Scam sevices at work

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Jun 11, 2001
Hello highroller,

Thank you for your comments. I may not have many posts, but I have been reading for the last couple of years. I noticed that a few weeks ago, you said that you were going to quit gambling because you were getting killed and that you had a newborn baby and all sorts of other stuff. If you buy into what these 2 scammers are selling, then you really should stick to your word and quit gambling. Both you and the nutty broad mentioned how few posts I have. Hopefully you'll be happy to hear that I have decided to start posting more. I like this forum and I like the interaction. I just don't like to see smart fellas like yourself fall for the BS. Thank you.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2002


It is nice to see you can read my posts. Once again I will state these two are not scammers. Second how about I choose when I will gamble and when I wont. Last but least dont come around here bashing some of the BEST CAPPERS ON MJ and think that we who know will just let you get away with it. Your a scumbag and we would probably be better off if you never posted again and went to back to just reading for a few more years till you can contribute something of value. All your contributing is BULLSHIT AND LIES to the forum.



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Jan 16, 2001
i am sure mav you have played 1 or 2 of my games be honest with you I wasnt talking about your site. I wasnt really lumping anything or anyone together. I can honestly say that I dont think there is to many people on this board who know as much about services and their tricks as I do. I have been watching a lot of these services for the most part of 20 years. I think you would have to generally agree with me in the fact that 90% of these services and their websites have ways of hiding their true records one way or another. Now youre in the 10% that want to be up front and honest and that is commendable, I really believe in the long run that is the way to build business. I hope you didnt find my comments to be directed towards you. As far as playing a few of your games.......I can honestly say that I never ever put a wager in unless I can find the reasons I like the side or else I wont play it. I have a theory that in handicapping a person will never be successful in the long run without doing their own work. I agree 100% with Nick in that most people lose because of their money management and not their selections. So with that theory in mind I think that a person can do a lot better just working on their money management I have to go to get ready for monday night football so I can win back the 10 units I lost this weekend............... just kidding

G Money

Forum Member
Aug 23, 2001
TBonez, why would you make fun of somebody because of the clothes they wear or because they are not as fortunate as you. You should be thankful for what you have. I was going to stay out of this until I read that. I said before I'm not familair with Thunders picks so I cant comment on them. I am very familair with Raymond's picks. I remember last year when his service plays were posted on another site by someone that actually paid for his service. I enjoyed looking at them just to get a laugh because he was so bad. It's not just that the picks were terrible it was the way he used his money management skills. He had Big, Huge, Very Big,and Outlaw plays, and he also had more games of the years than Lenny Stevens. He also had the nerve to say game of the century on a game that only lost the spread by about 40 points. Then he had the nerve to say inside info on a game on Christmas that also lost. Also I got a kick out of NFl picks yesterday with the blank % play on the sunday night over the total. Sure glad I didnt empty the bankroll on that one. If it would have won the suckers would have been lining up kissing his ass. What I have just typed is the truth and I think everybody should know this before giving away their money.

PS. Highroller Its no wonder you had to retire, if you think raymond is a good capper then you really shouldnt be betting.

Jiminy Cricket

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Aug 14, 2001
all i know is i've watched thunder for a couple of years and he has math problems. his calculater only has plus keys,and no minus keys. :confused: :nono: :shrug:


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Oct 12, 2001
Long Branch Nj
Wow Raymond is like the Yankees and Notre Dame football. Either you Love him or love to hate him. I have had my own problems with Ray, but that said he has also helped me in the past. His wife is a little over zealous and has threatened death to a couple members on the board. Im sure that was just for laughs though. As for Raymond and Thunder using the sight for advertisement purposes, it was quite evident in this instance they did. I'm sure Jack talked them and it will not happen again, actually Im sure they new it was a mistake immediately after clicking submit.
As for Thunder and Steel City I don't think Raymond could have picked two better guys to hook up with. Raymond is a very streaky capper who does have good instincts. Thunder has great money management and solid capping skills, Steel City is a very solid poster here. I guess all Im trying to say is that Mickey had a legitimate point, that most people can see. However people are only human and do make mistakes. It appears that they have learned from the mistake and Thunder said it wouldn't happen again. I take him at his word.
I would only ask that the next person who makes reference to "cement shoes" or being burried in cement, or the latest "risking your freeking life" be given some sort of suspension or banning. That shit is just not funny and could be interpreted as making terroristic threats. People who post ob here are open to criticism, why is it that some have a thick skin and some try to intimidate to shut up their critics or husbands critics?


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Nov 4, 2000
God darn it anyway something I can answer. What are good M/M skills. When you have more money then when you started. Now depending on what length of time you wish to use is differant question. You could do as a mutual fund. Have 1 year 3 year 5 year and 10 year window. The key would have more at end of each time period. However in this business it's not always that easy. Many cappers know this. Many Service know this. We all like to think we win every year. Rays not afraid to say he had a down year last year. Lets give some credit wheres it's due. So you measure how you wish. I look at 3 and 5 year periods. I have a set amont I work with. My goal in not to make a livieng out of this. But have some fun and have more money then what I stated with at the end of those periods. As for M/M methods there are many. And you can read about them from differant folks here. To much to write about. But one simple rule is. Never have more then 15% of your bank role in play at one time. And another one is. Never have more then 3% on any given game at one time. Now others have other rules and ways of M/M. But those first two I live by 98% of the time.
Doc I know your just BSing us because your way to smart at this stuff to ask that question. But you see I took the bate. Other ideas I hope come from some other folks.


