
Registered User
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Sep 28, 2007
Bucs, you act like you're the only one that picks winners.

Nobody has said Wandy has no chance, I think most everyone knows that he's dangerous. But you have to know that something isn't the same with him these days. What it is I don't know. Did the Crocop kick give him a concussion that makes it easier for him to get more concussions now, possibly? Was he on steroids and now can't be and thus it's affecting him, possibly? For you to say nothing has changed and he's still the same guy isn't seeing things with clear glasses on.

Wandy is one of my top 3 fav fighters but I think this is a bad spot for him. Yeah he looked good vs Chuck but I'm not sure if that says anything after the way Chuck has looked lately. I'll be honest, it has me worried about Shogun. Do we really know anything more about Shogun being back just because he beat Chuck(and yes i was big on Shogun so don't say you told anyone so on that one)
This is exactly what I am thinking.

Buks, you should cut the "You boxing guys should stick with boxing" bullshit.
I remember you attacking me with venom when I said I had bet a shitload of money on Machida to beat Sokadju at +170.
You talked like I was a no-nothing nutcase. I didn't come on the forum and start taliking shit after my bet won as I still respected your opinion.

I will not lose money on this fight as I will not bet it. Silva is still a very dangerous man and Rich has never had the best of chins.

I think you need to chill when it comes to Silva as you sometimes act like we have insulted your Brother or a family member rather than a fighter you don't know.

As alway's, good luck :toast:


Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
This is exactly what I am thinking.

Buks, you should cut the "You boxing guys should stick with boxing" bullshit.
I remember you attacking me with venom when I said I had bet a shitload of money on Machida to beat Sokadju at +170.
You talked like I was a no-nothing nutcase. I didn't come on the forum and start taliking shit after my bet won as I still respected your opinion.

I will not lose money on this fight as I will not bet it. Silva is still a very dangerous man and Rich has never had the best of chins.

I think you need to chill when it comes to Silva as you sometimes act like we have insulted your Brother or a family member rather than a fighter you don't know.

As alway's, good luck :toast:

Machida/Sokoudjou? LMFAO, yeah right...I've never liked Sokoudjou because of the hype he got after his KO'd of Lil Nog and Arona, so I doubt that.

I stick true to my words. Stick to boxing if you're going to use your analysis that makes no sense. That fucking punch resistance is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.


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Forum Member
Sep 28, 2007
Machida/Sokoudjou? LMFAO, yeah right...I've never liked Sokoudjou because of the hype he got after his KO'd of Lil Nog and Arona, so I doubt that.

I stick true to my words. Stick to boxing if you're going to use your analysis that makes no sense. That fucking punch resistance is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
Get the mods to pull up the thread then. You kept talking about how boring Machida was and how he was going to get wrecked.

So that was your great analysis. Fighter "A" is boring so he must be a shit fighter.
Silva has been knocked stiff 3 times in his last 5 fights but he is still obviously the same wrecking machine who destroyed fighters in Pride for all those years.
Big Nogs chin is just as good as it alway's was as there is no such thing as punch resistance and your body DOES NOT start to break down from taking beatings.

As I say, bring the Machida-Sok thread up and we shall see who the bullshitter is.


Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
Bucs, Wee has you on this one. You started a thread and told us all to jump on Soku.

Just so you won't argue.


Then I stand corrected. I simply didn't remember or think I'd back a heartless guy like Sokoudjou.

Get the mods to pull up the thread then. You kept talking about how boring Machida was and how he was going to get wrecked.

So that was your great analysis. Fighter "A" is boring so he must be a shit fighter.
Silva has been knocked stiff 3 times in his last 5 fights but he is still obviously the same wrecking machine who destroyed fighters in Pride for all those years.
Big Nogs chin is just as good as it alway's was as there is no such thing as punch resistance and your body DOES NOT start to break down from taking beatings.

As I say, bring the Machida-Sok thread up and we shall see who the bullshitter is.

My stance was he's boring so he's a shit fighter? LOL, yeah right. Your analysis is that since he's been knocked out 3 of his last 5 times he's got no chance. You have no alaysis on the fight but your opinion that Rich is going to win...GREAT!

How about this??? Rich has a weak chin, struggles with strikers, and does not work well from the clinch. Hmmm...3 big advantages that favor Wandy. Rich isn't going to knock out Wandy, his hands simply aren't good enough and Rich is a smart fighter, he won't try to exchange, he'll be trying to take Wandy down and win via decision.

How about that? How is that for some analysis other than you just think Fighter A is on the decline so he's going to lose?

I've been successful in this sport and knowledgeable of the sport because I know how to break fights down based on styles and what each fighter brings versus each other. The best you can do is bring up dumbass boxing analysis. You and Gary Shaw should have a circle jerk, you think alike.


Registered User
Forum Member
Sep 28, 2007
I will not lose money on this fight as I will not bet it. Silva is still a very dangerous man and Rich has never had the best of chins.

I think you need to chill when it comes to Silva as you sometimes act like we have insulted your Brother or a family member rather than a fighter you don't know.

As alway's, good luck :toast:
Once again you are correct.

You don't analyse the fighters.
You pick Silva to win at all costs, no matter who he fights or how washed up he is.

If anybody should be involved in a circle jerk, it is you and team Silva.


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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
So how the hell does Rich have a weak chin but Wandy doesn't? Rich has been ko'd by Machida and Silva. Does that make his chin weak? Hendo hit him with some good shots but Rich didn't blink. I've never seen Rich struggle in the clinch other than the first Silva fight. Other than that he's always looked great in the clinch.

