video shows the beheading of an american

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

I agree with everything you said in the first paragraph of your post except the first sentence. I disagree with the second paragraph of your post.

Merely because I had a sad childhood and did not have any friends is no reason to attack me here on this forum. The sadness and lonliness caused me to work all that much harder in school propelling me into college, law school and a successfull career in the law.

Because of my early misfortune, I picked myself up by my bootstraps, got an education, and learned enough about the world to be able to mentally (and most probably physically) pummel you pukes on this board.

You see, when the war was sanitized, and you didn't have to see the horrors of war, you flag-waving, macho, morons are real big men hiding behind your computers saying wow, lets kick their ass. You are a bunch of cowards.

On the several occasions where I have been wrong, I am man enough to admit it. However, most of you clowns will never admit you were wrong about this war. Rather, you will just stop posting here and fade away. Cowards.

Nosigar. My light is always on. At least my bulb works. As far as you are concerned, anytime, anyplace, macho man.



Forum Member
May 1, 2004
The heart of dixie

Did you serve in Nam or have you ever served in any combat situation where bullets were being fired at you.

Reason I ask I am one of those american soldiers that has killed Iraqi soldiers. Yes I can still see their faces today but unfortunately I had to do it.


Forum Member
May 1, 2004
The heart of dixie
One more thing to add Eddie if your son or anyone else in this forum wants to run to Canada if our great country asks

Let me know I will pay for a one way ticket. Just be sure to NEVER COME BACK


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX
Merely because I had a sad childhood and did not have any friends is no reason to attack me here on this forum.

LOL... Awww

for the first time in the many years ive been at jacks.. i agree with eddie on something..

i will never watch that video.....


Registered User
Forum Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dallas TX

Eddie you seem to always compare this war to Vietnam... yet with this war you continue to blame Bush for getting us into this mess.. and complain hes the reason American lives are being lost..

yet when it comes to Vietnam, you seem never to place any blame on every liberals favorite democrat

The Dems never bring up the role JFK played in dragging the US into that mess:shrug:


Life is Good
Forum Member
Jul 27, 2000
Guys, you have to understand eddie is nothing more than a clown who likes to spew pages and pages of liberal dribble.

This guy has never competed for anything. albiet he keeps telling us of his studly adventures and great intellect.

He is nothing more than a geek who thinks he is so much better than anyone intellectually, when he is actually a pathetic loser who comes in a forum like this, where he can portray himself as something he only could wish he could become.

Just dismiss the clown and the loser he is and let him go whack off to all his fantasies about being a stud.


Eddie Haskell said:

What is it about my post that you disagree with? Is it not BushCo's war? Did he not invade Iraq because Hussein had weapons of mass destruction? Did he not choose to ignore the UN and the majority of the civilized countries on this planet with his war to then destroy the wmd and now to liberate the Iraqi people? Hey baby, you voted for this murderer, not me.

RRC, you simply are a moron.

Nosigar, you scare me.


UN Resolutions were violated by Hussein thus voiding the Cease Fire and making Military Action legal :GOT IT :

Ignore France,Germany and the UN, OIL For FOOD RING a BELL : We should Trust those CRIMINALS, get your head out of your ass Ed.
Force the War on you, head to Canada , I'm sure you and your buttboy Hinzman can have Bush bashing vigils every night while jerking each other. Take your kid with you, the less DNA you leave behind the better:
Your threat to pummel me with your Fists and Golf clubs a while back along with your reference to pummel us pukes in your last post is a true testament to your Character:
But in the Name of all the Soldiers who have Died to protect your rights and way of life I reserve the Right to Kick your ASS!

Now don't go away Mad, just Go AWAY:kiss:

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001
Just wondering if any of the other Hitler youth want to chime in before I reply. Oh well, I think I've waited long enough. Lets take these posts in order of stupidity:


What UN resolutions? Why do you use the UN resolutions to support the points you want to make yet ignore the UN resolutions or lack thereof when that body does not do what you want it to do. LIKE INVADE IRAQ!!!! You moron.