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Oct 12, 2001
Long Branch Nj
I said Great money management, and solid capping skills.
If you have to ask what they are then you, like myself don't really have them yet.
Thunder uses percentages of bankroll. It is the best way I have seen on this forum. It keeps losses down and when you are doing well enables you to gey more money in while youre hot.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
this "keeps losses to a minimum and maximizes wins" is complete BS....there is no such system.....this whole "percentage" thing is a joke

only money management is to not throw it all away on one game because eventually you will lose if that becomes a habit

anything else your told.....well.......go donate your hard earned $$ to a charity


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Oct 12, 2001
Long Branch Nj
And time in arow you misquoted me. If you are going to use my thoughts against me don't misrepresent them. The site even provides a way to insure that you quote accurately.
If you need any assistance feel free to ask.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2002


Whatever...Can you read ? Guess not all I am saying is they are not a scammer service nor are they scammers themselves.


P.S. Guess you did not go 8-1 this weekend...;142loser:

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
SmashMouth said:
I said Great money management, and solid capping skills.
If you have to ask what they are then you, like myself don't really have them yet.
Thunder uses percentages of bankroll. It is the best way I have seen on this forum. It keeps losses down and when you are doing well enables you to gey more money in while youre hot.

ok this "system" is a joke..there i didn't misquote you now

G Money

Forum Member
Aug 23, 2001


HighRoller said:
Whatever...Can you read ? Guess not all I am saying is they are not a scammer service nor are they scammers themselves.


P.S. Guess you did not go 8-1 this weekend...;142loser:

HighRoller, scammers use ceratin terms like inside info, lock and load, and other crazy names for their plays. LOL

Im glad for you that you went 8-1 this week. I hope your favorite teams dont get on a cold streak or you will be retirement again. :thefinger


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Oct 12, 2001
Long Branch Nj
Very good. I knew you could do it. What exactly is a "joke" about that system? You are entitled to your opinion and I'd love to hear it. Meanwhile here is mine. I'm not staing that it is the only way, or that it will help you pick more winners, because if you can't pick games accurately you are going to lose money. What it does do is the following:

#1 It limits the amount you play on a given game, based on your bankroll.
#2 It forces discipline. Which most cappers, self included don't usually have, because let's face it alot of us are compulsive.

# 3 As your bankroll goes down play size will also if you stick to %'s. Which keeps you from plunge betting or chasing.

#4 As your bankroll goes up your play size does also. Which lets you get more of your profits in while your rolling, while protecting your starting bankroll.

Again there is more than one way to skin a cat. I just don't see how the Thunder style Money management style can be called a joke.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
because it offers no advantage over a guy who bets 200$ a bet straight up......thats why

Under this "magical" system:
if i am rolling, well my bets are bigger...and guess what....that means when i start my losing streak my bets are going to be at an all time high....

if i am losing, well my bets are smaller...and guess what....that means when i start my winning streak my bets are going to be at an all time low.....


G Money

Forum Member
Aug 23, 2001
I agree with Freeze about that % shit. Its maybe ok if you go from 1% to 3%, but when you bet in the 8-10% range that is bullshit. There is no game worth 10% of your bankroll. I like the way Freeze does his plays he plays usually the same amount on most of the games and maybe one game for a small amount more. He is having a great season doing it that way.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001
lol and when i say i bet 8% on a game, that doesn't mean i get 8% if i win and lose 8% if i lose

it means i lose -8.8% on a loss and win 8% off a win....

and somehow lots of 8% wins magically turn into 15% wins because "it was a winning week" but they never are 5% wins on a losing week somehow..

similarly, 8% losses never are 15% losses on winning days, but somehow are only 5% losses on losing days

its a big fraud and if you wanna buy into it, go ahead


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Nov 12, 2002

i really dont wish to get involved in this thread, as its one of those "never-ending" kind of topics. we all have our opinions on the services and bankroll "strategies"

i just dont see why youre giving g-money a hard time, just because he doesnt agree with a huge fluctuation in betting amounts. heck, you yourself admitted you have lost hundreds and thousands betting, so why criticize him if he doesnt agree with exposing an inflated amount of his bankroll?

gmoney doesnt have to go 8-1 betting on his home teams to post worthwhile, cogent opinions or ideas.

as far as the whole service thing goes, i think the advertising plos is lame. and many of the guys starting services have no business selling sh1t when they are slightly above average. certainly that doesnt speak for all services, but as a generalization, i think its true.

this is a great site, but i think a lot of guys are "trained" to almost treat the veteran posters (who shall remain nameless) as "venerable cappers" and take every word they say as truth and treat their picks as the gospel, without bothing to really do their homework. thats what puzzles me. theres no need to openly criticize, but a lot of people kiss the a$$es of guys who are mediocre at best.

theres a select number of guys here whose opinions and thoughts i consider to have great value-- and quite honestly, a lot of those guys who are excellent cappers dont get the credit they deserve. im always willing to basically be a sponge around guys who are older than me and who might have more experience. but im also not an idiot nor kiss a$$. experience or longevity doesnt always mean success in capping. hell, it could easily mean theyve got more of a bankroll to lose.

bottom line is weve all got our opinions. theres a lot of good cappers here that are young, middle-aged, or older. just is mind boggling to see some new posters or infrequent posters rush to the defense of some more "recognizable" names, just because its the "popular" thing to do on this forum.

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Nick Douglas

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Oct 31, 2000
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Freeze, this is probably the first time I am writing this about one of your posts, but I am in complete agreement with what you wrote.

I think all arguments will be settled on the viability of this service once they get into tracking their plays. If the tracked plays win long term, then it's a winning service that you can't beat the price on. If they lose or if they back off of tracking their plays, then one would seriously have to think a second time before signing up for this service.
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