UFC 123: Rampage vs. Machida Saturday Nov 20th


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Thousands and Thousands of votes...........

and pretty much split..........


Case closed.........this was a close fight, and I thought Rampage won. So did thousands of others and lots of MMA media.

Quinton won the fight. If you say Lyoto won then fine. But to say it was "bullshit" is comical. The fight was super close and could have gone either way. I myself think Quinton won. And if he lost, it would not have been bullshit.

Enough said.
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Registered User
Forum Member
I placed two bets on this card.

Neither one of them was on the title fight.

Stone cold sober watching it.

55 bucks HD, flatscreen total attention. Didnt miss a second of the fight.

Bad decision by judges. Lyoto deserved the win.

BTW- Cashing a bet for :21 seconds of action is unrewarding but profitable.


Wrong Forum Mod
Forum Member
Top Poster Of Month
May 26, 2002
Cashing a bet for :21 seconds of action is unrewarding but profitable.


And they both deserved the win. And not sure if ya know this or not....but many thought Rampage won. And many thought Lyoto won.

But as I said, not sure if ya knew that or not.

Oh and I like GSP
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The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Have to hand it to rRampage i thought he fought the best fight he could. Not sure why foot stomps don't count but leg kicks do. I give the fight a draw. I can't give a guy a fight who ran two out of three rounds. Round one he landed about four kicks and Rampage hit him with a punch and some foot stomps. Rampage had to chase him all over the ring. How can u give that to Machida back peddaling the whole time? I guarantee that is what Dana will say also. Machida usually does enuf when he back peddals but in round one a few kicks weren't enuf. People only remember the last thing they saw which was a big round for Machida in round three. Well, i hit the Penn fight and lost my bigger wager on Harris. Once again betting a guy when i don't have much on the other guy is MMA sucicide and I fall for it again.:00x4


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
Fuck you if you're talking about me here. I brought the Shogun Machida fight up as an example that we don't know what will happen with the judging.

LW, I was responding to you, but I apologize. I was frustrated and the beer had fully saturated the brain at that hour.

The only "fucking idiot" on this board is Kyle and we all agree on that. :SIB

Kyle: <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/DvOHbxBAEN8?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/DvOHbxBAEN8?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
well,i`ll be damned......:mj07: ..

when the fight ended,i jumped up to hit the can figuring that the decision was a moot point.....i didn`t see what happened immediately after the fight....

rampage`s body language..slumped in the corner....the guy literally saying to machida,"you whooped my ass"...

and rampage`s face and comments after the decision was read?....how telling was that?..

.....and as far as these fan boys rooting for rampage?..weighing in on boards and polls?.....they`re still pouting over the rua decision !... ......yeah,that has everything to do with THIS bad decision...it was machida`s fault,not the judges...

you can`t make this stuff up...:mj07:

of course dana white wants jackson to win...he hates machida`s technical,less violent style....

maybe he can change the rules...make it more neanderthal..maybe tie the combatatnt`s left and right hands together and let them bash each other with their free hand until one passes out?...that would suit white......wouldn`t shock me if dana`s fingerprints are on this mess somewhere down the line.....:142smilie

.and from what i`m reading,it wasn`t the only robbery of the night(griffin)...

the last $49 white gets from me until they clean up the judging...i`ll go with the shitty streams...

lord!...what a disgrace the ufc is becoming...:facepalm:

peace,my brothers !:toast:
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Forum Member
Jul 19, 2002
This is how you fix perhaps some of this shit, and not sure why it isn't being done. Any co-main or main event should also be manadatory 5 rounds, I mean wtf, some of this matches are number one contender so in essence it is getting one prepared shoudl they win to go 5 rounds in a title bout.

The fight for Rampage/Machida was close, either way I am fine with it, but I think they judges really don't know how to score Machida, therefore pull back from the bogus decision with Rua. To me, unless you are the champ (dont watch Hagler/Leonard), I always side to someone willing to take chances and be the aggressor WHEN all things for the most part are equal. Rampage won round 2, and Machida 3, no disputing. It's round 1 coming into question, Machida few 4-5 inside leg kicks some checked that really werent worth a damn nor did any relevant damage whatsoever, Rampage stalking and chasing Machida some ok punches one uppercut if I recall and foot stomps for what that is worth. With that said, and from only my opinion, very close round not much excitement or exchanges I can't reward a guy in that instance for running away, sorry.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
This is how you fix perhaps some of this shit, and not sure why it isn't being done. Any co-main or main event should also be manadatory 5 rounds, I mean wtf, some of this matches are number one contender so in essence it is getting one prepared shoudl they win to go 5 rounds in a title bout.

The fight for Rampage/Machida was close, either way I am fine with it, but I think they judges really don't know how to score Machida, therefore pull back from the bogus decision with Rua. To me, unless you are the champ (dont watch Hagler/Leonard), I always side to someone willing to take chances and be the aggressor WHEN all things for the most part are equal. Rampage won round 2, and Machida 3, no disputing. It's round 1 coming into question, Machida few 4-5 inside leg kicks some checked that really werent worth a damn nor did any relevant damage whatsoever, Rampage stalking and chasing Machida some ok punches one uppercut if I recall and foot stomps for what that is worth. With that said, and from only my opinion, very close round not much excitement or exchanges I can't reward a guy in that instance for running away, sorry.

i see it just like u Jr but one question i have is do u give it to Machida because he had the biggest of the three rounds? I never understood rounds costing the same amount. Obviously Machida had the best round of the fight. How can that round be equal to the first round if rampage won that? I think each round should be scored 1 thru 10. It is only a three round fight. Say u give Machida and Rampage a three for round one. Rampage 5 and Machida 3 for round two. Last round u give Machida 7 and Rampage a 2. Add them all up u have Machida winning.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
LW, I was responding to you, but I apologize. I was frustrated and the beer had fully saturated the brain at that hour.