You say we shouldn't trust the "criminals" of France, Germany and, well lookie here, the "UN" on the oil for food initiative. Go back a little further in history oh uneducated one, and you might find the good ole USA supporting Mr. Hussein and his rise to power.

By the way, those "criminals" in France, Germany and the UN may have been right about all dem dar weapons of mass destruction your hillbilly president and the most vice-president said were in Iraq.

Why the hell are we even talking about Iraq when the real bad guy is apparently laughing his ass off somewhere in the hills of Afghanistan. One other point one of you mentally challenged idiots made in a prior thread. I have no doubt in my mind that bin Laden would much rather have Bush as president than Kerry.

Who else could piss off 2 billion moslems like this most despicable human being. He is no different than bin Laden in my book and neither are his followers. Cheney is nothing but evil. Re-election, never. Jail, forever.

With all due respect to the good Doctor in Canada, I will continue, for the time being, to live in the USA. I haven't given up on this country yet despite the current criminal administration. Hopefully, despite the felons bankroll, good will prevail over evil and Kerry will be elected.

The current administration reminds me of one of the planet of the apes movies. The chimps and the araguatangs (?) lost power and the gorilla's ran the show. You chest pounding idiots are just that, a bunch of uneducated, irrational, emotional thugs. No wonder Bush doesn't like intellectuals.

In memory of those that have been killed to date and for those that will be killed in the future, I hope one day there families realize that there deaths were a waste as they were duped by a corrupt administration and were in reality murdered by there own government.


I can't believe it. For once, you did not have the most idiotic, illogical, moronic and otherwise stupid post on a thread. However, you did win runner-up. Your envy is showing, you big lug. By the way, how is the missus. Give her my best (as I always do).


Your next in line. I've have never, ever laid blame on any one president for Viet Nam. The issue of who got us in there is up to some debate. You probably could go back to Truman. Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. All had a role.

Viet Nam like Iraq ain't about the spread of communism or the liberation of a people. It's about oil, pure and simple. By the way, I ain't a big democractic party backer. It's just anyone who can defeat the felon.

Personally, I like McCain. Probably the most honest of a bunch of scum in DC. I disagree with a lot of his stuff but on crucial issues like campaign finance reform, I totally agree that buying of elections is the most critical issue facing this country.

Aubie, I'd be first in line to fight for this country and the ideals for which it stands. I'll be the last in line to fight for criminals in charge and/or corporate america. This war aint' about Hussein. Its about Exxon and McDonalds on 5th and Koran in Mosul.

You can go fight for that crap if you want too. When the Iraqi army lands on the south bank of the Ohio River, I'll pick up my arms and kick some Moslem ass. Until then, you can hop a plane to Baghdad, hum America the Beautiful all you want.

I did not do a Cobain and go to Viet Nam. I sat in the middle of Clifton Avenue chanting "Dick Nixon before he dicks you". I wouldn't go then nor would I allow my son to go now. You are a fool. Patriotic and popular, but none the less, a fool. When Bush's kinfolk elect to bypass the national guard, then maybe, I'll reconsider.

What a bunch of shortsighted, dim, minions. I feel sorry for you.

Last edited:


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 8, 2002
1813 Virginia St
Gibber, great point...JFK starts it and Johnson continues it. It took Nixon to stop it.

Can somebody trace Eddie's IP....Its even money that it trails to Afghanistan. :rolleyes:

Eddie Haskell

Matt 02-12-11
Forum Member
Feb 13, 2001

Your late. Now hurry up and get in line.

By the way, you aren't far off with the IP comment. Living in Cincinnati sometimes can be like living in Afghanistan.



