Florida School Shooting


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
The Commandments from our Lord and Savior say thou shalt not kill and thou shalt not steal. That covers fraud and murder right there. Dealing pot doesn't even make the top 10. :shrug:

I've seen enough Columbo and Murder She Wrote to know fraudsters won't hesitate to use a gun to cover their greedy schemes.:nono:


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 20, 2000
Massapequa Park, NY USA
The Commandments from our Lord and Savior say thou shalt not kill and thou shalt not steal. That covers fraud and murder right there. Dealing pot doesn't even make the top 10. :shrug:

I've seen enough Columbo and Murder She Wrote to know fraudsters won't hesitate to use a gun to cover their greedy schemes.:nono:

Crack oxy and H is what I said.


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
,I love Jords post at the bottom of his page that says the only way the government can rule a man is by making him a criminal,,,,

This is a bit confusing. It implies that you don't believe in laws? Or just some laws?


Channel Member
Jul 31, 2004
Crack oxy and H is what I said.

I agree, Purdue Pharma should be locked up!

I'm certainly not implying that solicitors of narcotics we've decided are illegal shouldn't be punished. All I have done is not rank them any lower than fraudsters in terms of gun ownership rights.


Go Pokes!
Forum Member
Jan 5, 2003
Yes, thank you for finally catching up. Do I think that can happen by Monday? No. As was stated earlier, had we started after Columbine I bet we have them by now and some of those children are still alive.

Those children matter, people like Hedge and his fascination to own a gun that makes him feel like he has some power in this world do not matter.

Some, likely not all, but some of those kids would still be alive had this process started when it should have. I will go ahead and overstate the obvious, if it was your kid that was killed in one of these shootings you would feel differently.

Just because the task at hand is difficult does not mean we accept the results we are getting today.

No its better as it is, unstable people with guns they should never have killing fucking children in mass amounts.

Great plan, hey if something is difficult to do why even bother right?

My point is for the 6th time in this thread. All guns will not be confiscated and banned. That is a pipe dream. You can keep saying it! You can keep wishing for it! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Not in the USA. Which means something else has to be done. I am all for tougher gun laws. Ban the AR15. But tell me the law that is going to stop a deranged individual from walking in to a school with a Glock and shooting kids? We have to protect the schools. No protection more kids die at some point. Makes me sick to think children getting shot. Can't imagine the the family pain if my grandchild was shot at school. Something has to be done. I know the next post will say ban all guns.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
I just got a text, hedge got banned again? Wel at least something good came out of this thread.

I never saw where anyone said ban all guns but I have seen where many presume it to be an improbable if not impossible task.

It seems too me that if you make it illegal to sell weapons, bullets, accessories etc... as well as own any of the above, ridding the country of them would be rather easy.

Most American citizens are pretty gutless when it comes to action against authority or to challenge the government. Ultimately, if the penalties were stringent enough, most everyone will voluntarily turn them in. The ones who are the most adamant that they wouldn't will be at the front of the line, because if they weren't, a law abiding citizen such as myself will gladly turn the police to them and they're not going to risk going to prison when they can no longer defend themselves.

While 340 million guns seems like a lot I believe the number of buffalo we slaughtered to starve out the native Americans was more than double that, so it isn't so daunting. Most just want you to believe it's an impossible task so you'll fail to the spring loaded situation of do nothing that they've practiced their entire lives.

Parents used to say kids these days aren't the same as they used to be when Elvis or the Beatles came to town. Women didn't always have the right to vote. It is truly beyond me how anyone can say that hubs aren't to blame yet try to establish a nexus between a school shooting and some video game. How illogical so you have to be to think that apparatus that sent a projectile through a kids head is less to blame than the video game kids are playing. By the way kids play Sims and Madden as well.

Guns would be easy to get rid of, because you're fellow citizens aren't that smart.

Anyway, you kids enjoy.

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk


Thread banned
Forum Member
Dec 5, 2001
Vanished into vortex
My point is for the 6th time in this thread. All guns will not be confiscated and banned. That is a pipe dream. You can keep saying it! You can keep wishing for it! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Not in the USA. Which means something else has to be done. I am all for tougher gun laws. Ban the AR15. But tell me the law that is going to stop a deranged individual from walking in to a school with a Glock and shooting kids? We have to protect the schools. No protection more kids die at some point. Makes me sick to think children getting shot. Can't imagine the the family pain if my grandchild was shot at school. Something has to be done. I know the next post will say ban all guns.