The only "fucking idiot" on this board is Kyle and we all agree on that. :SIB


wonder how he would have scored it if that was GSP getting the short end of the stick? We all know how he almost left the site when Rory got knocked out :142smilie

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
the last $49 white gets from me until they clean up the judging...i`ll go with the shitty streams...


looks like u are gonna be watching shitty streams the rest of ur life. What sport did u ever see get cleaned up? Every sport we wait for it to be cleaned up and it never happens. Heck they have replay's in the NFL and the refs still some how get them wrong. U want to watch clean sports watch the ones where there is no gambling involved. A good high School game u will find refs making every call right. :mj07:

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
by the way don't u guys sleep? I missed the fights last night and watched them today. Hit the sack around ten last night.

The Sponge

Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
Matt Hughes +180!!(r u fukin kiding me? It was no more than +120 or +140 all week)
and I was more than happy to lay some serous wood on it at those odds....

but now that every cluleess swinging dick in the world has laid his life savings down on BJ Penn..its time for me to step it up and do this.....

10 units on Hughes to beat BJ Penn @ +180...


Not sure what u saw in Hughes to make that statement reds. I didn't think Penn would win this easy but i thought he would pick Hughes apart. He did look in great shape tho. His boxing has gone to his head.


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
gmroz, I aplogize as well. No hard feelings man.

I agree with JR that the fights that are main events or for a chance at the title should be 5 rounds.

I brought up the Shogun fight because Shogun kicked the crap out of Machida's leg so much so that Machida couldn't walk on it after the fight and had to go to the hospital for it. Why should Machidas kick in the first that weren't that hard be scored for anything?

One of the problems is that we really don't know what counts in the judges eyes. IMO takedowns with no damage after the guys are down shouldn't count for as much as it does. I agree with Sponge that the footstomps do just as much damage as legs kicks and should be scored accordingly. If it didn't hurt guys wouldn't be pulling their feet up after a few of them.

I thought Page won the fight based on scoring before it was announced. I said to my friends going into the 3rd that Page was up 2-0 and Machida needed a ko. I know you see what you want based on your opinion but what else can you do.

If I was a fighter and I used leg kicks I wouldn't count on them for scoring, just for damage. With Liddell vs Jardine we saw Jardine win with leg kicks, we saw Shogun lose and now we see Machida lose. You just never know how the judges will score them.

LA Burns

Forum Member
Jun 11, 2003
New Orleans
just another man's opinion fwiw....................................

Not sure why so many on here are so convinced that Machida won the 1st round - I agree that if you look at the fight overall (not on rd by rd basis) it's easy to say Machida won, but right or wrong that (obviously) is not how the scoring works

When there is extremely limited action in a particular round, octagon control is going to come into play - and when 1 fighter comes from the middle of the cage in and engages the other fighter with the other fighter's back near the cage (simple explanation I know) that is octagon control

People crying for Machida should realize that he should have been the aggressor in the 1st round like he was in the 3rd and then he would have won the fight - doing absolutely nothing for 2 rounds and then being agressive and dominating the 3rd round is not a good recipe for winning in MMA with the way it is currently scored

Due to the extreme lack of action in the 1st 2 rounds I would not have had a problem with the judges scoring the 3rd 10-8 for Machida and declaring a draw, but for anyone to say that Machida definitively won the 1st is a crock

LA Burns

Forum Member
Jun 11, 2003
New Orleans
"I thought Page won the fight based on scoring before it was announced. I said to my friends going into the 3rd that Page was up 2-0 and Machida needed a ko"

this was my point exactly and was the same line of thinking I had going into the 3rd


Forum Member
Aug 29, 2006
well,i`ll be damned......:mj07: ..

when the fight ended,i jumped up to hit the can figuring that the decision was a moot point.....i didn`t see what happened immediately after the fight....

rampage`s body language..slumped in the corner....the guy literally saying to machida,"you whooped my ass"...

and rampage`s face and comments after the decision was read?....how telling was that?..

Everyone seems to be ignoring that part, but I think it is what drove me even more crazy after they announced the decision. Jackson was a beaten man after the fight and the look of surprise on his face when he got the decision just kills me. He was convinced he lost! :mj07:


el guapo
Forum Member
Jan 10, 2002
"the bunker"
still waiting for someone to point out the "strikes' that jackson landed in the first round....he landed literally nothing....

the second?...he actually got a takedown and landed a few shots including a nice uppercut...round jackson....

but that was it....the 3rd was a rout...

plodding forward getting kicked and countered while flailing at the wind does not win a guy a round...what about that doesn`t everyone understand?...

even jackson got it(at least until white shut him up)...for dana,it`s all about selling the ufc....not getting accurate results...
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