Registered User
Forum Member
Jul 13, 1999
Bowling Green Ky
Hoops More people not % which is due to fact as you suggest the more people you have flocking into this country the bigger % of unemployed given the same amount of jobs.
I don't know where DJV got his #'s but I would say if correct they would have to include investment income due to market decline and axing of all the high paying dot com jobs as I knw of few (working class unions that have cut pay scale). I'll say once again I do not weigh much on presidents input on economy.
Ironically Bush sr left due to economy which took the turn up at conclusion of his term--Bill caught the upturn and dot com bubble and recession started at end of his term-now Bush has had the good fortune of low interest rates which have made the issue of economy (which was his "noted" weakness) a plus but tax cuts had little to do with it. You can spin these #'s in any direction but interest rates and inflation ect will be the determining factors IMHO not the pres. However I do tend to think that being pro business is more beneficial than pro worker because the business's create jobs and employee's do not create business's.
I do have a very serious prob with compensation for the head honcho's though.


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
How is it that the Right Wingers want to blame everything that goes wrong in this war in Iraq on the Liberals. Bush started the war for anyone of a billion reasons. Rumsfeld is in charge of it. It is not the Left Wings fault that they are putting our soldiers at risk while they try to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people rather than use all the weapons in our possesion to defend our troops. True, it has been my leftist postion that we would be better served fighting Al-Qaeda and defending our homeland. But the fact that Bush and Cheney sent our troops in harms way I am all for fighting with everything we have. I am sick of the Right Wing zealots taking every negative and blaiming it on the left. Let the buck stop where it deserves to stop. Right on Bush's desk.


Registered User
Forum Member
Feb 11, 2002
Hoosier country
aubie - Junior Member:

as a current member of the armed forces....who has actually been to iraq and amidst the conflict....i am really interested in your opinion on quite a few things!!!


1) do you believe in the government's rationale for going to iraq in the first place OR do you think that the leftist conspiracy theories and "war for oil" is a fact OR believe that the truth lies somewhere in the middle???

2) how were you initially received by the majority of the iraqi civilians??? did it change at all after saddam's capture??? and did it change once again after a few weeks???

3) would you be willing and able (both emotionally & physically) to return to iraq if deployed again??? what about others (friends) in your platoon??? how was their experience???

4) do you honestly feel that iraq's population can be converted to a more "western" mindset???

as i stated before....i am quite interested in your a soldier that was actually involved in the conflict....

from the few that i have spoken's obvious that there are no unanimous answers to the questions....more of a grey area than a definitive black and white....which, how most people think....

and for all those that tend to jump to conclusions and see this as an "attack" on're entitled to your always....although it really isn't....

aubie....when you have time....i do look forward to your response!!!

peace and all the best!!!



Forum Member
Nov 27, 1999
ft myers, fl
StevieD said:
How is it that the Right Wingers want to blame everything that goes wrong in this war in Iraq on the Liberals. Bush started the war for anyone of a billion reasons. Rumsfeld is in charge of it. It is not the Left Wings fault that they are putting our soldiers at risk while they try to win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people rather than use all the weapons in our possesion to defend our troops. True, it has been my leftist postion that we would be better served fighting Al-Qaeda and defending our homeland. But the fact that Bush and Cheney sent our troops in harms way I am all for fighting with everything we have. I am sick of the Right Wing zealots taking every negative and blaiming it on the left. Let the buck stop where it deserves to stop. Right on Bush's desk.

Yeah, it would be interesting to put together a timeline storyboard of posts starting in about 1/03 when 'Group A' was pumped up, ready for action, excited about the prospect of shock and awe and insisting that this would be easy and would be done for all the right reasons. A hell of a lot of credit was bestowed on Bush for 'doing the right thing' and 'fighting terrorism'.

Then we could go to about 4/03-6/03 when we were knocking down statues and some civilians were cheering our tanks and Rumsfeld was beaming on TV every day and Bush was soon to be standing on an Aircraft Carrier in a flight suit sporting John Holmes' codpiece. A hell of a lot of credit was bestowed on Bush and Co. by 'Group A' for the quick easy victory and their awesome war plan.