And I will ask for the, I lost count how many times, why are other countries able to do it?

I'll hang up now and wait for your reply that will never come.


Under .500
Forum Member
Mar 16, 2000
On the course!
And I will ask for the, I lost count how many times, why are other countries able to do it?

I'll hang up now and wait for your reply that will never come.

I gave up on getting an answer from him, too.

He's too busy posing for pictures



Go Heels
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
Balls Deep
And I will ask for the, I lost count how many times, why are other countries able to do it?.

Because they don't have anywhere near the number of guns (legal and illegal) in circulation already that we do.

Banning the AR15 though is a no-brainer.


Forum Member
Mar 26, 2001
Fort Worth TX usa
Because they don't have anywhere near the number of guns (legal and illegal) in circulation already that we do.

Banning the AR15 though is a no-brainer.
It's a tall order but it certainly can be done. Now you're going to hate yourself for a week but we agree on the assault gun ban

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk


Forum Member
Apr 11, 2000
berlin md
Because they don't have anywhere near the number of guns (legal and illegal) in circulation already that we do.

Banning the AR15 though is a no-brainer.

that is the American way, something may be tough to do so lets not even try.


Registered User
Forum Member
Mar 20, 2002
So. Cal
I just got a text, hedge got banned again? Wel at least something good came out of this thread.

I never saw where anyone said ban all guns but I have seen where many presume it to be an improbable if not impossible task.

It seems too me that if you make it illegal to sell weapons, bullets, accessories etc... as well as own any of the above, ridding the country of them would be rather easy.

Most American citizens are pretty gutless when it comes to action against authority or to challenge the government. Ultimately, if the penalties were stringent enough, most everyone will voluntarily turn them in. The ones who are the most adamant that they wouldn't will be at the front of the line, because if they weren't, a law abiding citizen such as myself will gladly turn the police to them and they're not going to risk going to prison when they can no longer defend themselves.

While 340 million guns seems like a lot I believe the number of buffalo we slaughtered to starve out the native Americans was more than double that, so it isn't so daunting. Most just want you to believe it's an impossible task so you'll fail to the spring loaded situation of do nothing that they've practiced their entire lives.

Parents used to say kids these days aren't the same as they used to be when Elvis or the Beatles came to town. Women didn't always have the right to vote. It is truly beyond me how anyone can say that hubs aren't to blame yet try to establish a nexus between a school shooting and some video game. How illogical so you have to be to think that apparatus that sent a projectile through a kids head is less to blame than the video game kids are playing. By the way kids play Sims and Madden as well.

Guns would be easy to get rid of, because you're fellow citizens aren't that smart.

Anyway, you kids enjoy.

Hope this helps,

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

So your solution and starting point is to ban the production, ownership and sale of guns, ammunition and accessories?

So basically erase the 2nd amendment.

Again, I'm not a gun guy but I see this type of answer/resolution from the left all the time....wonder why nothing gets done.


Forum Member
Apr 30, 2003
New Orleans
My point is for the 6th time in this thread. All guns will not be confiscated and banned. That is a pipe dream. You can keep saying it! You can keep wishing for it! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! Not in the USA. Which means something else has to be done. I am all for tougher gun laws. Ban the AR15. But tell me the law that is going to stop a deranged individual from walking in to a school with a Glock and shooting kids? We have to protect the schools. No protection more kids die at some point. Makes me sick to think children getting shot. Can't imagine the the family pain if my grandchild was shot at school. Something has to be done. I know the next post will say ban all guns.

Gun culture in the US is not matched or even approached in the developed world.

Personally, id like to ban from civilian ownership any firearms that arent designed and primarily used for sport (hunting, skeet, etc) with the exception of handguns. Step 2 would be to permanently take away The right to own firearms arms from every single convicted criminal(including DUI) with steep penalties for those who dont comply. Step 3 would be to increase penalties for any crime involving a firearm.

All we need is someone qualified to crunch the numbers and put together a fiscally responsible version of my plan.
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