that there isn't a circus in Vegas yet, genius?


Registered User
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Apr 7, 2003
pee pee come on you really want us to leave? and I thought we were starting to become friends. I mean friends that don't really like each other but still friends. do you really want us to leave? do you really not want us to come to Vegas? I sure wish you would of told us that before we book are flight/hotel. good thing we didn't send our money to Jack yet we can go to Vegas and just party and you guys at MJ don't have to even know we are there.

huh and you think you know somebody?

Miss Missy, signing off