Just wondering if any of the other Hitler youth want to chime in before I reply. Oh well, I think I've waited long enough. Lets take these posts in order of stupidity:
What UN resolutions? Why do you use the UN resolutions to support the points you want to make yet ignore the UN resolutions or lack thereof when that body does not do what you want it to do. LIKE INVADE IRAQ!!!! You moron.
You say we shouldn't trust the "criminals" of France, Germany and, well lookie here, the "UN" on the oil for food initiative. Go back a little further in history oh uneducated one, and you might find the good ole USA supporting Mr. Hussein and his rise to power.
By the way, those "criminals" in France, Germany and the UN may have been right about all dem dar weapons of mass destruction your hillbilly president and the most vice-president said were in Iraq.
Why the hell are we even talking about Iraq when the real bad guy is apparently laughing his ass off somewhere in the hills of Afghanistan. One other point one of you mentally challenged idiots made in a prior thread. I have no doubt in my mind that bin Laden would much rather have Bush as president than Kerry.
Who else could piss off 2 billion moslems like this most despicable human being. He is no different than bin Laden in my book and neither are his followers. Cheney is nothing but evil. Re-election, never. Jail, forever.
With all due respect to the good Doctor in Canada, I will continue, for the time being, to live in the USA. I haven't given up on this country yet despite the current criminal administration. Hopefully, despite the felons bankroll, good will prevail over evil and Kerry will be elected.
The current administration reminds me of one of the planet of the apes movies. The chimps and the araguatangs (?) lost power and the gorilla's ran the show. You chest pounding idiots are just that, a bunch of uneducated, irrational, emotional thugs. No wonder Bush doesn't like intellectuals.
In memory of those that have been killed to date and for those that will be killed in the future, I hope one day there families realize that there deaths were a waste as they were duped by a corrupt administration and were in reality murdered by there own government.
I can't believe it. For once, you did not have the most idiotic, illogical, moronic and otherwise stupid post on a thread. However, you did win runner-up. Your envy is showing, you big lug. By the way, how is the missus. Give her my best (as I always do).
Your next in line. I've have never, ever laid blame on any one president for Viet Nam. The issue of who got us in there is up to some debate. You probably could go back to Truman. Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. All had a role.
Viet Nam like Iraq ain't about the spread of communism or the liberation of a people. It's about oil, pure and simple. By the way, I ain't a big democractic party backer. It's just anyone who can defeat the felon.
Personally, I like McCain. Probably the most honest of a bunch of scum in DC. I disagree with a lot of his stuff but on crucial issues like campaign finance reform, I totally agree that buying of elections is the most critical issue facing this country.
Aubie, I'd be first in line to fight for this country and the ideals for which it stands. I'll be the last in line to fight for criminals in charge and/or corporate america. This war aint' about Hussein. Its about Exxon and McDonalds on 5th and Koran in Mosul.
You can go fight for that crap if you want too. When the Iraqi army lands on the south bank of the Ohio River, I'll pick up my arms and kick some Moslem ass. Until then, you can hop a plane to Baghdad, hum America the Beautiful all you want.
I did not do a Cobain and go to Viet Nam. I sat in the middle of Clifton Avenue chanting "Dick Nixon before he dicks you". I wouldn't go then nor would I allow my son to go now. You are a fool. Patriotic and popular, but none the less, a fool. When Bush's kinfolk elect to bypass the national guard, then maybe, I'll reconsider.
What a bunch of shortsighted, dim, minions. I feel sorry for you.