Fast forward to 5/04. Iraq is a total mess. Nobody even attempts to dispute that, but plenty of blame is bestowed on the 'liberal, commie faggots' who, by some twisted logic, are apparently responsible for this.



Registered User
Forum Member
Nov 4, 2000
Yes Kosar I dont understand. when 9/11 hit and we new we were going after the gang of chit over there. I was ready with you and DTB and just about everyone here let kill them suckers. Said if they would take a 62 year old im ready.
Iraq pops up on the screen. I said that war wont' be a war. But im dam sure worried about are reasons for going there. And more worried about the mess we will have after this so called war. As many other here said the same what the hell are we doing. We are not done with out first goal. And now im a SOB because I was dame near 100% right.


Forum Member
May 1, 2004
The heart of dixie

I am no longer in the services. I took the option to leave after the first gulf war with daddy Bush.
I dont say you always have to agree with everything the president does but you always support and follow through with his decisions.

I was a member of a rapid response unit and we had to sign paperwork in the end saying where we supposedly were and supposedly not at.

1) do you believe in the government's rationale for going to iraq in the first place OR do you think that the leftist conspiracy theories and "war for oil" is a fact OR believe that the truth lies somewhere in the middle???

Answer Personally I think there are a lot of grey areas in this matter. Does Jr and friends benefit from the war --Yes
Does Iraqi ppl benefit yes

Who gets screwed in this matter--Our soldiers

2) how were you initially received by the majority of the iraqi civilians??? did it change at all after saddam's capture??? and did it change once again after a few weeks???

Cannot comment do to paperwork and places

3) would you be willing and able (both emotionally & physically) to return to iraq if deployed again??? what about others (friends) in your platoon??? how was their experience???

I would do it again in a minute if asked to do so.
Pltn was hand selected and I know they would do it again

4) do you honestly feel that iraq's population can be converted to a more "western" mindset???

as i stated before....i am quite interested in your a soldier that was actually involved in the conflict....

from the few that i have spoken's obvious that there are no unanimous answers to the questions....more of a grey area than a definitive black and white....which, how most people think....


Forum Member
I respectfully agree to disagree. I am not making this a Liberal bashing/blaming argument. I know you are as patriotic as I am. What I take issue w/is ppl not putting the blame on the sick c*cksuckers responsible for slaughtering a Defenseless Human Being. Seems like its everyone's fault, but the perps. Maybe we should open the prisons- after all if we eradicate the mindset underlying the causes for anti-social and violent behavior then the impetus for crime will be repressed.

Five Warriors of their God avenging the wrongs of non-believers. I can't think of anything more cowardly. Maybe we should just pay off the Mossad and give them free rein.

This statement was read by the killers on the video:

"For the mothers and wives of American soldiers, we tell you that we offered the U.S. administration to exchange this hostage with some of the detainees in Abu Ghraib [prison] and they refused.

"So we tell you that the dignity of the Muslim men and women in Abu Ghraib and others is not redeemed except by blood and souls. You will not receive anything from us but coffins after coffins ... slaughtered in this way."

Reuters reports the statement also included: "Nation of Islam, is there any excuse left to sit idly by? And how can free Muslims sleep soundly as they see Islam being slaughtered, honor bleeding, photographs of shame and reports of Satanic degradation of the people of Islam, men and women, in Abu Ghraib prison?"

The video ? shown on the Muntada al-Ansar Islamist website, which known as a clearinghouse for Muslim extremists ? had the title "Abu Musab al-Zarqawi shown slaughtering an American." It was unclear whether al-Zarqawi, a lieutenant of Osama bin Laden, was shown in the video, or was claiming responsibility for ordering the execution, the news service reported.

I'm surprised some in here didn't warn us about 9/11... before it happened. Doesn't matter as that would have been our fault too. :mad:


Registered User
Forum Member
Jun 18, 2002
Chanman, everyone I talk to blames the perps. I have heard Right Wing Radio and TV blast the Left as if it is our fault. Funny thing is we wanted Saddam out while the Right was still propping him up.
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