Scam sevices at work

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Nov 20, 2002
Worm thinks Gold cup spelled friends wrong--just getting technical:) :cool:


LMAO- now I see the Midwest Underground chiming in- A Dime and a Dream, anyone?


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Apr 27, 2002

I just had to write up one more post because I came with my husband and I will leave with him, hopefully it won't turn into a book!!!!!!!

I am quite sure that many here were enlightened in the last few days , and then there are some that already knew alot of the behind the scene stuff and then of course we have the stupid people who don't know sh*t about sh*t and come in here asking questions in the general forum if its possible to live off gambling and can I make $10,000 a week and how????" LMAO for what thats worth..............

but what really gets me , is the last 4 years ,give or take a few RAYMOND has continually (sp?) tried to put up winners for the forum going months at a time hitting monster parlays and if not hitting the parlays going 9 out of 10 and put out many winners, I know I spent the money, he doesn't look for a pat on the back nor does he need to hear how great of a guy he is , he doesn't ever brag about what we have or don't have and he is the humblest man I none of you , who have been around long enough can say any different you might be able to say that he "HAD" a bad run last year and thats OK, its true but for any of you sick little puppies to jump in here bashing him and calling him a scammer you have alot to learn !!!!!! Take a good look fellas.............Mickeys friend who started this thread IS fletcher in a round about way open up your eyes!!!!!!!!!

There is no scamming going on at RAYMOND and Thunder sports .......but there is a bunch of back stabbing here at madjacks.............

Nick Douglas you have some very good points my friend hehehe but lets talk about monitors hmmmm lets see in this dirty little business would you say that they are on the up and up???? I would LOVE to see you do a write up on that.....Maybe you could start with Oklahoma City monitoring That is where fletcher from database is being monitored!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know that you have to pay to see what the records are, I wonder if they get paid a little extra for a nice record how come fletcher doesn't record with best bettors ?????hmmm thats a little suspicious Why is that Nick???? Maybe you could do some research for the forum................hmmmm here is another thought how come when all of the guys were at best bettors monitoring and fletcher was down $13,000 his record and name just disapeared :shrug: was that a technical problem maybe?????that was just last year Another topic for you Nick , what ever happened to fletchers TOP PICKS TODAY SERVICE?????????? anyone know :shrug: how about when he was involved with TONY DIAMOND , the biggest scammer out there??????? anyone know????? Remember that ??? I am sure some one can dig up that thread!!!!!!!!!
(sorry Nick I didn't mean for it to seem like I am directing all this at you , but a write up would be nice


I have just had enough of the bashing !!!!what would you people do if you came to Madjacks everyone got to know you and your plays, you were getting phone calls from handicapping services were asking you to join them ????????? seriously now boys what would you do?????? Join in with people you know nothing about, or would you start up on your own??????????

another issue i will put out there.......just for you stomie are we talking about Sharp players yeh I thought so, ummm just so you and the forum knows Fletcher told Raymond to go there he posted twice , then for some reason he was locked out and some one was posting in his name and then fletcher claimed he talked to sonny saying that RAYMOND was giving out info, at his site, members don't get info they just get games ONLY so thats just a joke ..........any info out there can be "STOLEN" LOL that made me laugh , that just goes to show how stupid some of you people really are!!!!!!!

for those of you who followed RAYMOND over the years I hope he helped , for those of you who are out there only to bash , thats just a shame :nono: as for you G money or whoever you really are fletcher claims your some book from south carolina but we know different LMAO , you know I asked my husband if there was anyone he didn't like here You are the only person he spoke of , just thought I'd tell ya he said if he ever meeets up with you in person he would punch you right in the mouth LOL :D now I thought that was funny ..............Raymond really doesn't TALK he just does ;)

in closing I wish "most" of you the best of luck!!!!!!! I understand if your afraid to come out of the woodwork and speak up its cool!!!!!!!!! tough crowd around for the rest I hope you have gained some knowledge and it doesn't take to long for you to figure out the game!!!!!!!!!