I think the fight will be close but Rich will win based on takedowns. I don't think he'll be able to hold Wandy down for long but in the UFC you get bs scoring for taking people down. I also think Rich will use his left kick to keep Wandy off balance, not to mention it's never easy to fight a south paw. We know Rich has stamina for days and that won't be a conern. This is hardly any kind of cut for Wandy at all but it is something new.

Not saying I'll bet Rich because of the odds but if it where a pick em I would be on him.


Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
So how the hell does Rich have a weak chin but Wandy doesn't? Rich has been ko'd by Machida and Silva. Does that make his chin weak? Hendo hit him with some good shots but Rich didn't blink. I've never seen Rich struggle in the clinch other than the first Silva fight. Other than that he's always looked great in the clinch.

I think the fight will be close but Rich will win based on takedowns. I don't think he'll be able to hold Wandy down for long but in the UFC you get bs scoring for taking people down. I also think Rich will use his left kick to keep Wandy off balance, not to mention it's never easy to fight a south paw. We know Rich has stamina for days and that won't be a conern. This is hardly any kind of cut for Wandy at all but it is something new.

Not saying I'll bet Rich because of the odds but if it where a pick em I would be on him.

Wandy's career speaks for itself, no need to defend his chin. He got caught cold flush by Rampage, if Rich feels like he has a great chin, I hope he's willing to take the same shot from Wandy because he'll be taken off on a stretcher. Any other fighter on the UFC roster wouldn't got KO'd by Rampage and that punch.

Rich hasn't proven he DOESN'T have a weak chin, and Machida/Silva all have shown that. Show me 1 fucking fighter other than those 2 guys that he's even faced that were a threat to him standing anyways??? Rich is in a different league now, he's not facing a bunch of powder puffs. LHW's are strong strikers and that's Rich's kryptonite.

Rich hasn't been tied up much in the clinch in his past, so don't come on saying he's looked great in the past. Also, Wandy and the Chute Boxe guys are legendary muay thai clinch fighters, not guys who just happen to fall into clinches during exchanges.


Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
Hell, Travis Lutter was able to clinch up with him against the cage and take him down EASILY. What do you think Wandy will do if he's able to clinch him up tight?? They also had a fright of Franklins replaying on spike the other night and I forget who he was fighting, but I remember saying to myself that "this guy also gave Rich troubles in the clinch."

The Sponge

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Forum Member
Aug 24, 2006
All this slamming Bucks because of his favorite fighter and a possible bias makes me yearn for the day GSP is shot and KIck defends him right to the grave :mj07: Be nice to get a few shots in when that time comes. Might be a few years tho unless he gets knocked out by Alves and all the sudden his chin will be in question. :SIB

Lay and his love for Shogun got another life with the win over Lidell. If Shogun beats Machida Lay will be giving out a lot of "i told u so's" :SIB


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Forum Member
May 2, 2008
Victoria's Secret
wandy in prime form in pride was a badass legend

but that time has long passed

if you're betting on vintage form returning u got to be smoking crack

once the chin is cracked, it's gone

jardine didnt get to test it cuz wanderlei got him first

chuck was so shot he couldn't put to sleep the smaller wanderlei


i could prolly KO him and i'm like 130lbs soaking wet :mj07:


Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
wandy in prime form in pride was a badass legend

but that time has long passed

if you're betting on vintage form returning u got to be smoking crack

once the chin is cracked, it's gone

jardine didnt get to test it cuz wanderlei got him first

chuck was so shot he couldn't put to sleep the smaller wanderlei


i could prolly KO him and i'm like 130lbs soaking wet :mj07:

yeah, we expect to take you serious after not just 1, but several retarded statements in your post. :0corn

you couldn't knock yourself out of a wet paper bag


Registered User
Forum Member
Apr 22, 2007
Is it me or did Wandy seem almost punch drunk in the preview show this week?? Ace all the way, of course I've mainly been a boxing guy who should probably just stick to boxing....although with tihs result ( 1 of 2 same bets), maybe not.

5/17/09 11:40am $100.00 $1,050.00 $1,150.00 Win 5/24/09 5:00am ATP Tennis 3 R.Federer Wins French Open +1050* vs Field Wins French Open


Registered User
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Aug 29, 2001
Dallas, TX
Sponge, I won't be saying I told you so because I don't think Shogun has a high % chance of beating Machida. At +300 I'll take him. If Machida was 200 or less, I would probably take him.

I like the debating but Bucs resorts to bashing people. In my opinion there's only one person in this forum that's looked like a complete ass today and weiner hasn't been around so it can't be him.


Forum Member
Nov 6, 2007
Ohio but not a Buckeye
take the blinders off son, you're a nuthugger

I've never denied being a huge fan of Wandy, maybe his biggest, who knows? So not sure where your comment really stands :mj07:

Sponge, I won't be saying I told you so because I don't think Shogun has a high % chance of beating Machida. At +300 I'll take him. If Machida was 200 or less, I would probably take him.

I like the debating but Bucs resorts to bashing people. In my opinion there's only one person in this forum that's looked like a complete ass today and weiner hasn't been around so it can't be him.

Shogun has the style to beat Machida. You can't be a counter puncher because Machida is just too good at that. You have to have the follow:

Good takedowns: CHECK
Good chin: CHECK
Good striking: CHECK

You simply cannot try to out pin point Machida or he'll just pick you apart.

ps- I wouldn't be such an ass if SOME people on here knew what they were talking about.
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