This may blow you off your rocker, but I have the upmost respect for yyz!!!!!!!!! and I don't know him personally never spoke to him or even emailed him but he tells it like it is boys , you should pay attention more!!!!!and HIGHROLLER loyalties go a looooong way in my neighborhood old school rules LOL, not much of that around here, be careful!!!!!!


as for the SB party, :shrug: I LOVE PARTIES:D it would have been fun!!!!!There are definatley people I would have loved to meet!!!!!!!!!! I am truelly a crazy ,HAPPY girl !!!!!! I am just looking out for my own ,can't blame a girl for that can you???? I am a little sad , no, I am VERY sad :( The laundry is out !!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!!!!!!! use your info that was given wisely and Nick the memebers may be eagerly awaiting a write up on those monitors ,if they have any brains at all!!!!! ITS ALL ABOUT THE $$$$ fellas!!!!!!!!!!

This crazy , happy, blonde is signing off!!!!!!!!!!!


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Apr 27, 2002
goldcupsports said:

Remember this before you go. Friends don't stiff friends. That's all I am going to say..

xxxxx do you remeber taking over top picks today paid service when you replaced fletcher, he was the one bad mouthing you under different users names dunb AZZ an he screwed you over at pinnacle ;) when you were the agent!!

i'll get every one of you out of the wood work WE HAVE NOTHING TO HIDE !!!!

scotty told us all abotut you taking the $$$$ and running in the middle of the night from pinnacle


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Nov 4, 2000
TBone are you saying there are more hideing in the wood work. I have a hunch you will never get them all out in the light before you get shut down. Not saying it's fair just or wrong. But I had a funny fealing about some under ground stuff for some time. So this could get interesting. I get the fealing some times there's alittle click here. And I dont think MadJack even knows it.


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Apr 27, 2002
i know I have to hurry befor we get locked out and I know that i said my goodbuys but DJV I always knew you were a smart man ;)


LMAO Top Picks Today the Midwest Underground and a Dimebag and a Dream- what was their record again?

The Big Tease

Forum Member
Mar 9, 2000
Columbus,OH USA
LOL....Raymond leaving that is a quote that I have heard about 1 million times! The lemmings beg him to come back (that is what he wants) and comes back. How in the hell did this guy get so popular anyways? I have always thought he was the biggest square of them all. Even towards the end I noticed that his analysis on plays started to look cut and pasted. I just ignored it. I think some people appreciate the time he put into some of his plays, but I could never stand the whole " I am doing this for free, the least you can do it worship me" attitude. Everyone that posts here does it to help each other out. I dont see how Raymond got to be so far above everyone else....but if that is the way he perceived it.....oh well.

dr. freeze

Forum Member
Aug 25, 2001

now this is an improvement....honesty and forthrightness...what we all like to hear

honestly i think if you show results good or bad with and accurate&precise, easy to follow record; say yes you are trying to make $$ instead of being everyone's best friend or whatever; do not cry about getting respect; do not say how sportsbooks do not take your plays anymore, etc. etc. you can do much much better selling plays....

there is a niche in the market for that.....let everyone else hide and deceive....


Forum Member
Dec 27, 2000
Belly of the Beast

G Money

Forum Member
Aug 23, 2001
The reason he doesnt like me is because I tell the truth about him. So he wants to punch me in the mouth that is funny. Here is my response so he can understand it.

Raymond no pick good. He steal infrmaoin form other epolep. He is scamdicappper. I jus exposedd his service. You fuk with me you will get you fat ass smaked.

Sincerely Your Buddy GMoney :D


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Forum Member
Apr 27, 2002
G Money said:

Raymond no pick good. He steal infrmaoin form other epolep. He is scamdicappper. I jus exposedd his service. You fuk with me you will get you fat ass smaked.

Sincerely Your Buddy GMoney :D

nice one GMONEY!!!!!!! :D :D :D but thats old honey!!!!!!!

Hey Jack!ever wonder why he's here ???? maybe he is making the same mistake as smashmouth did?????:shrug:
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